The Voice of a Nation
Special feature broadcast times!
The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. The voice of our forefathers heard in the distance. It is time once again, friends, to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation. Transformative news that will change the way you think! Join us to reclaim our Republic as we take on the challenges of our generation to preserve freedom for future generations.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of The Voice of a Nation and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. It is time once again friends to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation.
With racist talk being all the rage of the left, why is the left trying to erase Dr. MLK’s message of real equality? To the point, what is the difference between Martin Luther King’s dream and the Democrat Party’s dream? What does ‘equal opportunity’ in America look like? Is Martin Luther King’s dream still alive today?
Is the new Paxlovoid pill just a “reworked” ivermectin? What do you think of the data? Love the show. My question is, is it safe to take the provolone iodine with hypothyroid? There is a history of heart disease in my husband’s family so the thought of my boys getting any vac scares me, especially since I have 3 teenage sons. Will there be a ‘safe’ alternative? Will Novovax or Covax be safer?
Xi Jinping and the CCP see China as destined to be the leader of the entire world, with XI at its helm. China’s Mission is to overtake the United States and become the economic leader of the world, replacing democracy with the CCP’s brand of communism. Looking at America’s current foreign policy with the Biden Administration, China sees the weakness…
“Everyone is equally miserable, this is a complete contrast to the American dream,” Gordana Schifanelli says. My parents were party members, they were true believers,” she said. “I remember when the Communist Party would do recruitment drives in high school. I didn’t want to be a member in any ‘party’. Schifanelli was born in Belgrade Yugoslavia. She survived Communism, the NATO bombing of…
What about all those strange circumstances surrounding the buildup of the January 6 event? This would be the first ‘insurrection’ pulled off without a weapon in human history. The inconsistencies are many. Pastor Dave Scarlett will confirm today that the Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs were coming down the side roads while changing into MAGA shirts and hats…
Does the vaccine keep you from getting Covid-19 now or has it ever or does it just keep the severity low? We have a family dispute. If required to get the vaccine for employment, which one do you feel has the least chance of side effects? I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your Q&A shows. I never miss an episode! I am hoping you will consider the question below for your next session with Dr. Ealy…
Paul Harvey wrote and delivered some of the most profound messages ever heard on talk radio. It was Harvey’s prophetic ability to truly understand the problems before they ever even existed. His iconic messages on farmers, policemen, faith, and America transcended generations, but it was his ‘If I Were The Devil’ warning that…
The US-Mexico border is wide-open for illegal entry and advertised as such all around the world. America’s immigration system has never been perfect, but it has also never been in the shape it appears to be at this very moment. Is America headed toward another 9/11 catastrophe? What safeguards should we be taking? Dr. James Mitchell is on The Voice of a Nation…
I thought one had lifetime immunity once getting covid. I’ve already had Covid-19. Can I still get infected with the Omicron variant? How accurate are the Covid 19 antigen tests? If they’re not accurate, how do I find out for sure if I had Covid? My heart feels like someone is holding it and squeezing it gently, is there a blood test to see if I got an injury from the vax? We’ll answer a record number of questions with Dr. Peter McCullough…
While Dr. Li-Meng Yan and her teams’ investigation continues, it’s critical to note that there are more novel bioweapons in the development coming from China. The more you know, the more you realize that COVID-19 was a planned release, “We don’t have much time,” explains Dr. Li-Meng Yan, as “China continues expanding rapidly throughout the pandemic.”
In the end, it wasn’t a Republican who saved Christmas; it was the Democrat from West Virginia. Senator Joe Manchin says NO to Biden’s social safety net – climate change bill. You might call it The Manchin Firewall. However, the pressure on Manchin from the Democrat Party doesn’t seem to be relenting. Biden says he still believes they’ll…
In this COVID era, medical boards are being empowered by the fake science. Those doctors who stand for truth are being singled out. And they’re paying a high price for that truth. You’ll meet three such doctors today—each with a unique story but also a commonality that should concern every freedom-loving American…
What are some symptoms that can show up in unvaccinated – already had Covid people, who are around a lot of vaccinated people? Is the povidone-iodine rinse and nasal swab safe for young children? Novavax vaccine appears to be submitting its evidence soon and requesting EUA from the FDA by the end of 2021 here in the US. Does Dr. McCullough have any insight into the clinical trials/ safety and efficacy shown regarding Novavax?
What can the vaccinated do to protect themselves from long-term damage from the vaccine? If forced to take the vaccine or lose my job, it will be a tremendous strain. Is there some kind of detox or intervention protocol available to me after injection if I have to take it? What can I do? Can Dr. Ealy prescribe hydroxychloroquine to me?