The Voice of a Nation
Special feature broadcast times!
The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. The voice of our forefathers heard in the distance. It is time once again, friends, to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation. Transformative news that will change the way you think! Join us to reclaim our Republic as we take on the challenges of our generation to preserve freedom for future generations.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of The Voice of a Nation and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. It is time once again friends to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation.
The Biden Administration is looking to drop billions of US taxpayer dollars on the myth that the world just started to change its’ climate. China, Russia, and Turkey were no-shows. China is the world’s largest polluter. So as a token of his appreciation, President Xi Jinping sent a note to the summit in place of his presence, with his commitment to do nothing…
If an exemption is not possible for me, do you know of some way that I can protect my body from all the toxins and chemicals in this vaccine? Chelation therapy maybe? – My husband is being forced to take the vaccine by the end of November. What can I do to treat him afterward to mitigate the effects? – Dr. Henry Ealy joins Malcolm on the Voice of a Nation to answer listener questions…
The top US general said China’s test of a hypersonic weapon was “very concerning” and that “it has all of our attention.” There have been other ‘Sputnik Moments’ in America’s recent history, leaving us to question the complacency of America’s leaders, both political and military. We’ll dive into these ‘Sputnik Moments’ with Dr. Li-Meng Yan and Mary Fanning on The Voice of a Nation…
Hospitals are straight out ignoring the wishes of loved ones. The email below is indicative of dangerous trends taking place in hospitals, causing deaths and leaving families in ruins. In a very special Voice of a Nation, Kristina Croft tells the story of her mom. This program is dedicated to dear Laura!
Stelter mentions Calmes’ new book, “Dissent,” and said it’s about the “descent of the GOP.” The richness of it all… the descent of the GOP! And the bit about the “radicalization of the Republican Party,”… Then, let’s discuss Ilhan Omar and her calling out the Minneapolis police for the violent crime spike. Omar goes on to say, “the police have chosen to not fulfill their oath of office and to provide the public safety they are owed to the citizens they serve.”
How could the Delta variant be more contagious than the original Sars Covid, since variant comes from it? I would like to know what Dr. McCullough thinks about the possible connection between vaccine side effects and inadvertent intravenous injection of the vaccine? I work at a government lab, and we are being forced to take it or be fired by Nov 15th….. Help!! Please!
The American experiment coming of age… but how is this experiment going? And have we reached the pinnacle of this experiment? Is this the start of the downhill slope that will sink the America we know and love? Decline is a choice, and a choice best left to others. Wallace Garneau joins me to take a look back and a look into what the future holds for America!
As governments have used the COVID pandemic to whittle away freedoms, destroy businesses, and force experimental jabs on their subjects, people all over the globe are rising up in a worldwide pushback for freedom. With coordinated marches in nearly every country on earth, humanity is uniting to regain control over our lives…
China’s progress on hypersonic weapons “caught US intelligence by surprise,” …has been echoed by multiple reports. Keep in mind, this all happened in August even though we are just hearing about this major news story. China denies the report⏤nothing to see here! In the face of this multi-front assault by the CCP, the question comes up on the program… is this World War 3 or Cold War 2?
Stories That Matter This Week: Colin Powell Dies From COVID Complications, Was Fully Vaccinated – China Tested Hypersonic Missile, “Caught US Intel By Surprise – Ex-Defense Secretary Gates: U.S. “seems to be coming unhinged” – Bidens caught violating DC mask mandate at posh Georgetown restaurant…
It seems parents have had enough and are speaking out and demanding action. At the center of the storm are complaints of a toxic educational agenda where porn is taught freely in the schools, critical race theory in that kids are taught that white people are the oppressors, forcing kids to wear masks, and an overall educational system that itself would get a failing grade…
Mandates have real-world impacts on peoples’ lives. “It’s a new regulation in the middle of a challenging business time and a labor shortage crisis,” said Matthew Haller, chief executive at the International Franchise Association. Is this the definition of insanity? Tom Wiermann is a Bronx New York physical education teacher, and Gold Star Mother Susan Price…
Which option carries the lesser risk – to stop at two jabs, or to go for jab 3 – with the unknown side effects and vaccine damage risk? What is the website to legal team and forms to get religious exemptions for the Covid vaccine? I’m a pilot with American Airlines. We are being forced to get “vaccinated.” If you had to choose, which one would you take?
Who are they? Is it Hollywood elites and entertainers? Is it political operatives? Congress? Is it the so-called establishment? Is it the media talking heads? Is it your education school boards? Is it the United Nations? Is it George Soros? Is it ten people in a room somewhere? And why is it that ‘they’ have so much control over what is or isn’t good for us?