The Prism of America’s Education
Sat | Sun 5 pm ET
Educator Karen Schoen puts the focus on the destruction of America through education. Everything is connected; nothing is random; everything has a plan, and all plans are based on lies. Karen’s objective is to alert and inform Americans about what is in their school and what their children are learning, i.e., Climate, UN, Sustainability, Sex, Porn, Activism, Hatred of their family, religion, and America. Not learning: reading, writing, math, civics. The goal is to replace the current curricula with a traditional American education.
You can be a champion or a victim; you can’t be both. Ask yourself: Is America worth saving? If yes, then what will you do to help save the republic?
Special Holiday Feature

America Out Loud Network © – Educator Karen Schoen puts a focus on the destruction of America through education. Everything is connected; nothing is random; everything has a plan and all plans are based on lies.
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Diving into the dark world of globalists’ plans and their insidious Agenda 21, I unveil the sinister strategies aimed at controlling every aspect of human life. Discover how education, environment, and economy are manipulated to destroy freedom, privacy, and the middle class. Join me to expose the truth and fight back against this orchestrated deception. Unmask their lies…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – America faces a covert takeover by varied ideologies, manipulating education and politics. I reveal the exploitation of narratives and the sinister role of skewed climate discourse. Witness the unveiling of these manipulative tactics, as we delve deep into the silent war of words and ideas that seeks to redefine our nation and the world. Unmask the lies, regain power, and…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – On June 23, 2023, a video emerges on Twitter from the NYC Drag March with a controversial chant. Nicole Schwab speaks on the youth’s mindset shift, questioning our human identity. As globalists and politicians push their agendas, I delve into the 2024 Legislative Agenda for Florida’s education system, highlighting significant bills and the future of our children’s…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – In a time where politics, economy, and social policies intersect to shape the fate of America, we’re on a path of slow, deliberate decline. From corrupt elections to the erosion of the middle class, the issues are numerous and urgent. Are endless wars, inflated debts, and immigration crises mere symptoms or triggers of a larger downfall? As our rights wane and our future dims…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – The best message we get from the Globalist/DNC/RINO/Marxists after every disaster is, “I am just following orders.” These Affirmative action graduates are incapable of making decisions, so the only thing they can do is follow orders. Who is making those orders they must follow? What are those orders? The orders come from the criminals housed in the United Nations…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Who supplies the Labor? The American middle-class worker. Why is the government planning and scheming to eliminate the American worker? Because the Globalists want you to need them so they can control you. Once you need and count on the government to survive, you are their serf/slave forever. If you need them, you will not vote against them; they will be in…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Where did they learn this – in school, of course. In November 2004, Bill Gates and Microsoft signed an agreement with UNESCO (United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization) to provide software for the Worldwide Common Core. Insuring that the world’s people will always be stupid, ignorant, and clueless. They…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Over 50 countries, including America and Brazil, have lost their freedom due to fraudulent elections. A big thank you goes to one of America’s greatest patriots Mike Lindell. His plan gives us hope. “America Needs Elections, Not Selections,” and for the last several decades, all we have had is selections. I am tired of being lied to, and I am sure you are too. A country…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – One of my listeners sent me a website to visit and comment. Author David Sorenson created a pyramid of the Worldwide Criminal Power Structure. Once you understand who these criminals are and how they lie, it becomes easier to fight back with the truth. Thanks, David, for making it easier for me to explain. Let’s review the pyramid and see…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Imagine getting up in the morning only to find the government at your door, taking all you worked so hard to get. In order to understand the rules, regulations, and restrictions with the motivation of total control by the World Economic Forum (WEF aka Globalists) policy, it is a good idea to know where these people get their ideas. Make no mistake. They mean…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – If schools taught reading, writing, and math, we wouldn’t need Affirmative Action. It is much easier to yell race as an excuse for students not doing the required work. Affirmative Action is a quest for mediocrity. Just look at the administration. What problem they created did they solve? Much easier to blame race. I was thinking about all of the changes I have experienced in…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Florida used to be in the top 5 producers of various food products. Today as I travel through Florida, where I used to see corn, peanuts, tomatoes, and citrus, I now see solar and wind farms. So I ask you, Gov D, what do solar panels and wind blades taste like? Today when all we hear is there will be food shortages, I want to know, why are you cutting food production? We…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Joe Biden sold Americans into world slavery for 12¢ a head. How can I say that? Easy, emails and bank records show the Biden family got about $40 million from enemy countries like the CCP and Ukraine, etc., to change American policy favoring China or their country. Divide $40 million by $350 million Americans at that time, and you get 12¢. How does it feel to learn that…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Funny how no one ever asks, “Why can’t Johnny read?” They see the scores, say how awful and continue to give more money, and continue doing the same thing over and over. The why question, the follow-up question, is never asked. WHY? They can’t read because they are not being taught to read. They are being taught to be dumb. It’s working. I happened to…