The Voice of a Nation
Special feature broadcast times!
The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. The voice of our forefathers heard in the distance. It is time once again, friends, to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation. Transformative news that will change the way you think! Join us to reclaim our Republic as we take on the challenges of our generation to preserve freedom for future generations.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of The Voice of a Nation and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. It is time once again friends to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation.
I am hoping that Dr. McCullough will update us on Omicron. Some in the news media are saying that it is causing a high number of hospitalization and deaths. What is the truth? I saw videos online that the spike protein is sticky and causes blot clots. Also, the spike protein causes pericarditis/myocarditis. Is there a protocol for the covid recovered, so they don’t get blood clots, myocarditis, or pericarditis?
DrLee4America discusses the secret plan underway in New York with the Governor’s delegation of dictatorial powers to the NY Department of Health that sets in place the ability for New Yorkers to be picked up for any reason citing “public health” and detained against their will without due process, without legal representation, without access to…
Dr. Abilio Ramos M.D. passed away on January 9, 2022, at Los Robles Hospital. He saved hundreds of lives during Covid yet was given Remdesivir at the hospital, causing his kidney to shut down, and he went into cardiac arrest and died. Dr. Dawn Michael has been through the most harrowing experience of a lifetime. This story will both anger you and inspire you…
Where can I get additional support for long-term covid, specifically for dizziness and vertigo? Thank you so much for doing these Q&As with Dr. Henry Ealy and Dr. Peter McCullough. I’ve been taking Vitamin D and Zinc preventatively. What do you recommend for women taking vitamin D? Should I go out and buy vitamin K as well?
“You can’t hurt our feelings anymore. They’ve literally shunned us out of restaurants, out of grocery stores, out of families’ living rooms,” Sam said, “You can’t break a broken man.” This report is from the front lines in Ottawa, Canada, with Sam, a trucker mechanic, who has the heart of the nation. “They can’t hide the truth. Hopefully, this sends a message around the world to…
In a shocking comparison, one of our guests exposes that suicide deaths among military service members due to isolation, persecution, lack of treatment, and vaccine-induced brain damage in 2021 were more than in 15 years of combat-induced stress in Afghanistan. This is a show every American needs to hear and share widely…
The two questions that Newsweek ask are: Would military leadership accept Biden’s orders to deploy against an armed uprising? And if it did, would the rank and file follow their commanders’ orders to take up arms against fellow Americans whose motivations might resonate with many of their own?
BuzzFeed News, which falls under the media elites category, believes that Joe Rogan has no right to interview anyone on the other side of the debate on vaccines. Joe Rogan and Spotify said they’ll try really, really hard not to spread garbage information about COVID. How quickly a $100 million deal will change your point of view. Buckle your seatbelts, this Voice of a Nation is smoldering…
Organizers have crafted a “memorandum of understanding” demanding that the appointed Senate and the Governor-General effectively usurp the authority of the elected government and do away with all vaccine mandates and other public health restrictions — a constitutional impossibility. “Justin Trudeau needs to listen to these guys, the movement is serious,” explains…
It’s been 2 years, and Americans are still dying needlessly and in many cases not due to COVID, but due to the elephant in the room…medical malpractice. On today’s Voice of a Nation, we’re joined by special guest Dr. Henry Ealy as he shares what he just learned, having watched a family member murdered by malpractice, in a hospital profiteering of the demise of our loved ones. It’s wrong, and it’s time to get out loud about it…
I have always found it fascinating how athletes turn on a massive power surge in the 4th quarter of a game. A recent football game got my attention as I was out with my son and wife for dinner, and a team was upside down in the score heading into the 4th quarter. I reminded my son how a game could experience that power surge right at the right moment and change the outcome. I’ll explain more in the program why this is so important in our lives and how we can each learn to unleash our 4th quarter mojo in the game of life…
Can Dr. McCullough, talk more about pericarditis? Everyone mentions myocarditis, but there are never any statistics mentioned for pericarditis. In Australia, there are twice as many reports of pericarditis than myocarditis from vaccines. What are the dangers of having Covid naturally and then getting vaccinated? Wasn’t there a thought that you should not get vaccinated for 90 days after having Covid?
The worldwide response to COVID-19 has been met with drastic measures of lockdowns, mandates, and oppressive behavior coming from governments around the world. And some of the most egregious ‘stolen liberties’ are coming from western governments. People are becoming restless, rightfully so, with the lockdowns, forced vaccines, and mask mandates…
By the fourth quarter of last year, more Americans said they identified with the right compared to the left, 47 percent to 42 percent. That’s big! It confirms that more and more Americans are not happy with Biden policies. Democrat strategist James Carville said members of his party “whine too much” as he urged them to “gloat about their successes leading into the 2022 midterm elections.” What successes is Carville alluding to?