The Tom Renz Show
Weekdays 3 pm ET
The fight for freedom is perpetual. Our founding fathers knew this as embodied in the quote, “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” America failed to pay that price for many years, and as a result, we have lost much of what our nation was meant to be. But all is not lost.
We the people, have, as a truly inalienable right, bestowed upon us by God himself, the right of self-determination and, if we choose to stand together, we can restore our nation to its former glory. The question simply boils down to this, will you fight for your children’s freedom?
The Tom Renz Show delivers the news of the day, with editorial insight, hope, and guidance for the fight to restore our nation. Freedom was never going to be easy, but freedom has always been worth fighting for.
Tom Renz is a small-town lawyer that has created a platform base on an unquenchable thirst for justice. His background is as varied as his work. He has dabbled in the arts, spent years training martial arts, is a lawyer, writer, consultant, and businessman. Most importantly, he is a dad, husband, and follower of Christ.
Renz’s fight as an attorney working towards freedom, justice, and equality has taught him the critical truth that creating change in our nation requires more than just “lawyer-work”, it requires we the people taking part and pushing the legal and political systems. To that extent he has expanded from his legal work to develop a growing Substack, begin a podcast, and now to launch this radio show. The legal reform work must be supported by political reform and an active and informed people… that is the hope of this endeavor.

America Out Loud Network © – The Tom Renz Show delivers the news of the day, with editorial insight, hope, and guidance for the fight to restore our nation. Freedom was never going to be easy, but freedom has always been worth fighting for.
The Tom Renz Show – Dean Plocher looks to be another gutless, bought, and paid-for RINO. Read the bill; as I said, it’s short (only two pages long) and was purposely created to be simple and straightforward. There is absolutely no reason for this to be blocked by Plocher other than the money he’s getting paid to thwart it and any similar legislation…
The Tom Renz Show – There are many questions still unanswered in Palestine, Ohio, like how many cars were carrying vinyl chloride and what other chemicals were lit on fire? This is an astronomical disaster, and not only has it never happened before, but it is also clear that the truth is being censored and that the CDC, DeWine, Buttigieg, and…
The Tom Renz Show – We are sitting back and watching multiple train derailments occur, chemical plants burning across the country, and astronomical rising food costs and interest rates are all part of the master plan to destroy our country. The WEF, CCP, and globalist billionaires that are pushing for a one-world global currency and a…
The Tom Renz Show – The patriot movement is not like other political movements. We do not have the smoke-filled rooms, we do not have access to the rich and powerful, and very few of us are followers. Instead, the patriot movement is made up of “we the people” and is full of independent, freedom-minded people that are frequently God, family, and country…
The Tom Renz Show – Everywhere we look, there are more train derailments and chemical spills, not to mention the absurd number of food processing fires and other structures that are going up in flames in what we are supposed to believe are all pure coincidences. If you remember the discussion right after 9/11 regarding “soft targets” and the…
The Tom Renz Show – Hating someone or a group of people is not a crime, and you cannot investigate someone for that. Moreover, targeting religious institutions because some idiots at the SPLC call them a “hate group” is the foundation of the First Amendment protections for religious freedoms. There are two things that have facilitated the destruction of our freedom…
The Tom Renz Show – After spending 8 bucks on a dozen eggs, I decided to talk to some farmers I know about what they think is causing this chicken and egg crisis. Interestingly they started testing out their chicken feed when their chickens stopped laying eggs. Desperate to find out what the problem was, they began to feed their chickens alternatives, and here’s what happened…
The Tom Renz Show – This has a good chance of becoming the worst ecological disaster in history, and no one is talking about it. On the conspiracy “theory” side of things, isn’t it interesting that Netflix released a movie called, “White Noise” about a train derailment in Palestine, Ohio only a couple of months ago? You can’t make this stuff up…
The Tom Renz Show – They are throwing out the idea of getting rid of Columbus Day in order to make room for this new Superbowl Monday holiday. No, I’m not kidding. Christopher Columbus has been demonized for a long time, and there are many that see that part of our history as a dark time when…
The Tom Renz Show – Words are powerful. Look at the first few words on Wikipedia under fascism again, “fascism is a far-right,” our children read this, go to write their report on fascism, and this is what becomes their reality. We HAVE to start paying closer attention, folks. Educate your children, stay involved, and raise them to have the discernment to…
The Tom Renz Show – Good ol’ Yoel comes from an entitled culture of kids who have never done anything, they are proud to just be a part of Google, Facebook, and the rest and are happy to do the bidding of these tyrannical big tech companies because they actually think it’s okay to censor those they deem to be “dissenters.” He thinks that he’s superior…
The Tom Renz Show – This year, we had a buffoon, Sam Smith, performing his song, “Unholy,” which was sponsored by Pfizer, of course. No, I’m not making this up. Sam’s song is a collaboration with “male-to-female transgender” singer-songwriter Kim Petras. This is where we are, folks; satanic performances are prevalent in the mainstream…
The Tom Renz Show – I refuse to attack fellow patriots, and will even do my best to limit my response when I’m attacked. I prefer to focus on fighting the bad guys; Fauci, Soros, Schwab, WEF, Pfizer, and Moderna. Nuremberg 2.0 is coming, and I’ll work with and besides any patriot that is helping us move the ball down the field…
The Tom Renz Show – This was a very calculated move by the CCP, to enter our sovereign airspace. There are international treaties against this type of unprovoked maneuvering. With the balloon being shot down, the CCP stated that it reserved the right to further action. A possible translation of that message: they view Resident Biden as being…