The Prism of America’s Education
Sat | Sun 5 pm ET
Educator Karen Schoen puts the focus on the destruction of America through education. Everything is connected; nothing is random; everything has a plan, and all plans are based on lies. Karen’s objective is to alert and inform Americans about what is in their school and what their children are learning, i.e., Climate, UN, Sustainability, Sex, Porn, Activism, Hatred of their family, religion, and America. Not learning: reading, writing, math, civics. The goal is to replace the current curricula with a traditional American education.
You can be a champion or a victim; you can’t be both. Ask yourself: Is America worth saving? If yes, then what will you do to help save the republic?
Special Holiday Feature
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Our expert economic advisors feel we should bring in more illegals and let them compete with Americans to drive down wages to curb inflation. They will digitalize our money and turn us into numbers, not humans. We can not let America become the America described by Ayn Rand. This election will decide…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – I could not figure out how they could get a free people to become slaves. Then the lightbulb went off. They didn’t have to do anything. All they had to do was offer enough money to power-hungry citizens, and those citizens will sell out their country. And they did just that…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Globalists have plans for us, and MAGA is in the way. For them to execute their goals, they must lie. Whatever globalists say, think the opposite. Globalists hate that we love America and the freedoms we still have. Who do you want to control your future? United Nations with overly communist globalist members? or yourself?
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – A New World Order (NWO), a new government controlled by the CCP, Marxists, Muslims, the rest of the communist dictators, and America/Israel haters housed at the United Nations (UN), will be the governing body. You will now be known as a Global Citizen. Your allegiance will be to the World…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – The leaders do, and they view MAGA as competition, so they dream up regulations and subpoenas to bulldoze and destroy competition. The good news, is they are scared. They know they are losing. DO NOT follow the slanted polls. Do not give Globalist Dems or RINOs your power…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Look around at what you have achieved, what you own. You can feel proud of what you have accomplished. One morning you wake up to a knock at your door. You dress. Those at your door are wearing blue hats and are from the military. The leader gives you a paper which you are in shock…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – ESG is just another form of affirmative action. Just take a look at our government, our administration, the bureaucrats, and all of the NGOs. They are filled with a group of people with no common sense, no regard for human life, and cannot solve a problem. They are great at manufacturing problems by lying…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Globalists are attempting to destroy all sectors of the worldwide economy. Everything bad happening is being done on purpose. Over the next few weeks, we will discuss different sectors of our economy and what we can do to prepare and expose their sinister, evil plans.
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Everything they do has been done before and failed. The Great Reset, had many names (Agenda 21/2030, Sustainable Development) before it became the Inflation Reduction Act, written and lobbied by Globalist Bill Gates, who thinks he should rule the world. He belongs in jail…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – These globalists believe the common man is the enemy. So it makes perfect sense that the IRS is armed when they come for your taxes, or DOES IT? Will you comply? All policies in the Green Broke Deal can be found in UN Agenda 21. This document is over 300 pages, 40 chapters of total control…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Who are these Globalists? Where did they get their ideas? Remember, these people are not Americans. They want the destruction of America and will make it happen. All policies in the Green Broke Deal can be found in UN Agenda 21. This document is over 300 pages, 40 chapters of total control over the means of…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Their biggest success in the destruction of America is illegal immigration. The American middle class is being replaced by foreign workers, and that will affect every American as supplies shrink. The Immigration Act is working exactly as it should, except it is being ignored by…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – Multi-national companies compete fiercely to promote their environmental credentials and ‘out-green’ each other. The threat of impending ecological disasters is uniting the world through a plethora of international treaties and conventions. But where did this phenomenon come from…
The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – I think that it’s time that we start fighting back by making the America-hating Globalists, Marxists, Democrats, and RINOs accountable. We have to start questioning and not accepting what they say. Stop thinking of them as American. They have one job. To destroy America by any means possible…