The Voice of a Nation
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The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. The voice of our forefathers heard in the distance. It is time once again, friends, to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation. Transformative news that will change the way you think! Join us to reclaim our Republic as we take on the challenges of our generation to preserve freedom for future generations.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of The Voice of a Nation and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. It is time once again friends to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation.
What has become an all too familiar scene⏤White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany had another clash with reporters during a media briefing over President Trump’s deflection to condemn white supremacy during the first presidential debate. Asked repeatedly for a definitive statement on whether Trump denounces white supremacy and other groups that espouse it by Fox News reporter John Roberts, McEnany read out several quotes from the past. “He has condemned white supremacy more than any other president in modern history” she said during the briefing. She also called out the media for “turning a blind eye to Antifa” saying they are not a “myth” or an “idea.” President Trump has sharply condemned racist, white supremacist, and neo-Nazi talk multiple times now, but it is never enough for the Left. They believe that they benefit handsomely by keeping the flames of racism alive. But even more egregious than that is how the Republicans are quick to jump on the bandwagon with their holier-than-thou self-serving attitude to call the president out. One thing you can say about the democrats, they stick together. Stupid Republicans, not so much!
The president was asked if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power, win, lose or draw. When the reporter noted that “people are rioting,” Trump replied: “Get rid of the ballots, and you’ll have a very – you’ll have a very peaceful – there won’t be a transfer, frankly, there’ll be a continuation. The ballots are out of control,” Trump said, adding, “The Democrats know it better than anybody else.” “Well, we’ll have to see what happens. You know that. I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots. And the ballots are a disaster,” Trump said at a news conference. And with that, the media pundits were off any running with a narrative that Trump will not leave the White House, and that he will be the first president not to honor our time-treasured tradition. In the mean time, Hillary Clinton checks in with her personal advice for Joe: “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don’t give an inch and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is,” says Clinton. So let’s talk about the ‘peaceful […]
Messaging through the gift of music is the one universal language that can transcend barriers of all kinds. Singer Songwriter, Michael Beatty has found his groove, and just at the right time. Beatty is inspiring patriots to go the extra mile in their love for their country, and he is reminding those that have forgotten or misplaced their patriotic values⏤that a nation is crying out for love. This episode of ‘The Voice of a Nation’ showcases many of Michael Beatty’s hit songs, combined with his inspiring views of what it means to be a patriot, and the importance of this election season. Michael Beatty is an American Singer and Songwriter, a man who loves America and is sharing the beauty and greatness of America through his song and video. He has written over 60 tunes since Feb, all videos on 2:20 in length specifically for social media. All the songs are free for download. Beatty’s vision is to encourage Patriots during these revolutionary times. For Further Insight: Website: Follow on Twitter: Miguelifornia (@michaelbeatty3) Youtube Channel: (17) michael beatty – YouTube
The coronavirus-related lockdown orders were surpassed only by slavery as the “greatest intrusion on civil liberties” in our nation’s history, says Attorney General William Barr. “You know, putting a national lockdown, stay-at-home orders, is like house arrest. It’s — you know, other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history.” AG Barr went on to say, “The person in the white coat is not the ‘grand seer’ who can come up with a right decision for society. A free people makes its decision through its elected representative.” Certainly one of the most forthcoming moments with his reaction to the current political environment from the attorney general. All this, while the clock continues to tick forward toward a pivotal election, and with so many loose ends still to be tied up. Still no word on the John Durham investigation⏤as many Americans lose confidence in a system that is anything but honest! Image: AP
