The Tom Renz Show
Weekdays 3 pm ET
The fight for freedom is perpetual. Our founding fathers knew this as embodied in the quote, “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” America failed to pay that price for many years, and as a result, we have lost much of what our nation was meant to be. But all is not lost.
We the people, have, as a truly inalienable right, bestowed upon us by God himself, the right of self-determination and, if we choose to stand together, we can restore our nation to its former glory. The question simply boils down to this, will you fight for your children’s freedom?
The Tom Renz Show delivers the news of the day, with editorial insight, hope, and guidance for the fight to restore our nation. Freedom was never going to be easy, but freedom has always been worth fighting for.
Tom Renz is a small-town lawyer that has created a platform base on an unquenchable thirst for justice. His background is as varied as his work. He has dabbled in the arts, spent years training martial arts, is a lawyer, writer, consultant, and businessman. Most importantly, he is a dad, husband, and follower of Christ.
Renz’s fight as an attorney working towards freedom, justice, and equality has taught him the critical truth that creating change in our nation requires more than just “lawyer-work”, it requires we the people taking part and pushing the legal and political systems. To that extent he has expanded from his legal work to develop a growing Substack, begin a podcast, and now to launch this radio show. The legal reform work must be supported by political reform and an active and informed people… that is the hope of this endeavor.

America Out Loud Network © – The Tom Renz Show delivers the news of the day, with editorial insight, hope, and guidance for the fight to restore our nation. Freedom was never going to be easy, but freedom has always been worth fighting for.
The Tom Renz Show – We’ve created a situation where when I see a guy walking around wearing a bra and a skirt, I’m not supposed to look at him funny. Are you kidding me? This isn’t progressive! This is not being kind and cool and moving the culture forward; this is regression. The idea that progressivism is a good thing is insane…
The Tom Renz Show – On today’s show, we have a special guest with us, Dr. John Witcher, who’s running for Governor in the great state of Mississippi. He’s become a great friend of mine, and with his election coming up, I wanted to bring him on the show so he could introduce himself to our audience and spread awareness of his campaign and his fight to save the state. John was one of the patriots that stood strong against the COVID…
The Tom Renz Show – I stand with Donald Trump. Jack Smith, Joe Biden, and the corrupt DOJ have put me in a position to stand with Donald Trump. The attack on Donald Trump by our corrupt Department of Justice is an attack on freedom and an attack on our republic like we’ve never seen before. I stand with Donald Trump, and I stand for his right to speak, act, and behave as he chooses. Donald Trump is being persecuted because…
The Tom Renz Show – They are attempting to shift the narrative, and we can’t forget what they did to us. Do you remember being locked down in your house and how it felt while they told you everyone was dying? This is a huge deal because they are trying to rewrite this and take it back to COVID, and while there may be two people stupid enough to believe…
The Tom Renz Show – This proxy war that we are fighting in Ukraine is being done to distract us from what’s going on domestically. Ukraine can’t win this war, and all they are doing is making everyone mad and running the risk of escalating this to nuclear retaliation. Isn’t the timing amazing? What would you say if I told you that we have proof that they knew the pandemic was coming?
The Tom Renz Show – It is another glorious day in the banana republic of the United States, and we are looking at the embodiment of a two-tiered justice system in Jack Smith. Jack Smith is the most corrupt attorney in America, which is really saying something because if you want to talk about corruption and attorney, there is no shortage. This is really something. We have Jack Smith and the Department of Justice (DOJ) pushing…
The Tom Renz Show – The AP published an article: “‘Mama bears’ may be the 2024 race’s soccer moms. But where the GOP seeks votes, some see extremism.” This hit piece talks about how these horrible moms who are against trans garbage in schools are fighting the grooming of their kids. They are attacking the warrior moms who are defending their families…
The Tom Renz Show – Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney love Joe Biden; they don’t want Donald Trump, and an impeachment might interfere with their ability to get rid of Trump. They will do anything they can to destroy Trump, and that’s what they are trying to do. Who cares what ED Leader McConnell does? The only time he takes his Viagra is when it’s for Ukraine or corrupt spending…
The Tom Renz Show – The Republicans are no better than the Democrats, and right now, I’m exceedingly fussy about what is going on with Trump. People like Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney, the two most crooked monsters in the Senate, are doing everything they can to ensure Trump is never elected again. Understand that these two evil monsters hate you…
The Tom Renz Show – They are working on tying computers in with human brains, which just sounds horrific to me; the last thing I want is a computer controlling my brain. I don’t care if it advances anything; I don’t want anything to do with that. Harari, who is behind this, recently said that the one world order is all nonsense on YouTube with…
The Tom Renz Show – The thing that Donald Trump didn’t know at the start was just how evil our country had become in regard to our infrastructure, the deep state. How could he know? None of us realized how entrenched and evil it was. We didn’t realize they would create a disease and release a bioweapon that would kill millions of people and kill millions more with an evil vaccine…
The Tom Renz Show – The child trafficking issue is very real; however, many people don’t understand what’s happening because there are a lot of rumors and conspiracy theories thrown into this. There’s a massive amount of fact-checking coming out from the mainstream to try to discredit Jim Caviezel and everyone associated with this movie; they are even trying to tie this into anti-semitism…
The Tom Renz Show – Trump said this about Biden, “He’s getting millions of dollars illegally from China, and then you say, hey, they impeached me over a phone call that was perfect; why aren’t they impeaching Biden for receiving tens of millions of dollars?” This is going viral everywhere because people are mad. Trump has done more to try and fight for America First…
The Tom Renz Show – Today I want to talk about the distraction strategy that we are seeing in Washington with their endless hearings. The Daily Mail published a piece today, “Anthony Fauci accused of perjury: Former White House doctor ‘LIED under oath about funding gain-of-function research in China – which is feared to have started Covid pandemic,’ Republican Senator claims.” This is about Rand Paul and how he’s calling…