The Tom Renz Show
Weekdays 3 pm ET
The fight for freedom is perpetual. Our founding fathers knew this as embodied in the quote, “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” America failed to pay that price for many years, and as a result, we have lost much of what our nation was meant to be. But all is not lost.
We the people, have, as a truly inalienable right, bestowed upon us by God himself, the right of self-determination and, if we choose to stand together, we can restore our nation to its former glory. The question simply boils down to this, will you fight for your children’s freedom?
The Tom Renz Show delivers the news of the day, with editorial insight, hope, and guidance for the fight to restore our nation. Freedom was never going to be easy, but freedom has always been worth fighting for.
Tom Renz is a small-town lawyer that has created a platform base on an unquenchable thirst for justice. His background is as varied as his work. He has dabbled in the arts, spent years training martial arts, is a lawyer, writer, consultant, and businessman. Most importantly, he is a dad, husband, and follower of Christ.
Renz’s fight as an attorney working towards freedom, justice, and equality has taught him the critical truth that creating change in our nation requires more than just “lawyer-work”, it requires we the people taking part and pushing the legal and political systems. To that extent he has expanded from his legal work to develop a growing Substack, begin a podcast, and now to launch this radio show. The legal reform work must be supported by political reform and an active and informed people… that is the hope of this endeavor.

America Out Loud Network © – The Tom Renz Show delivers the news of the day, with editorial insight, hope, and guidance for the fight to restore our nation. Freedom was never going to be easy, but freedom has always been worth fighting for.
The Tom Renz Show – What are the risks and the benefits? Where is informed consent? What are they putting in our foods, folks? They’ve had this technology available since late 2019, and now they want to say we don’t have the right to informed consent when it comes to engineering our foods…? If they are injecting vaccines into our food, we deserve to know…
The Tom Renz Show – We are under attack, and they are going to continue poisoning us if we don’t fight back. The WEF didn’t have to worry about support for vaccinating our kids because they can just put in our foods. The incredible researcher, Dr. Joseph Mercola, published a new article titled, “Executive Order Lays Foundation for Lab-Created Foods.”
The Tom Renz Show – These lobbyists are trying to shut this bill down with the argument that they don’t want to label all GMO foods as potential gene therapies… if they have the potential to alter our genes, we deserve to know! If they are putting mRNA technology into animals and vegetables, we deserve to know what type of effects these gene-modifying therapies have on us…
The Tom Renz Show – Let’s bear in mind that the World Health Organization led the investigation into both Ebola and SARS-CoV-2 origins and concluded that both viruses most likely were of zoonotic origin and completely dismissed (without any evidence) a lab leak theory. Like SARS-CoV-2, the origin of the Ebola outbreak was located only…
The Tom Renz Show – In Headline USA, there was an article titled, “Antifa, Trans Activist Groups Planned ‘Day of Vengeance’ Prior to Nashville Massacre.” What would the response be if the tables were turned, and a Southern Baptist church planned a ‘Day of Vengeance’ on the trans community? Promoting violence is evil no matter who is doing it and no matter who their targeting…
The Tom Renz Show – As if this tragedy wasn’t bad enough, a gun control activist showed up at the school shooting briefing screaming about guns. This crazy buffoon activist said we need gun control and that assault weapons are contributing to the border crisis. This lady does not know what she is talking about; what we need is more people with guns, especially protecting the schools and the border…
The Tom Renz Show – Think of what the two of them could accomplish with Trump in the White House and DeSantis as governor. If they were working together as a coordinated team, they would be able to put a major dent in this corruption and help get our nation back on track. The 2024 elections are going to be ugly, and the other side will…
The Tom Renz Show – Despite the clear language and context of this bill, pharma threw an absolute conniption over this and sent in the lobbyists to challenge this bill requiring gene therapies be labeled, and informed consent be offered. Their argument was really incredible and essentially was that they are already modifying our genomes with GMO foods…
The Tom Renz Show – There are a lot of cases finally being filed on Remdesivir and other dangerous treatments. When these killing hospitals aren’t feeding and hydrating people, when nurses are admitting to practicing hastening death protocols, and calling specific floors in the hospital, “the killing floor,” I’d say these actions qualify as intentional…
The Tom Renz Show – All Americans want laws that are fair and our justice system to treat all citizens equally. Everyone can see the law isn’t being applied equally, and the more these bought-and-paid traitors attack President Trump, the more obvious it is. The Soros-funded buffoon out of Manhattan who thought it would be a good idea to…
The Tom Renz Show – By midsummer of 2020, we had both new and historical data that clearly showed that masking was of zero benefit and came with a number of very real risks. This evidence was incredibly clear, and my team (with the help of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny) submitted the evidence document to a federal court…
The Tom Renz Show – This is clearly a planned attack on our economy being waged by our own government, and Trump said it perfectly, they are turning our country into a third-world disaster being run by a criminal administration that’s intentionally selling us out, and setting us up for World War 3. The only thing I disagree with Trump on is…
The Tom Renz Show – Bills promoting these changes are being pushed through hard-red states such as Missouri (HB1165), Oklahoma (HB2776), Texas (SB2075), and Tennessee (SB479/HB640). There are also a ton of other states where these bills need to be stopped. If there’s any proposed legislation that involves banking in your state, ensure that…
The Tom Renz Show – These basic questions should have very simple answers, and they should by no means be controversial. We’ve hit many lows in our society, and I bring this all up in an effort to expose just how insane it is; we need to be calling out stupid when we see it. As Obama’s favorite mentor Saul Alinsky said, ridicule is a potent weapon…