The Prism of America’s Education
Sat | Sun 5 pm ET
Educator Karen Schoen puts the focus on the destruction of America through education. Everything is connected; nothing is random; everything has a plan, and all plans are based on lies. Karen’s objective is to alert and inform Americans about what is in their school and what their children are learning, i.e., Climate, UN, Sustainability, Sex, Porn, Activism, Hatred of their family, religion, and America. Not learning: reading, writing, math, civics. The goal is to replace the current curricula with a traditional American education.
You can be a champion or a victim; you can’t be both. Ask yourself: Is America worth saving? If yes, then what will you do to help save the republic?
Special Holiday Feature

America Out Loud Network © – Educator Karen Schoen puts a focus on the destruction of America through education. Everything is connected; nothing is random; everything has a plan and all plans are based on lies.
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – The Pride Parade in New York City was a disgraceful display of the fall of America. The nude men performers amplified the disregard for anything at all moral. Dancing naked in front of children said to me, I bet you are high. Transgender Americans are Americans and entitled to the same rights and anti-discrimination laws all Americans have. Why are these people…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Well, folks, this is it. 6/21/2023 was the day that Greta Thunberg told the world that unless we give up carbon and all of the things that bring us joy and pleasure and become miserable and afraid like her, humans will cease to exist. Human beings, according to Greta, had five years to correct our climate-denying sins and give up fossil fuels and cheap energy. But guess…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – A Sign is an object, action, or event which, when put together, creates a pattern. It is the ability to connect signs and create patterns that enable people to anticipate, prepare and become self-reliant, enabling people to make fewer mistakes. In business, we are taught the one who makes the least mistakes wins. The purpose of education is to show the…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Because the North Eastern USA is now engulfed in smoke due to Canadian wildfires and people are having a hard time breathing, it is the fault of humans not sacrificing on the alter of Climate Change. No one mentions that since the Environmentalists took over management of the forests in the 1970s and wrote new policies forbidding logging and…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Are you confused about why our government can not come up with clear policies? Why no one takes responsibility for their actions? Why is there a lack of COMMON SENSE? Lack of clarity? Why all the bills are designed to make the middle class poorer? Policies that fail to make sense but are expensive? Why are Americans…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Every time I talk about Agenda 21/2030/Great Reset, people roll their eyes and look at me like I have two heads. So let me take this opportunity to tell you how it works. The government is after your land, your private property, which is the bedrock of America. For those of you who think Florida is so free, read this and think again. Hiding in plain sight…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – There are so many topics this week that it is hard to choose. But this topic is most important. I am including an email I just received from this week’s guest, Cindy Lucas’ Martin 912. The topic is so important I wanted to share this with you. I hope you will share as well. The Martin 9/12 TeaParty Committee…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Today I have decided to do something a little bit different. Recently I was interviewed by a wonderful patriot, Dr. Elena George. Dr. George is an ear, nose, and throat doctor who is unafraid to speak the truth. Dr. George has her own radio show on Libertytalk.FM. I was interviewed, which is quite different than being…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Tyrant, King, Absolute Ruler, Dictator, Prime Minister, Globalist, I could go on and on, but they are all the same. They are beyond evil and will stop at nothing to keep power. NOTHING. They think of themselves as ELITE. One of their biggest achievements is getting the people to sacrifice and restrict themselves…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Resistance is futile. The globalists want you to believe in a perfect world where you own nothing and be happy. But the truth is, they only care about money, power, and control. Don’t let them win! Learn more about their lies and how to fight back. Their tools to destroy us are propaganda, censorship, and mind control. So far, they have been…
Whereby the Biden administration of incompetence requests something so absurd to see how far they can go to get us to comply. We must not fall into this trap. If the Globalists, Communists, Democrats, RINOs, and Fascists had their way, we would all be dead after they finished experimenting with us. Right now, I feel like we are playing chicken…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Being canceled on social media feels like getting punched by the bully in school. You know in your heart the Elite are wrong, there is no such thing as climate change, you need CO2 and fossil fuels to live, the economy does suck, the border is wide open for your…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – 1960-1970s policies in America have led to the current state of the country, which is a plan for complete control of every aspect of human activity by the communist UN under the new world order. They want to eliminate private property ownership. Read the communist goals and form a plan…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – America is now seeing the results of decades of indoctrination techniques, all under the guise of ‘social justice.’ They’ve destroyed the historical context of our nation’s founding, corrupted young minds along the way, and now their sights are on the radicalization of…