The Prism of America’s Education
Sat | Sun 5 pm ET
Educator Karen Schoen puts the focus on the destruction of America through education. Everything is connected; nothing is random; everything has a plan, and all plans are based on lies. Karen’s objective is to alert and inform Americans about what is in their school and what their children are learning, i.e., Climate, UN, Sustainability, Sex, Porn, Activism, Hatred of their family, religion, and America. Not learning: reading, writing, math, civics. The goal is to replace the current curricula with a traditional American education.
You can be a champion or a victim; you can’t be both. Ask yourself: Is America worth saving? If yes, then what will you do to help save the republic?
Special Holiday Feature

America Out Loud Network © – Educator Karen Schoen puts a focus on the destruction of America through education. Everything is connected; nothing is random; everything has a plan and all plans are based on lies.
Fraud forever is the motto. Unfortunately for them, that didn’t work as Americans are now onto their tactics. Americans have stopped buying their junk. Go woke and go broke has become more the norm. Fear only works if you allow the words to scare you. Remember, “The only thing to fear is fear itself.” – FDR. I was canceled, but that makes me stronger. So bring it on. I will not comply, will you?
Biden and his administration are carrying on Obama’s dream to transform America into a Communist state. They have partnered with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They have begun changing the face of America from freedom to slavery from red to blue by allowing millions of “children” to enter America illegally. America is now in the sex, drugs, and trafficking business. Why? Money, Power, Control. “It does not take a majority to prevail. What it takes is an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” – Samuel Adams. Clare Lopez: What is going on at the border? Why is it happening? Why do Americans want to destroy America? Pastor Rick Stevens,, Join the Florida Citizens Alliance. Who is responsible for your child? The importance of Parental Rights. Take responsibility and act or lose your rights. Is America worth saving? If not you, who? If not now, when? Image: AP
Remember when… the Constitution actually protected our freedoms? SCOTUS eliminated unconstitutional laws. Families were strong. Children learned the truth in school. There were only two genders, girls were girls and boys were boys. You were allowed to have an opposing opinion. Immigrants helped build America, not tear it down. The American dream of equal opportunity was alive and well.
Vladimir Lenin said this, our universities followed his advice, and now brainwashed young Marxists are everywhere. But have any conservative leaders promised to stop funding this scam with our taxes? “To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes, the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.” – Thomas Jefferson.
Whether it’s the study of mathematics or science, one thing remains constant, and that is that all inventors, historians, mathematicians, philosophers, astronomers, or scientists attributed their findings to God. When you eliminate God, “WAP” becomes your theme song and society sinks to its greatest low. Join me and my guests as we talk about the importance of faith and God…
Americans are being lied to regarding the national security threat of the breach at our southern border and the caravans flowing into our country. Immigration helps the Communists as the American system becomes drained of its resources⏤always for the common good they say. This lie is perpetuated by using false narratives that oppressed people must be allowed into America for our own good. After all, we are told, America is a nation of immigrants. The goal of communism is to eliminate the middle class. The middle class are workers, they own homes, businesses, and their personal beliefs. The middle class are thinkers and often have opinions contrary to the government. They create opposition and competition to the globalists /communists /democrats. “Our immigration system is not broken. It is a delivery system designed to do exactly as it is doing, deliver low-income wage earners to the globalists/communists.” – Michael Cutler. Low-skilled foreign workers are here for one reason⏤jobs. They suppress the wages of American entry-level workers. Instead of supporting the American economy, many of them send their wages to their home country. As Americans are on lockdown in many states, the borders are open under the Biden administration. The borders right now are being taxed beyond […]
Hate is an emotion that must be learned. No one is born with the desire to hate, yet here we are hating each other and allowing 535 people in Congress, 4500 people in the CFR, the IMF, the UN, the media, and Hollywood to determine that we should hate each other while giving them the power to control over 300 million people. ‘You have to be taught to hate before you are 6, 7, or 8.’ That was a line from a song in the musical South Pacific. How true. No child ever came out of the womb and said, ‘I hate Blacks, Jews, Christians, Asians, or Conservatives.’ Hatred is an emotion that must be learned, drummed into your head so everything you do is immersed in the prism of hate. Let’s understand first that this new political game is all about power, not the environment, children, animals, health or humanity, etc. It is all about power. They want it. You are in the way because the only way to get power from you is if you give it to them. 10,000 people have decided they are richer, smarter, and more powerful than the rest of us and therefore, must make all of the decisions […]
Give Communists an inch, and they will take everything you own. On the current trajectory, personal ownership has become a thing of the past, explains Klaus Schwab of World Economic Forum, “You will own nothing by 2030, and you will be happy about it.” Ever since I can remember, the proudest moment was when I bought my first car, my first house. Wow, I did it, my dream, the American dream works. I worked my butt off, I was a teacher, and I had a second job. The pride I had knowing I had accomplished my goals was the best feeling ever. That feeling for future Americans is at great risk at this very moment! The Great Reset, the new program name for the same old Agenda 21, guarantees your road to serfdom. You will become a ward of the state. Remember Agenda 21? The government’s plan to own and control every aspect of human consumption and distribution, aka communism. Americans in this generation are the last generation to own anything. Money will be useless as inflation skyrockets. Stimulus money will go to the “world” after all… to do anything else would be considered racist by their playbook. By lying and calling everything […]
