The Prism of America’s Education
Sat | Sun 5 pm ET
Educator Karen Schoen puts the focus on the destruction of America through education. Everything is connected; nothing is random; everything has a plan, and all plans are based on lies. Karen’s objective is to alert and inform Americans about what is in their school and what their children are learning, i.e., Climate, UN, Sustainability, Sex, Porn, Activism, Hatred of their family, religion, and America. Not learning: reading, writing, math, civics. The goal is to replace the current curricula with a traditional American education.
You can be a champion or a victim; you can’t be both. Ask yourself: Is America worth saving? If yes, then what will you do to help save the republic?
Special Holiday Feature

America Out Loud Network © – Educator Karen Schoen puts a focus on the destruction of America through education. Everything is connected; nothing is random; everything has a plan and all plans are based on lies.
Outcome-based education breeds mediocre results. We are seeing the results of this incompetence displayed throughout the Biden administration. However, the agenda will be followed at all costs. However, just like most bullies, their arrogance will be their downfall if we unite and stay strong. Trevor Loudon joins me t o expose the corruption…
Biden is responsible for importing international criminals and suspected terrorists into the US. We would demand sheriffs who allow prisoners to walk out of jail, free to harm others, be charged… why not the president? Biden is aiding and abetting. Before America is pushed off the proverbial cliff by the lunacy of Build Back Better, I propose that an all-inclusive…
Do you think China is worried about Diversity, Inclusion, Equity (DIE) in their military? What about Russia or Iran? How about a DHS head who thinks that letting criminal illegals carry drugs into the USA is so cool. DA’s that won’t prosecute harden criminal. Mayors blaming crime on defunded police departments. Stupidity brings more stupidity. It’s the impact of a woke society!
When children only are trained to be mediocre and only learn social-emotional skills in school, they have nothing to strive for. Humans have a natural addiction to something that interests them. When you take away academics, instead of building a company, playing music, etc., porn, drugs, liquor becomes the norm. Since communists are atheists with no morality and exist to…
They are scaring the people into believing that humans could control the weather by not using plastic straws or light bulbs. New climate policies were designed not to control climate but to control human behavior and shift money from independent corporations to those dependent on government stipends. Although this sinister plan was labeled UN Agenda 21, it has had multiple names…
The only way the communist democrats can win is to lie. And so they do. Everything is connected. Nothing is random. There are no coincidences. Everything has a plan. All plans are lies. From now on, every time a communist democrat talks, think for yourself. They are lying and believe the opposite of whatever they say…
The good news is that Covid forced Americans to change habits. As a result, they are now interested in details that would otherwise be ignored. Americans are now interested in the border, China, education, and politics. Americans are waking up. The silent majority is finding its voice…
As a math teacher asking, “how do you feel about 2+2=4?” did not compute. How does that help you balance a checkbook? So I never asked those questions. We also were to focus on the group, not the individual. Individual excellence was not as important as the achievement and success of the group. The dumbing down of everyone had begun…
No wonder why the lefties make such bad decisions because whether it works or not is irrelevant, only that it feels good. Sadly we pick our candidates from the⏤do they look good and feel good mode. Rather than the what have they done to help us lately mode. We must stop doing that. We must vet our candidates and get to…
First, they want you to kill your baby. If that doesn’t work, they want to own it by taking over its thought process. Your child needs work training. They say. NO, your child needs the education to be able to make the best life choices. They want to own and train your child, so one day if the situation is right and the right trigger words are used, your child could…
Who is stupid enough to pass a bill without reading it? The Democrats, because they have one goal, destroy America, so let’s give $123 billion for a slush fund for illegals to get an attorney to fight deportation. Do you have a slush fund? Who cares if Americans suffer from massive inflation, high gas prices? Certainly not Democrats or RINOs…
Rick Scott is bad enough, so let’s turn to the other RINO, Marco Rubio. Rubio was a Tea Party candidate who ignored the TP once in office. Rubio supported gun control through Red Flag Laws, supported amnesty with the Gang of 8, and betrayed President Trump when he voted to accept Biden’s fraudulent election results…
When governments regulate businesses out of business in order to harm Americans, is that illegal or just plain cruel? “Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.” – Professor Maurice King.
The vaccine passport is the same as the Yellow Star pinned on every Jew by Hitler. Are the unvaccinated to become the new Jew blamed for all ills? There will be deaths. instead of blaming the vaccine, the unvaxed will be the scapegoat. Absolutely. Just read the OSHA report. The pandemic was created by Dr. Fauci and funded by American tax dollars…