The Prism of America’s Education
Sat | Sun 5 pm ET
Educator Karen Schoen puts the focus on the destruction of America through education. Everything is connected; nothing is random; everything has a plan, and all plans are based on lies. Karen’s objective is to alert and inform Americans about what is in their school and what their children are learning, i.e., Climate, UN, Sustainability, Sex, Porn, Activism, Hatred of their family, religion, and America. Not learning: reading, writing, math, civics. The goal is to replace the current curricula with a traditional American education.
You can be a champion or a victim; you can’t be both. Ask yourself: Is America worth saving? If yes, then what will you do to help save the republic?
Special Holiday Feature

America Out Loud Network © – Educator Karen Schoen puts a focus on the destruction of America through education. Everything is connected; nothing is random; everything has a plan and all plans are based on lies.
Will You Stand? What do we do when we don’t know what to do? What do we do when powerful forces threaten to overwhelm us? What do we do when there seems to be no way out? What do we do when it feels like there is nothing we can do? It’s time to stand.
US Senate Chaplin Peter Marshall (1941) commented on the socialist tactic of “deconstruction” (20 Centuries of Great Preaching Vol. 12 Waco: Word, 1971 p. 11-19): “Then there dawned the day when … with our higher education came a debunking contest. This debunking became a sort of national sport … It was smarter to revile than to revere … more fashionable to depreciate than to appreciate. In our classrooms …. no longer did we laud great men – those who had struggled and achieved. Instead, we merely … ferreted out their faults. We decided that it was silly to say God sent them for a special task … They were merely … ‘products of their environments’ … Our debunking is … a sign of decaying foundations of character to the individual and in the national life.” The following 25th goal of Communism read into the Congressional Record of 1963: Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. NPR, subsidized by taxpayers, is no different. NPR determined that the best song of 2020 is Cardi B’s “WAP” (“Wet-ass Pussy”), which came in No. 1 on its 100 Best Songs of 2020 list. The decaying foundations of character […]
Once the ChiComs take over America with China Joe, America’s DARK DAYS are ahead of us. Gone will be the best and the brightest, innovation, and creation. As soon as the use of the CCP virus for the intentional destruction of the middle class has been completed, the set up for the take over will be complete. There can not be a middle class under communism, no competition allowed. Censorship will rule the day. Keep your thoughts to yourself or the thought police will get you. You will be terminated by reeducation or total termination. Bye, America, land of the free and home of the brave. Today America is filled with cowards who will fight for a government stipend, not free enterprise. That can’t be you? I prefer the Trump message, America’s best days are ahead. A message of hope but and there is always a but, We The People Must act. Trump is America’s President and we will not comply with anything else. Call your legislators. Tell them to refuse the fraud election or they will never see a GOP majority again because all elections will be fraudulent. Let’s end this year on a positive note. Frank DeVarona, author, Cuban, educator, and expert on communism, as […]
Every breath you take, every move you make, every bond you break, every step you take, I’ll be watching you. Is that the America you want to live in? Under constant surveillance? That is the China of today. Now they are designing a program to give social credits to businesses. Nothing we see in the way of crimes, treason, and lies are new. Same playbook. Let us not be the ones who say, “Why didn’t I do something when I had the chance? Stop trying to put your morals and values on the globalists/communists. They have no morality. They hate you because you are competition, basically, you think. Thinking is unacceptable. You don’t need them to survive. They need you to feed them. Cybersecurity is the latest and most damaging to the masses in the immediate moment. What if the Chinese shut down our electric grid? What would you do? My guest, Robert Brzenchek, is the author of Transnational Organized Crime and Gangs Prevention, Intervention, and Suppression of Cybersecurity. And Pastor Rick Stevens on the SCOTUS latest rulings in support of religious freedom, and the communist war on Christmas. Is America worth saving? If not you, who? If not now, when? Will you act? Sign the petition. Send emails or […]
Once again Americans are being lied to. Immigration helps the Communists as the American system is drained of its resources “for the common good.” Wrong it is for their good. As Americans are on lockdown in many states, the borders will be open under a Biden administration. The borders right now are being taxed beyond belief. As our agents struggle with the CCP virus, they now have another challenge. As soon as the criminals thought Biden would win (he won’t) illegals and caravans are headed our way. The censorship of this story on social media is another reason to cancel 230. Call you legislators. Tell them to repeal 230, the law that allows for no oversight on social media. Censorship of news is a national emergency issue. Join me and my guests as we talk about the Biden crime family, our borders, and as usual the war on Christmas. Michael Cutler: Mike’s radio show on Blog Talk Radio airs on Friday nights at 7:00 pm ET. Pastor Rick Stevens: “Our immigration system is not broken. It is a delivery system designed to do exactly as it is doing, deliver low-income wage earners to the globalists/communists,” explains Michael Cutler. Is America worth saving? […]
This election is filled with fraud. Now we know Biden’s game plan. He’s promised to undo many of Trump’s America First programs like the tax cuts; boost workers’ rights to unionize; ban natural gas leasing on federal lands; pass new anti-discrimination protections; rescind Trump’s travel bans; and much more. The problem is Americans didn’t vote for this change. The Deep State did. Using censorship and propaganda the Deep State was able to keep the American people blocked from the real news. How deep is the Deep State? Join me and my guests: Susan Price – Gold star mother, researcher, and contributor for America Out Loud. Pastor Rick Stevens: Is America worth saving? If not you, who? if not now, when?
