The Tom Renz Show
Weekdays 3 pm ET
The fight for freedom is perpetual. Our founding fathers knew this as embodied in the quote, “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” America failed to pay that price for many years, and as a result, we have lost much of what our nation was meant to be. But all is not lost.
We the people, have, as a truly inalienable right, bestowed upon us by God himself, the right of self-determination and, if we choose to stand together, we can restore our nation to its former glory. The question simply boils down to this, will you fight for your children’s freedom?
The Tom Renz Show delivers the news of the day, with editorial insight, hope, and guidance for the fight to restore our nation. Freedom was never going to be easy, but freedom has always been worth fighting for.
Tom Renz is a small-town lawyer that has created a platform base on an unquenchable thirst for justice. His background is as varied as his work. He has dabbled in the arts, spent years training martial arts, is a lawyer, writer, consultant, and businessman. Most importantly, he is a dad, husband, and follower of Christ.
Renz’s fight as an attorney working towards freedom, justice, and equality has taught him the critical truth that creating change in our nation requires more than just “lawyer-work”, it requires we the people taking part and pushing the legal and political systems. To that extent he has expanded from his legal work to develop a growing Substack, begin a podcast, and now to launch this radio show. The legal reform work must be supported by political reform and an active and informed people… that is the hope of this endeavor.

America Out Loud Network © – The Tom Renz Show delivers the news of the day, with editorial insight, hope, and guidance for the fight to restore our nation. Freedom was never going to be easy, but freedom has always been worth fighting for.
The Tom Renz Show – Congratulations to Tennessee for becoming the first state in the Union with the courage to deal with mRNA and other vaccine poisons in the food supply. The bill is not perfect, but it is a wonderful start. Joe Biden apparently hates Easter and hates Christianity. How else can you explain him calling Easter the Trans Day of Visibility? Finally, lets all have a moment of silence for Lizzo’s retirement…
The Tom Renz Show – Our dear friend Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is back. She has recovered from her health troubles, continues to expose the truth related to big pharma, and is spreading the word. Listen up and hear how things are going in her world…
The Tom Renz Show – As if the nonsense with playing a black national anthem (whatever that is – I don’t know of any country that represents) isn’t bad enough, they continue to do everything possible to turn real football into flag football. People want warriors in sports, and football – more than any other American sport – represented that. It is now a game for wussies…
The Tom Renz Show – In today’s show, we are dealing with the disinformation that the COVID vaccines are somehow not gene therapy. They are. The FDA admits it in a document we will show that was put out in 2020. This, plus the multiple other admissions, means that the AP needs to correct their fact check because we have officially checked them…
The Tom Renz Show – I delve into why the House GOP Majority Whip, Tom Emmer, labels Kentucky Rep Thomas Massie a “libertarian anarchist.” It explores the clash of principles within the GOP, highlighting Massie’s unwavering commitment to his constituents over special interests, and critiques the broader implications of such internal conflicts on the party’s integrity and leadership dynamics.
The Tom Renz Show – Can we please just go back to the 80s? A time when people were in an uproar over things like the Beastie Boys and AC/DC? Now I look around, and we have things like porn in schools on one side and people being mad about calendars with fully clothed women “not being Christian enough.” I feel like the world is insane. Wokeness is everywhere, and there is so much to fight, but we have people on our side wasting time being…
The Tom Renz Show – Trump is the best man for the job, but I don’t personally know him and have no reason to believe he’s been anything but duped on these jabs. He’s human and makes mistakes, and his position on the poisons is a major mistake he refuses to address. I want Trump2024 to happen, but I will NEVER back down on the jabs…
The Tom Renz Show – Trump even went so far as to suggest that Pfizer’s lies about mRNA cancer drugs were legitimate. Trump is wrong on this issue and his approach, but when I talk about it, I get responses from two sides – one stating the jabs are good (this is 3 people) and the other suggesting Trump didn’t mean exactly what he said. Both positions are absurd, and I want to talk about it…
The Tom Renz Show – Haley dropped out, and McConnell endorsed Trump. Does ANYONE on this planet think that this is genuine? McConnell is holding on to his position until after the election precisely to stab Trump and MAGA in the back. Meanwhile, the CDC is doing what the CDC does – namely, being corrupt. The new ACIP members are simply inexcusable…
The Tom Renz Show – The Colorado Supreme Court just got roundly trounced by the SCOTUS. Trump will, much to the chagrin of the left, be on the ballots in all of these dem states. That does not mean that 2024 is safe. To the contrary, the people that stole 2020 will be taking steps to do the same in 2024 and we will be discussing some of the strategy that will be used today…
The Tom Renz Show – I’m tired of the Deep State goons, WEF, and CCP attacking Christians and hating America, and make no mistake, the attacks on Christian Nationalism are just that. I challenge you lefitsts to explain, what do you oppose about Christianity? Loving your neighbor? Treating people like you’d like to be treated? How about nationalism? Do you have a problem with supporting the country that facilitated suffrage, fought to end slavery and…
The Tom Renz Show – Great news!!! Mitch McConnell the ED Leader of the RINO Senate will finally leave the leadership position but not before using everything he has to undermine Trump in 2024. McConnell’s sister-in-law just died “mysteriously” in a “car wreck” in Texas shortly after speaking out against the CCP. The same CCP McConnell’s wife has been making money off of for years. It’s interesting that the guy that directed money away from winning MAGA Senate candidates…
The Tom Renz Show – There is so much news happening, and we have been very focused on deep dives, so we need to weed through the media lies. Today, I want to move fast and update you on all the important things we have not had time to hit… but are crucial to the out loud truth. It is becoming more and more clear every day that big pharma is working overtime to attack your manhood or womanhood. The Big Pharma war on…
The Tom Renz Show – There simply is no better example of unsafe vaccines than the disastrous gene therapy drugs that are the COVID-19 gene therapy poisons that the FDA illegally (IMHO) illegally labeled vaccines. As we look forward, we have Project NextGen and Operation Moonshot – expensive Biden-backed projects to put more of these poisons on the market with no recourse for those who are killed or maimed by them…