The Voice of a Nation
Special feature broadcast times!
The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. The voice of our forefathers heard in the distance. It is time once again, friends, to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation. Transformative news that will change the way you think! Join us to reclaim our Republic as we take on the challenges of our generation to preserve freedom for future generations.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of The Voice of a Nation and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. It is time once again friends to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation.
From the brutal takeover of independence-loving Hong Kong; open threats on Taiwan, to the officially sanctioned imprisonment, torture, slavery, organ harvesting, and genocide of the Uyghurs; and the brutal persecution of followers of Falun Gong throughout China; Xi and his Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have created an industry of persecution, slavery, and genocide that should shock us all…
What lessons were learned? What insights were gained about ways to avoid the massive “collateral” damage of lockdowns and failure to treat people early at home when the illness was less severe? Senator Ron Johnson, along with DrLee4America, MD, connect the dots from the early days of the pandemic and lockdown, raising many questions along the way…
How is it that our entire regulatory, ethical, medical practice, and legal framework for new medicines, medical devices, and vaccines have been thrown out the window with this experimental biological agent for COVID-19 being described as a vaccine? What are the threats to our Constitutional rights with the threats to impose “vaccine mandates” to live our lives, travel, and work?
Wallace Garneau not only lays out the three options available to America today but also explains to Malcolm why ‘Stopping the Federal Government Expansion Through Nullification’ is the one true path to saving our country. To bring legal clarification, Berny Jacques weighs in by emphasizing that everything the Biden Administration is attempting to force on states is…
The most logical step on the way back would be to admit that mistakes were made. But who will go first? Even our elected officials are being denied vital details in many cases. Looking at the extensive amount of evidence, the argument can be made that it is time for an independent grand jury to investigate on behalf of all Americans…
It’s a question everyone should ask and know the answer to. The Voice of a Nation guest Berny Jacques has some arguments you won’t want to miss. As a black conservative activist, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis appointee to the current Judicial Nominating Commission, and former prosecutor running for Florida House of Representatives, District 66, his voice matters…
The legal issues around mandates for an experimental biological agent that is not yet FDA approved, and the moral, legal, and medical ethical issues of extending vaccines to groups that were not included in the clinical trials is the focus of today’s program. Del Bigtree and Dr. Lee4America talk about the dangers of medical censorship that prevent YOU from understanding the risks of the experimental vaccines to make informed decisions. In a blockbuster segment describing the real origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus causing the global pandemic illness, COVID-19, DrLee4America interviews Dr. Peter Breggin, author of the explosive new book Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We Are Their Prey. With his wife and research partner, Ginger Breggin, Dr. Breggin has uncovered a worldwide web of global predators that includes Anthony Fauci, multi-billionaires, America’s most powerful corporations, the government agencies NIH, CDC, FDA together with Communist China. The Breggin’s have meticulously researched and written a comprehensive analysis of pandemic totalitarianism that has usurped our freedoms, disrupted our elections, crushed small businesses, and caused the deaths of over 500,000 Americans. Prepublication orders can be purchased at Del Bigtree is one of the preeminent voices of the Vaccine Risk Awareness Movement. His career […]
What can we expect going forward with the newest criminal investigations against the Trump family out of New York? John Durham’s investigation remains in the shadows because the media counts on the people’s short attention span. Meanwhile, Trump remains a target precisely because he has been so effective against the left. But will it be enough to awaken the masses?
How does COVID affect pregnancy? What are some of the risks for the mother and the baby with the COVID vaccines? Why is pregnancy a greater risk situation for the blood clotting risks with the COVID vaccines? What’s the difference between natural immunity from a COVID infection and the immunity after a COVID vaccine?
Dr. Urso and DrLee4America discuss very creative medical options to overcome COVID and avoid hospitalization. Dr. Stella Immanuel, physician and minister, discusses Covid as spiritual warfare in a battle between good and evil for our souls and the soul of America. Dr. Richard Urso is a medical doctor and scientist who invented an FDA-approved wound-healing drug. With a background in drug development, he has been an advocate for early treatment since March 2020. He’s appeared on over 60 media outlets, including Laura Ingraham, Charlie Kirk, and C-span. He’s met with leaders of the Covid task force such as Vice President Pence, Deborah Birx, leaders of Congress, Senate, and the CDC. He’s played a prominent role in Covid awareness in Texas, meeting with members of the Governor’s office and testifying before the Texas Senate. Dr. Stella Immanuel is a Cameroonian-American physician currently practicing in Houston, Texas. Dr. Stella did general medicine in Nigeria, migrated to America to complete her residency, and became a licensed pediatrician. Over the years, she also worked in emergency rooms to maintain her general practice skills. She currently operates two clinics in Houston, TX, a pediatric clinic and general practice walk-in clinic. She has been at the […]
Pope Francis’ Global Summit announcement on the COVID vaccine shocked many Catholics and Protestants alike, and has sparked a firestorm of controversy around the world as church leaders try to make sense of such a broad approach to vaccinating people who were never studied in clinical trials that had only two months of safety data before releasing to millions of people worldwide. The CDC’s announcement of FDA approval for children 12-15 years old, who were excluded from clinical trials, so there is zero safety data, has further triggered alarm bells for parents across America. In the first hour of today’s broadcast, powerful patient advocate, physician, and Ph.D. immunologist Dr. Hooman Noorchashm joins us on the Voice of a Nation. He is a leading Catholic patient advocate for a rational approach to vaccines to avoid indiscriminate vaccination of those at risk for adverse reactions or even death. The second hour features leading Evangelical and Catholic Clergy, Pastor Stephen Broden, Pastor Don Reid, Pastor Cesare Leflore, and Father Brian Nolan talk with DrLee4 America about their concerns about houses of worship being used as agents of the state to administer vaccines to parishioners without freedom of choice, without adequate safety data or disclosure […]
Fighting between republican and democrat, rich and poor, black and white, families and friends, are all indicators that the fight is actually between good and evil. Something sinister is happening all across this land. The taunting of President Trump in a new commercial put out by the Lincoln Project is raising eyebrows. The Lincoln Project is taunting former President Trump in a new attack ad, saying the former president got “played” by…
This is critical, must-know information by “Mr. Constitution,” Tim Aalders, who advises on what Constitutional rights are rapidly evaporating for Americans. Plus, special guest and world-renowned author on all things transforming America to Communism, Trevor Loudon, explains the warning signs to watch for in months to come…
“People use to debate with each other; now they burn things down and attack each other. Violence has replaced reason, and fear has begun to hold us hostage,” – Patrick Coffin. Why did Big Tech work together to sabotage and suppress all information on the availability of early treatment with existing medicines? Dr. Peter Breggin, author of the explosive new book Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We Are Their Prey, joins us.