Throughout the past months, we have been talking about problems and not the solutions. America under Komrad Biden is in for a world of hurt. Communists don’t care about anything but themselves. As we lost Rush, we must never forget what he advocated, ACTION, not sitting around. We learned that there are more of us than them. We will not retain freedom and liberty if we sit with our mouths closed. Now is the time to act. We may have lost a battle, but we did not lose the war. The longer the communists force their America-hating policies, like wide-open borders, Critical Race Theory, and the Green New Deal on Americans watch our country slip into third-world status, we must answer our call and act accordingly. Join me today with my guests as we discuss real actions that we can do to expose the truth—time to forget ego and come together as Americans. Numbers speak volumes. Thank you, Rush, for showing us the way forward. Is America worth saving? If not you, who? If not now, when? Join Caroline Wetherington and Raj Dorasamy, Pastor Rick Stevens:, Students can’t read, write, or do simple math, but they can have sex and change genders. Where do we go from […]
One of the most important things to learn (according to Sun Tzu) when waging war is to name your enemy. So for that reason, clever communists gave themselves many nice-sounding names. They will use any word to deflect away from the communist label. And so we good little soldiers do the same. Let’s look at the 45 Communist Goals: 12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party. They are now a legit party with members elected to office. 13. Do away with all loyalty oaths. Jerry Nadler feels it is unnecessary to open the committee with the pledge. 14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office. Substitute Russia for Communist China. 15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. Democrats and RINOS fill that bill. According to Lenin, “The goal of socialism is communism.” Actually, the goal of all isms is communism. Under communism, the government owns all means of production and distribution of goods and services. Will you call a Commie a Komrad: Komrad Biden, Komrad Pelosi, Komrad McConnell? Is America worth saving? If not you, who? If not now, when? Join: Frank De Varona, Author, speaker, a survivor of Cuba’s communism, Books sold on […]
“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.” – Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations. Control the energy; you control the country. Control the food; you control the people. This group of communists helped to create Agenda 21, aka Green New Deal. Their goal: Depopulate the planet. Why? “Less people, Less problems,” – Josef Stalin. Death by any means possible because as Gov Cuomo said, so what these people die anyway 1. Creating artificial food shortages by regulating farmers out of existence 2. Forcing CCP sick people into nursing homes killing 12% of the elderly population in nursing homes Join Alex Newman, Worldwide Journalist, Educator: New American, Epoch Times, WND, and Pastor Rick Stevens: Florida Citizens Alliance. Image: AP
With the stroke of a pen Komrad Biden eliminated: about 50,000 direct jobs tens of thousands of side jobs for goods and services gas prices up inflation up as goods and services escalate due to rising manufacturing and trucking services higher energy costs thousands of products will rise in price prepare – this is Obama’s third term brought to you by Susan Rice ban on funding worldwide abortion paid by the American people with HR-1, free speech is about to be criminalized — the ultimate leftist dream. The instituting of diversity programs in all aspects of government guarantees that the government programs will not be filled by the best and brightest. Government employment will now be based on the color of your skin, and who you know not what you know. “Diversity training” programs are based on identity politics and often use a person’s race to degrade or ostracize him or her. These training programs are a mask for the real issue like opening the borders, pitting one American against another. Nonetheless, Biden’s “cabinet nominees, whether in health, finance, environmental policy, or education, have declared that eradicating systemic racism is their top priority. Someone, please ask for examples. Translation: Squashing all opposition is their top priority. […]
Have you seen the caravan of new democrats on their way to Amerika? They said they are coming because Biden invited them. Remember as you go into lockdown and must wear masks that this caravan has NOT been tested. Remember that once they are legal, they can bring their families, so 12,000 is really 48,000. 48,000 you will be responsible for feeding, clothing, school, and provide welfare. Buyers remorse anyone. So when your friends and family are upset by higher prices, just say blame, Biden. Illegal immigration, open borders, no more fencing, and welfare will be touted by Biden as a success, but that is a lie. I was so glad to see Steven Miller call out Jen Psaki for lying about how walls don’t work. That is what we must do. We must vote with our wallets. Support those that support us. Call your legislators. Tell them these people are communists. Is America worth saving? If not you, who? If not now, when? Michael Cutler: author, educator, immigration expert, the website is The radio show is on Blog Talk Radio airs on Friday nights at 7:00 PM Eastern Time: The Michael Cutler Hour. Pastor Rick Stevens:
“Anyone now seeking national redemption by claiming to no longer support Trump must acknowledge how wrong it was to ignore and enable his corrupt, dishonest, & divisive agenda. Total denunciation of a despot’s legacy is necessary to eradicate any remaining malignancy.” — John Brennan, Obama’s corrupt communist CIA director. Are you ready for America’s new normal? Communists are trained to hate. Now out in the open, we can see democrat/ communist/ globalists aka Leftist elites hate God, hate Christians, Jews, Christianity, and Judaism. They hate America’s exceptionalism, individualism, our patriotism, and they hate the mention of the treasured values which made America great. They want us to be a collectivist country governed by socialism rather than individual liberty. Do you know the signs? What to look for? How to fight? What is the major difference between communism and individualism? The way individual human rights are treated in both systems: America is founded upon honoring the individual’s natural rights, while Communism disregards and sacrifices these rights in service of an abstract and dubious social good. Chris Wright: author, educator, historian. Website: Liberato.US and (anti-communism site) Nora Clinton: author and survivor of communism. Quarantine Reflections—offers a perspective, especially to children and young people, which will help […]