The Voice of a Nation
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The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. The voice of our forefathers heard in the distance. It is time once again, friends, to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation. Transformative news that will change the way you think! Join us to reclaim our Republic as we take on the challenges of our generation to preserve freedom for future generations.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of The Voice of a Nation and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. It is time once again friends to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation.
According to a Politico poll⏤there is a great deal of distrust and doubt as to the fairness and honorability of the 2020 election. Among the nearly 2,000 registered voters they questioned nationwide, 70% of Republicans said they didn’t believe the 2020 election was free and fair, and more than 10% of Democrats doubted so as well. 78% believed that mail-in voting led to widespread voter fraud, and 72% believed that ballots were tampered with. Of those, 84%, said it benefited Biden. The poll is just another indicator that Americans’ distrust for each other continues to grow at a record pace. The role of government, the flag, patriotism, respect for the rule of law, and even how we handle a crisis have put Americans on polar opposite sides of about every issue. An obvious head-scratcher is to wonder how an old notably cognitively challenged politician with no discernible accomplishments over nearly a half-century, lackluster Democratic primary performance in a field of radical lightweights, conspicuously inactive campaigning with no clear policy messaging, and no evidence whatsoever of enthusiasm within his own party ranks, could possibly have received the most votes in presidential history, Larry Bell asks. Professor Larry Bell: space architecture at the University of […]
In an interview with The Associated Press – Attorney General William Barr said the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told the AP. In a statement, Rudolph Giuliani, and Jenna Ellis, the legal team for the Trump campaign, fired back, “With all due respect to the Attorney General, there hasn’t been any semblance of a Department of Justice investigation. Nonetheless, we will continue our pursuit of the truth through the judicial system and state legislatures, and continue toward the Constitution’s mandate and ensuring that every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote is not.” And then there was this bombshell, “In advance of the presidential election, I decided to appoint Mr. John Durham as a Special Counsel to provide him and his team with the assurance that they could complete their work, without regard to the outcome of the election,” Barr wrote, adding that he appointed Durham with “the powers and authority of a Special Counsel” on Oct. 19 prior to the election. Malcolm lets loose […]
At dawn, the Redcoats approached Lexington Common. An advance guard of the British faced off against the militiamen. Parker was later reported to have said: Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here. That first shot was fired, and when it was all over eight militiamen were killed, including John Parker’s cousin Jonas Parker. Ten Americans and one British soldier were wounded. The outnumbered militia fell back, and the British regulars marched on to Concord. Today, America faces a new threat and the time for American Patriots willing to step forward to defend her against this threat is just as necessary, and yes just as desperate as it was during our revolution against British rule. And “desperate times do indeed call for desperate measures.” Del Wilber is a former CIA and Department of Defense Intelligence and Counterterrorism Officer.
The goal of this broadcast is to inform we the people. The level of misinformation and outright lies about covid are wreaking havoc on people’s lives. When it comes to early home treatment vs. playing the waiting game and being hospitlaized⏤it can be a matter of life and death. The unknown is a dark and scary place. “As we sit in fear and isolation over a period of time, I think chronic panic and fear have led people down a road that I call therapeutic nihilism,” states Dr. McCullough. “The problem was, even before the president said I think this is going to be beneficial, hydroxychloroquine, weeks before that there had already started being push back. And the push back is as is most things in life, follow the money,” Dr. Harvey Risch said. Is the end in sight? Might this be the final wave of Covid? Will the vaccines be a safe bet for people? What if you’ve had Covid already? There are already reports that companies are planning to demand vaccination proof. “Qantas Airlines this week said that they will not fly people at all⏤they won’t let people get on the plane until they’ve gotten the vaccine. So we already […]
You will see an increase in violence, slowly, then confiscation of opposition property followed by a crackdown on those who speak out against the confiscation. Then the real fun begins. 12 to 18 months before the next mid-terms. Phase one is when your government no longer represents you. Phase two is when your government can not or will not protect you. We appear to be entering phase three. Let’s talk about America’s journey to the precipice and what happens next… Brian Gould served in the U.S Army and U.S. Special Forces for over three decades, he now works with the Department of Defense.
