The Other Side of The Story
Sat | Sun 7 pm ET
Journalists used to consider it their solemn obligation to report on the issues they covered from a variety of perspectives. This is no longer the case. More than a decade ago, reporters abandoned the responsibility to be open to alternative viewpoints as the media organizations they worked for became wholly-owned subsidiaries of liberal, so-called progressive corporations. Then, as we got more and more of our ‘news’ via the Internet from Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media, Orwellian censorship became the norm.
Tom Harris and Todd Royal break through this iron curtain of political correctness, giving listeners THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY on issues in science, technology, politics, health, and even entertainment. Whether you agree with their perspectives or not, THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY is your must-listen antidote to the propaganda of the Fourth Estate.
Tom Harris is Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition and a policy advisor to The Heartland Institute. He has 42 years of experience as a mechanical/aerospace engineer, science and technology communications professional, and S&T advisor to a former Opposition Senior Environment Critic in Canada’s Parliament.
Todd Royal is a McKinney, Texas-based energy policy expert and author. A graduate of Pepperdine University’s School of Public Policy, Todd’s expertise has informed the United States Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Congress, and the States of Kentucky, California, and Texas. His subject matter expertise covers hydraulic fracking, green hydrogen, battery storage technologies and nuclear reactors. A member of The Screen Actors Guild, Todd is also a trained actor with experience on stage, on television, in film and as a voice actor.
America Out Loud Network © – Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris breakthrough this iron curtain of political correctness, giving listeners THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY on issues in science, technology, politics, health, and even entertainment.
The Other Side of the Story with Tom Harris – Scientists study the early universe by gazing back in time to the most distant stars in far-away galaxies. There are, however, some unresolved issues, such as stars and galaxies that appear to be much older than the accepted age of the universe at 13.7 billion years old. This is called the “Impossible Early Galaxy Problem.” Today, guest host Mary-Jean Harris interviews Dr. Gupta, and he…
The Other Side of the Story with Tom Harris – Environmentalists tell us that America is about to be hit with unparalleled climate and weather disasters due to its use of hydrocarbon fuels—coal, oil, and natural gas. The solution, they say, is a mass conversion to solar and wind power, backed up by batteries, pumped storage, or stored hydrogen to provide power when the wind is not blowing or the sun is not shining. The goal is to get…
The Other Side of the Story with Tom Harris – No wonder most mainstream media steer clear of interviewing geologists concerning current climate change concerns. As demonstrated in today’s episode with guest Dr. Ian Plimer, Emeritus Professor of Geology from the University of Melbourne, Australia, today’s changes are trivial compared to natural climate change that has occurred repeatedly over the past 4.5 billion years. Consider…
The Other Side of the Story with Tom Harris – Politicians and their supporters in mainstream media and activist groups tell us we must keep the so-called “global average temperature” from rising 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. This target makes no sense for many reasons, one of which is that we really don’t know what pre-industrial temperatures actually were. In fact, we cannot know since there were so few…
The Other Side of the Story with Tom Harris – The threat of global warming has morphed into a catastrophe of impending climate change, leaching into many areas of our society: education, government, transportation, energy, and civil liberties, just to name a few. Anyone who speaks out against the narrative of dangerous human-caused climate change is shunned, threatened, and scientists, in particular, are at risk of…
The Other Side of the Story with Tom Harris – Imagine if politicians, media, and activists started to condemn sunlight and water, key ingredients in plant photosynthesis, without which there would be no life on Earth. “We must reduce sunlight and water pollution,” they would proclaim. They would be laughed out of the public square, of course. Yet, this is precisely what is happening regarding the other essential ingredient required to…
The Other Side of the Story with Tom Harris – As nuclear power is much more energy dense than fossil fuels, we can increase the world’s energy usage significantly without using more fossil fuels, which will, in turn, help prevent environmental destruction. The idea of finite resources is one of the greatest threats to humanity, setting people against one another…
The Other Side of the Story with Tom Harris – Media sensationalism about record-breaking temperatures has recently exploded with claims that July 4th was the hottest on record, and, of course, this was supposedly caused by human-induced climate change. What we are experiencing now is not unusual. Indeed, we are living in a very cold time in Earth’s history…
The Other Side of the Story with Tom Harris – We can see the influence of feminism in many aspects of our lives, and unfortunately, it often isn’t for the betterment of our society. It’s important to look at the facts and statistics about the privileges of men and women before jumping to conclusions. Janice Fiamengo, an expert in feminist history joins us…
The Other Side of the Story with Tom Harris – Politicians across the Western world should take note of the self-induced crisis that is unfolding in Canada’s national capital. The City of Ottawa is a textbook case of what happens when governments bow to aggressive, uninformed climate activists. This predicament is being brought on by an obsession with “stopping climate change,” prioritizing it over real-world environmental…
The Other Side of the Story with Tom Harris – I asked the free AI that pops up when you use the Bing search engine, “Are polar bears under threat from climate change?” The Bing AI responded: “Yes, polar bears are under threat from climate change. The Arctic sea ice is melting at an alarming rate due to global warming, which is causing the polar bear’s habitat to shrink. Polar bears rely on sea ice for hunting and breeding, and as…
The Other Side of the Story with Tom Harris – Is there any relationship between climate change and forest fires? Did you know that a global network of over 1500 scientists and professionals has told the United Nations and the world that there is NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY while denouncing the official UN climate narrative? How are Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (ENGOs) in Canada and the…
The Other Side of the Story with Tom Harris – In his June 19, 2018, letter to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, President Donald Trump wrote that there is “growing frustration” in the U.S. with North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies like Canada that failed to increase defense spending as promised. Trump wrote to Trudeau: “As one of our most capable allies and a leader in worldwide security, Canada’s…
The Other Side of the Story with Tom Harris – Politicians who value social and environmental justice have been bamboozled into promoting the planet’s most costly, inefficient, and environmentally destructive energy sources. They and the public are being taken to the cleaners by a well-funded cabal of big industry, big banks, NGOs, and mainstream media who couldn’t care less about the plight of…