The Tom Renz Show
Weekdays 3 pm ET
The fight for freedom is perpetual. Our founding fathers knew this as embodied in the quote, “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” America failed to pay that price for many years, and as a result, we have lost much of what our nation was meant to be. But all is not lost.
We the people, have, as a truly inalienable right, bestowed upon us by God himself, the right of self-determination and, if we choose to stand together, we can restore our nation to its former glory. The question simply boils down to this, will you fight for your children’s freedom?
The Tom Renz Show delivers the news of the day, with editorial insight, hope, and guidance for the fight to restore our nation. Freedom was never going to be easy, but freedom has always been worth fighting for.
Tom Renz is a small-town lawyer that has created a platform base on an unquenchable thirst for justice. His background is as varied as his work. He has dabbled in the arts, spent years training martial arts, is a lawyer, writer, consultant, and businessman. Most importantly, he is a dad, husband, and follower of Christ.
Renz’s fight as an attorney working towards freedom, justice, and equality has taught him the critical truth that creating change in our nation requires more than just “lawyer-work”, it requires we the people taking part and pushing the legal and political systems. To that extent he has expanded from his legal work to develop a growing Substack, begin a podcast, and now to launch this radio show. The legal reform work must be supported by political reform and an active and informed people… that is the hope of this endeavor.

America Out Loud Network © – The Tom Renz Show delivers the news of the day, with editorial insight, hope, and guidance for the fight to restore our nation. Freedom was never going to be easy, but freedom has always been worth fighting for.
The Tom Renz Show – The globalists are pushing hard to attack freedom and ensure there is no middle class or American dream. The middle class and the American dream mean competition, so they attack our healthcare, our financial system, and anything they can related to freedom and self-determination. I think a lot of what we are seeing is a combination of absurdity and us vs them…
The Tom Renz Show – As the crooks in the World Economic Forum (WEF) meet with their hookers in Davos, they spend a fair bit of time talking about feeding everyone but their bugs and other poisons. These crooks have essentially banned nitrogen-based fertilizers under the guise of stopping pollution and climate change. The reality is that this is nothing more than a mechanism to further take control of we the people…
The Tom Renz Show – NBC News reveals alarming actions by left-wing elements in the military-industrial complex, plotting sedition and treason. Colluding with NGOs, they plan to undermine the commander-in-chief, especially if Trump wins again. This is a direct challenge by bureaucrats to our democracy. The GOP, paradoxically, funds these efforts through Democrat spending bills, raising questions about FBI/CIA leverage over them.
The Tom Renz Show – For years now, there have been a number of people who have fought like hell to preserve our freedom. I’ve certainly done my part and continue to do so. My friend Joey Gilbert has done the same. Joey has, just like anyone else willing to take a stand, ran into all sorts of controversy, but he has continued to fight. I love that. At this point, I believe the measure of a person is not whether or not there are difficulties but whether…
The Tom Renz Show – I have zero doubt the fake “fact-checkers” will try and lie about this but I challenge you to actually read the article and show me it is unfounded. The reality is that there are legitimate concerns to be had about the vaccines, cancer, and shedding. Further, there is ZERO question that these jabs absolutely ARE gene therapies…
The Tom Renz Show – If our military leadership knew the vax was dangerous and experimental but forced our soldiers to take it anyway, did they commit treason? Just asking. The new year is kicking off with possible terror, more climate lies, perverts, and absurdity everywhere. 2024 is a pivotal year, and we the people, need to be ready to go…
The Tom Renz Show – Another day and the world continues to be on fire. Biden continues to be the most corrupt president ever to steal the presidency; it looks like the atrocities in Israel may have had an “insider” involved and a great point on the insurrection that wasn’t. That plus some fact-checking on the COVID cancer jabs and more… big show today…
The Tom Renz Show – The FDA knew that mRNA vaccines and other gene therapies have the potential to shed and infect individuals that did not accept the intervention. This is a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code and numerous laws, in my opinion – how can you give informed consent if you don’t know you’re being exposed to something? It is also clear that the FDA was concerned about the potential…
The Tom Renz Show – The release of the COVID gene therapy vaccines has caused a cascade of health issues globally. Chris Eryx, known as Baby Trump, joins us to talk about his fight against cancer and other issues in this messy world we live in. The shedding from these vaccines creates issues for everyone – even the unvaxxed – so we…
The Tom Renz Show – I examine the ongoing insurrection against Donald Trump and our democratic values, spearheaded by Democrats and the Colorado Supreme Court. I argue for the urgent need for a transparent investigation into the J6 events and critique the courts for violating due process and the very essence of legal truth-seeking. It’s a matter of life and death for democracy.
The Tom Renz Show – J6 was an insurrection – an insurrection against a sitting president conducted by a corrupt bureaucracy and a number of corrupt elected officials. The question now is whether an apparently corrupt court will be allowed to join this insurrection or whether the SCOTUS will stop it…
The Tom Renz Show – No one seems willing to take responsibility or tackle tough issues. We’re told being overweight is okay, but it’s a choice, and filming porn in a capital building is a terrible decision. We’re avoiding real issues, like our government’s role in creating COVID. If we can’t face these truths, how will we address genuine challenges?
The Tom Renz Show – In today’s discussion on the Tom Renz Show, we delve into the crucial issue of pronoun usage and DEI, emphasizing sensitivity and understanding. Moreover, we confront the GOP’s RINO problem, stressing the necessity of prioritizing principles over party politics. It’s time to reclaim the GOP from the grips of the uniparty swamp and stand firm on our foundational values.
The Jack-Asses in Charge & Other Issues
Globalism, Political
The Tom Renz Show – As I looked at the headlines for today, a theme emerged… the people running our world are nothing less than a bunch of jack-asses. I’m sorry. I just don’t know how else to say it. From Biden to the Big Z in Ukraine on down, I think we really need to ask ourselves how we ever let these morons get in charge of anything.