There is nothing free in communism⏤especially free thought. Communists are only interested in money, power, and control. If you don’t like censorship, STOP USING THEIR STUFF. Stop feeding the beast that wants to eat you, to destroy you and your family. If you want to beat a communist, stop trying to think logically. There is no logic or reason for any of their failed plans. They hate us because we won’t let them rule us. We won’t shut up and go away. Thank you, President Trump, and all the hard-working Americans that won’t give up and let America be lost forever. “Journalists cannot serve two masters. To the extent that they take on the task of suppressing information or biting their tongue for the sake of some political agenda, they are betraying the trust of the public and corrupting their own profession.” ~ Thomas Sowell Join me and my guests: Derek Boyd Hankerson, Executive Producer and Director of Pastor Rick Stevens of Is America worth saving? If not you, who? if not now, when?
Communism never died. It just went into stealth mode and slid underground. Then like hot lava, it began its spread devouring and destroying everything in its path. Isn’t it amazing that the people demanding “Choice” for a woman to kill her unborn baby are the same people who won’t give “Choice” to adults to manage their CCPvirus procedure? “I dare hope that all the peoples who have lived through communism will understand that communism is to blame for the bitter pages of their history.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Is America worth saving? If not you, who? if not now, when? Armando Escalante: , Pastor Rick Stevens:
Education is the key to a republic. Americans have been robbed of their education and vote. Students will learn hate, learn what to think, victimhood, Nihilism with BLM⏤but they can not read write and do simple math. “Democracy is the only system that persists in asking the powers that be whether they are the powers that ought to be.” – Sydney J. Harris “A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.” – James Freeman Clarke Chris Wright is an independent liberty activist who travels in Tea Party and libertarian circles. Anticommunism is one of his main areas of focus. He started the Anticommunism Action Team (ACAT)., Dr. Anton Salinski is a retired professor of psychology who spent three years in his youth as a member of the communist movement. He has worked in the college setting since 1977 and has taught sociology, anthropology, and American history. He is a member of the Anticommunism Action Team (ACAT). Pastor Rick Stevens: Action Items: Listen to the podcast: Education or Indoctrination Donate to Trump legal fund: Donate for the GA Senate election: Kelly Loeffler, and David Perdue. Send this to everyone you know that is pissed about this dishonest election! * […]
“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” Joseph Stalin. Join Alex Newman, Domine Clemons, Pastor Rick Stevens, and John Michael Chambers on The Prism of America’s Education. As we try to make sense of the election corruption. Is America worth saving? If not you, who? If not now, when?
“There is no god and there is no soul. Hence, there is no need for the props of traditional religion. With dogma and creed excluded, then immutable truth is dead and buried. There is no room for fixed and natural law or permanent moral absolutes. “ John Dewey “The future of this republic is in the hands of the American Voter” Dwight D. Eisenhower – 34th President of the United States Plato says: Get involved in politics, or you will be governed by your inferiors. From Plato’s Republic to our American Republic – Nothing Changes unless we Vote to change it. Join guest Alex Newman: Author, journalist, researcher, as we discuss the real role of education in America. Education today is designed to handicap, indoctrinate, and destroy our children through propaganda and immorality. What’s in your school? Is America worth saving? If not you, who? If not now, when?
The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) was formed in 1978. It was inspired by the success of a campaign based in Boston’s gay community to defend against a local witchhunt. NAMBLA’s goal is to end the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships by: · building understanding and support for such relationships; · educating the general public on the benevolent nature of man/boy love; · cooperating with lesbian, gay, feminist, and other liberation movements; · supporting the liberation of persons of all ages from sexual prejudice and oppression. Our membership is open to everyone sympathetic to man/boy love and personal freedom. NAMBLA is a political, civil rights, and educational organization. We provide factual information and help educate society about the positive and beneficial nature of man/boy love. 45 Goals of Communism: 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.” Join Ricki deSantis, Sally Baptist, Sandra Lee, and Domine Clemons, and Host Karen Schoen as we discuss the debate, sex, and trafficking in school.
Do you believe that children are our future? Trafficking – using physical or psychological means to hold another person in servitude against his or her will – aka slavery. Have you listened to everyone on the left screaming about slaves? They even want reparations (illegal according to the constitution). They focus on the result of the problem, not the cause of the problem. What are the causes: trafficking, porn in school, child abuse. Millions of people are enslaved today and yet rarely are those causes discussed. Join Steve Gronka – Seaquest Kids, Valarie Dirkesn– and Domine Clemons – Florida Citizens Alliance, as we discuss one of the biggest most underreported crimes in the world: Trafficking and Porn. Is America worth saving? If not you, who? If not now, when?
The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself. – Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations Do you get it? We, Americans are the enemy. This is the Green New Deal. “Politics: the art of using euphemisms, lies, emotionalism and fear-mongering to dupe average people into accepting–or even demanding–their own enslavement.” Larken Rose Join Clare Lopez,, Pastor Rick Stevens, and I as we discuss the motives behind the Green New Deal and the Goals of Communism.