The Voice of a Nation
Special feature broadcast times!
The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. The voice of our forefathers heard in the distance. It is time once again, friends, to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation. Transformative news that will change the way you think! Join us to reclaim our Republic as we take on the challenges of our generation to preserve freedom for future generations.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of The Voice of a Nation and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. It is time once again friends to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation.
The problem is most people have no clue what the founders intended. Why? Because Democrats have refused to let it be taught. If Democrats succeed and infringe on the 2nd amendment⏤America as a constitutional Republic will be lost. Today on The Voice of the Nation, you’ll learn everything the founders intended. Then make your choice. Congress is set to vote on violating the 2nd amendment and completing their takeover of America. We will be the Constitutional Republic no more, and the oligarchs will finish off their socialist agenda. Everyone who cares and loves freedom needs to share this show and educate people that the 2nd amendment has already been violated by those in office. Will you stand strong or bend to tyranny?
Freedom of speech, or free speech, is the fundamental concept of American society. It has always been and hopefully will always be the single biggest influence our society has had on every aspect of life and liberty throughout the world. Free speech is a constitutionally defended human right, one bestowed upon everyone regardless of gender, sex, religion, race, nationality, or any other identifying factor. The question of “Why is Free Speech so important?” seems foreign to many rational thinkers. However, based on recent anti-free speech rioters at college campuses, corporations like Facebook and Twitter, and a large percentage of the people we elected to protect this basic constitutional right, the question seems all too important to leave unanswered. Today on The Voice of a Nation, Mr. Constitution will address why free speech is so important? Why our founders placed this among the most essential God-given liberties. If you will not fight to protect this, then America is lost.
Today’s program has DrLee4America guest hosting for Malcolm to address the impact of COVID-19 that has destroyed lives and businesses and ripped apart the very fabric of our lives, our social relationships, and the core values of our nation. How do we find hope in the darkness? How do we rebuild trust in our personal advisors, social relationships, political leaders, and government institutions? What is the crucial importance of being able to find meaning and a new purpose out of this adversity? What can we do now to restore our lives and our Constitutional Republic? Listen to today’s show and start now on your personal plan for moving beyond COVID and reclaiming your life, health, faith, and freedom.
How did the American dream of freedom and unalienable rights become a land without God and a government that cares little for our rights? Today we look into how a select few removed God from the founding of our nation, and freedom is taken away from the very people they were elected to serve. Welcome to The Voice of a Nation with Guest Host Tim Aalders.
You have probably watched the famous 1991 action thriller film Backdraft, which Ron Howard directed. The film featured actors like Kurt Russell, William Baldwin, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Rebecca De Mornay, Donald Sutherland, and other well-known talents. The film was about Chicago firefighters on the trail of a serial arsonist. The firefighters throughout the film found themselves in a backdraft situation. Backdrafts present a serious threat and often put the lives of firefighters at risk. As a reminder, a backdraft is a rapid or explosive burning of superheated gasses in a fire, caused when oxygen rapidly enters an oxygen-depleted environment. That same backdraft can be found today in the Republican Party. Many are questioning why Conservatives still support and love Donald Trump? In many ways, you could say Trump is the backdraft in today’s politics. He gave Conservatism a name and a face that connected with tens of millions of new voters. We see Republicans being censured in their states and districts for taking a stand against Trump in the impeachment trial. Why the public backlash against so many politicians? These politicians forgot to weigh in with their constituents. They forgot to check and see just how popular this president still is with the people. They never considered […]
If you’ve ever gotten those morning newsletters in your email box from the New York Times, then you know just how revealing their talking points can be. In this one recent issue, a Times reporter attempts to explain the connection between frigid weather and global warming. The question was asked if there was any relationship between this week’s storms and climate change? Here was their answer: There’s interesting science that suggests the effects of a warming world have something to do with these sudden bursts of Arctic cold, as well. The cold air at the top of the world, the polar vortex, is usually held in place by the circulating jet stream. The Northern Hemisphere’s warming appears to be weakening the jet stream, and when sudden blasts of heat in the stratosphere punch into the vortex, that Arctic air can spill down into the middle latitudes. They went on to use the phrase “global weirding.” The Texas Freeze fallout is still being felt, and the blame game is on full display. “The people responsible for this must be held accountable. Greg Abbott must be held accountable for his lack of planning,” Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa said. Yet on the other side of […]
When you think of great radio icons, there are two names that cut the mustard above all others, Rush Limbaugh and Paul Harvey. The impact these men had on generations of Americans is immeasurable. Limbaugh and Harvey made it interesting, fun, and very cool to be a conservative once again. Rush Limbaugh reminded Americans to love what they do… “It’s my job, it’s my life, it’s my career, it’s my passion, I’m doing what I love. I think I’m doing what I was born to do. I want to be in media, I want to be in radio.’ It’s what I love. It’s what I do best. And I’m open to all opportunities that come my way.” Rush delivered a very personal and special message to Donald Trump, we will share that message with you. Also, remember Paul Harvey’s incredible talk that continues to impact generations, “If I were the devil”… we’ll play that original track on the program. On this very special episode of The Voice of a Nation, Malcolm takes you on a journey to rediscover the talent and larger-than-life persona these men delivered to their audiences every moment their voices echoed in the microphone of life…