It was a presidential campaign like no other. A blockbuster election season that all started with the famous escalator ride. Donald Trump made the entire political class uncomfortable with speeches like this one: “Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment, where the new government is controlled by you, the American people. There is nothing the political establishment will not do, no lie that they won’t tell to hold their prestige and power at your expense. The Washington establishment and the financial and media corporations that fund it exist for only one reason – to protect and enrich themselves,” Trump said. The road less traveled was soon populated with tens of millions of Americans. Trumpism caught on with political rallies that were far outside the norm. Make America Great Again became far more than a hat slogan. This was the start of a love affair between Trump and the people. Trump was a total and complete outsider that threatened their very existence. Did we expect that the establishment would welcome Donald Trump with open arms? Trump wasn’t part of the club? On this special episode of The Voice of a Nation, Malcolm takes a look back with footage from […]
A growing number of Republicans blast Trump in his effort to overturn the election. Trump is cutting ties with one of its top lawyers who was peddling crazy conspiracy theories, no not Rudy Giluani, the other crazy, Sidney Powell, reports CNN. Chris Christie says that Trump’s legal team has been a national embarrassment. The voters have spoken, says Rep. Fred Upton, republican in Michigan. No evidence of fraud or abuse. It’s over he says. Governor Larry Hogan, R Maryland: “We’re beginning to look like we’re a banana republic. It’s time for them to stop the nonsense. Get’s more bizarre every single day, and frankly, I’m embarrassed that more people in the party aren’t speaking up.” Malcolm subjected himself to fake news torture by tuning into CNN, MSNBC, NBC; and many of the so-called mainstream networks to hear the war-drums of media bias. But best of all was the headline with the best-bite was from the Washington Post’s Roxanne Roberts. Washington’s establishment hopes a Biden presidency will make schmoozing great again. Making Washington schmooze again is the topic of the day…
The year 2020 will go down in the record books as that time when Americans were challenged and their foundation of liberty was rocked to the core. Throughout the eons of times, the clash of good and evil is put to the test. This is such a time. It is now time to focus upon the antidote, which begins with a heart of Thanksgiving and the forgiveness of those who have chosen to be enemies of God, We the People and our republic as a whole, explains Ron Edwards. Ron Edwards is a columnist, talk show host – You’ll hear Ron’s voice on the network in a 90-sec feature called The Edwards Notebook.
If America is becoming a socialist nation, then the telltale signs would be obvious in the 2020 election. We know how states like California, New York, and Illinois will vote in any election, but what if we take the popular vote from the remaining 47 states⏤what will that tell us? There is a struggle for the soul of the nation and it’s being fought at the state level. Two different philosophies. One nation. 330+ million people. There are politicians that want to tell you what to drive, what to eat, and what your children read. They also want to rewrite your history by tearing down the symbols of your past. We will talk about the Red America and the Blue America today on the Voice of a Nation. Jay Lehr, Ph.D. is a Senior Policy Analyst with the International Climate Science Coalition and former Science Director of The Heartland Institute.
When Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was questioned about the transfer of power for the State Department⏤he responded: “that there will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration” in the coming months. Someone said to me the other day, we are an embarrassment around the world. However, you could also argue that democracy is messy. Even the kind of democracy that fits ever so nicely into a constitutional representative republic can be very messy. The challenge becomes when that messiness turns into outright fraud. Thievery at the highest order. The 2020 election is fraught with scandal. The fact is, Red America and Blue America no longer represent the United States of America. Fact is, we are the Divided States of America. Let’s talk about the sanctity of the vote.
Did 80,000,000 Americans really vote for a dark winter? How does a guy who lives in his basement for 6 months, has almost no communication with reporters, stay completely out of the limelight of a presidential election… and then convince a nation that he is the best man for the job and win the big prize? Phony investigations, phony impeachments, phony politicians, lying and corrupt FBI officials, all trying now to save themselves from the blow that will be delivered in Trump’s second term. The Voice of a Nation on podcast explains the latest details in the election from hell. Image: AP
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is offering up to a $1 million reward to anyone who can provide the information needed for the arrest and conviction of voter fraud in the election. “The Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for creating suspicion of final vote totals,” Patrick said. “Not allowing Republican poll watchers to observe the vote count in multiple states, in some cases blocking their view with poster board, last-minute changes in election laws in battleground states, ignoring the deadline to vote and accepting ballots for days after the election, ignoring postmarks and signature checks, not verifying that mail-in ballots were being sent to people who were alive or living in the state and voting machines that have been a concern for over a decade all raise serious questions.” Election 2020 will go down in history as not just the most hotly-contested election in history⏤after election night that is, but the election most littered with millions of fraudulent votes. Simply put, this election doesn’t come close to passing the smell test!
After a week of rumors labeling the company as the chief culprit in suspected voting fraud, Dominion Voting Systems — one of the most widely used voting equipment companies in the U.S. — posted a “setting the record straight” statement on November 13: “Dominion Voting Systems categorically denies false assertions about vote switching issues with our voting systems,” it reads. “According to a joint statement by the federal government agency that oversees U.S. election security, the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA): ‘There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes or was in any way compromised. The government & private sector councils that support this mission called the 2020 election ‘the most secure in American history.’” President Trump’s legal team continues to gather evidence as the clock ticks forward to state certification. The larger challenge is to connect these pieces of evidence to show that this widespread voter fraud is a systemic failure of the U.S. election systems. Michael Johns is a national co-founder and leader of the U.S. Tea Party movement, he has served previously as a White House speechwriter to President George H.W. Bush, a senior aide to a […]
Looking back 50 years from now at the history books should indicate that Americans have lived through one of the most topsy-turvy years in America’s history. Who could have predicted that 2020 would be so far removed from perfect vision, that Americans would be willing to erase this one from its memory? The mainstream media and social media influence in modern-day political life will be highlighted in so many of these stories. We started the year with reports of a wicked virus, or as the President calls it, the plague, coming out of China⏤and we end the year with an election that was fraught with scandal and corruption. Are we taking the resiliency of America and Americans for granted?