Almost titled this one: The Weaponization of the Internet. This is one of the most important and serious talks that you need to hear – period. Ask yourself the question: How do we bring these mega-corporations back into the threshold of decency and respect for American liberties? Who could have foreseen the immensity of unbridled control that has become vested in a handful of companies that can now refuse to provide services to absolutely any person or enterprise that depends upon access to an online, interconnected world … the communication backbone of all modern business transactions, advertising and political campaigning, and routine coordination with internal and external entities? As Professor Larry Bell warns: “Be very cautious of all-too-seductive invitations to trade away precious privacy, and other basic rights, for promises of increased convenience, efficiency, and security from predators – including Big Government, Big Tech, Big Business, and Big Media.” Professor Larry Bell: Space architecture at the University of Houston, where he founded the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture (SICSA) and the graduate program in space architecture; he is a columnist for both Newsmax and America Out Loud. Please read the full article: America’s Unthinkable Left Turn to Tyranny and get Larry’s book […]
Social Media was initially the brainstorming concept for the exchange of ideas and thoughts. No more! It has now become the tool of leftist thinking and the beginning of a nation ruled by tyrannical oligarchs forcing everyone to play by their set of rules. And if you don’t, they’ll cancel you from the platform. As Debbie Georgatos explains, basically, the left-wing in America is saying… “We have left-wing views, and no other views may be expressed.” The Left is deeply emboldened; in fact, they are radically emboldened to make major, major changes, not just legislative or tax rate changes or policy changes, but they are gearing up for a radical fundamental transformation of America. Debbie Georgatos joins Malcolm in a quest for truth in the public square! Debbie Georgatos hosts the conservative talk show America, Can We Talk? She is a public speaker, author, past Fox News Radio national political analyst, and former California labor/employment litigation attorney.
When you compare and contrast the similarities in what took place in Venezuela to what is transpiring here in the United States, it should be a wake-up call and warning that the beacon of liberty is at risk. Debbie D’Souza was born in Venezuela and moved to America as a young girl. What she has witnessed through her family and her own eyes is incredibly alarming. We will discuss Debbie’s move to the United States, her love and passion for liberty, and in greater detail⏤the perfect recipe for socialism that is brewing right here in the USA. When polls show that Democratic voters view socialism in a more favorable light than capitalism, then we have some serious soul searching. The questions we need to be asking are; how real is the danger that America is turning socialist? Will Americans still see the beacon of liberty shine at our 250-year mark? Debbie D’Souza, Venezuelan American conservative activist, columnist, filmmaker, producer of the Dinesh D’Souza Podcast.
Administration after administration has failed to address the growing surge and crisis of illegal immigration. It is an age-old problem that politicians from the left and the right side of the ideological aisle seem unwilling to solve. What can you say about immigration, both legal and illegal, that hasn’t been said? Donald Trump ran on this catastrophe back in the 2016 presidential race and the message resonated with Americans. President Biden has signed a number of Executive Orders that will reverse the successful immigration trends of the Trump Administration. As caravans storm the Southern border once again, Americans are left to wonder why⏤what are the real motives behind the Biden Administration? In a recent Breitbart article, it said, “President Joe Biden is looking to surge the number of legal immigrants who become naturalized American citizens, & thus are eligible to vote, ahead of the 2022 midterms and 2024 presidential election.” Is this what the Democrats’ plan for immigration is all about, increasing the number of Democrat voters? Daniel Baranowski has been studying the illegal immigration problem and joins me on the program. Daniel is a retired Healthcare Management & Policy Instructor at the Harvard University School of Public Health.
Has the Republican Party outlived its usefulness for Conservative Americans? Republicans are leaving the party in record numbers. For some, it’s the Capitol event that has forced them to reconsider their association with the Republican Party. Many others are having the direct opposite reaction: They cut ties with the party because they felt its leaders had abandoned President Trump by blaming him for the riot and refusing to overturn the election. How do Americans perceive the Republican Party? Can it compete under the current political structure and still attract the younger generations?
What should make everyone nervous as hell is who is actually running the Biden White House’s agenda? We see the Biden (Cabal) Administration ready to do battle, with dozens of Executive Orders in hand, ready to flip the agenda to a Marxist Paradise! It almost seems that they were planning to win, giving the depth of thought and work that went into creating this historical library sized amount of EOs. But then again, you might say that Democrats are far more serious about what they want. And they’re willing to stand on principle and fight for it. What’s wrong with Republicans? They appear to be cousins to the keystone cops sitcom. And what about Senator Rand Paul and that thrilling interview he had with the Mad Hatter George Stephanopoulos of ABC Theatrics! Malcolm will lay out his case…be prepared for a few aha moments!
The Phantom of America… does it end in a typical opera-type tragedy? Or do we achieve a happy ending? Just a glance at many of the so-called news headlines today is enough to send a shiver down your spine. Take, for instance, the one in Politico, “Some Trump aides stuck with him till the end. Now they’re screwed.” At first, it was just referencing a cult; you were part of the Trump Cult club if you had any support for #45. Now it’s… we want to deprogram your mind and your soul because we know what is best for you! It seems if you’re not a Marxist communist these days, then you’re not part of the in-crowd. Who are these people exactly? Having worked with both sides of the aisle over the years as a businessman, Donald Trump knew the dirty little secrets of politicians from both sides of the aisle. Trump quickly became a serious threat to the establishment. You could say it’s like watching a far-out Orwellian futuristic play that is so bizarre…. Malcolm will pick it up from there on today’s episode of ‘America the Opera.’