Bet you didn’t know that Governor Newsom of California and President Trump are best pals? The President was in California touring the fires and while at a press conference, Newsom lightly poked at the president about climate change perhaps being the cause of the devastating fires in the Golden State. To which Trump shot back… “I don’t think science knows actually.” So the following day, the press were not happy with Newsom and called him out… to which the governor responded… “I develop good personal relationships. We maintain a strong personal relationship with the vice president. We maintain a strong personal relationship with the president,” Newsom said. “There’s not one phone call that I have made to the president where he hasn’t quickly responded, and almost in every instance, he has responded favorably in addressing the emergency needs of this state.” I would not want to be at Thanksgiving Dinner with Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom – you do know they’re kind of related, yes? Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, Joe Biden went deep into the ‘Wheat Fields’, accusing Trump of ignoring a “central crisis” facing the nation. Biden was calling Trump a “climate arsonist” while he was swatting away […]
The double whammy of the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, and the Minneapolis, George Floyd incident with law enforcement that has created major civil unrest and destruction⏤is the perfect cornerstone in the collapse of our once great cities. As Speaker Pelosi desperately tries to steal the treasury once again to bail out far-left Progressive failed politics in these cities⏤it has become clear that while the moment is urgent, the damage has been building over many, many years. This special report on ‘The Voice of a Nation’ features Professor Larry Bell and Ilana Freedman, and their recent writings and research on the subject. Larry Bell is an Endowed Professor of Space Architecture at the University of Houston where he founded the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture. Ilana Freedman is a veteran intelligence analyst, political commentator and host of the Freedman Report. Progressive Politics Hasten the Tragic Demise of Great American Cities – Larry Bell A new pandemic of protests, riots, and lootings is certain to propel an already tele-work accelerated flight of fright exodus of small businesses and affluent residents from turbulent social disorder that is tragically being allowed to rage out of control in many of our nation’s major urban centers. INSURRECTION!! […]
Erin Cruz is a Native Californian who just simply could not stand on the sidelines any further⏤she felt compelled to step into a leadership role to help save her beloved state. Watching California deteriorate was not an option. The problems in California are many: crumbling infrastructure, out of control homelessness, escalating crime, drugs on the streets, out of control spending and an unmanageable tax burden are all at the top of the list. Mrs. Cruz is a Tea Party Republican and Classical, Constitutional Conservative with the ability to transcend traditional Party Lines. In 2018 Erin Cruz ran for the United States Senate in California, uniting Grassroots activists across party lines. Erin Cruz was the only U.S. Senate Candidate out of 31 people to be endorsed by a political party. The Voice of a Nation is featuring candidates from across the nation in our special series, Transition To Greatness #Election2020. For Further Insight: Website: Erin Cruz CONTRIBUTE: DONATE | Erin Cruz Twitter: (100) ERIN CRUZ FOR CONGRESS (CA-36) (@RealErinCruz) / Twitter
The unprecedented lockdown, compliments of China and their reckless policies and disrespect for human life, has taken an enormous toll on the business community. It is an economic model that was always doomed to fail. The idea that you could lock everything down tight and expect people to thrive somehow. What initially started as a two-week lockdown so that we did not overwhelm hospital beds and ventilators, has turned into a political tool for the far left socialists, and the mainstream democrats who continue to embrace an extended delay in reopening our nation. Surely you remember the words, flatten the curve?! Recent audio that surfaced from Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer saying that K-12 schools in America’s largest county likely will not open until after the November election, has raised a few eyebrows. There is an audio recording of a conference call between Dr. Ferrer and a collection of school nurses, school administrators, other education and medical professionals⏤you’ll hear the audio on the podcast. Here is a snapshot of her words, “We don’t realistically anticipate that we would be moving to either tier 2 or to reopening K-12 schools at least until after the election, in early November,” Ferrer said. […]
With every passing day, we get closer to the inevitability that election 2020 will be anything but routine. As more and more states see universal mail-in voting as the answer to people voting in person during these Covid times⏤the possibility of fraud increases. There is great concern that we may not even know the winner or winners until days or weeks after Election Day. In addition to the Covid Election Day panic, is the unrest in America’s cities. As Lt. Joe points out, we may have missed a very unique opportunity to come together as a people: ‘For once we had an event, the George Floyd death, that brought most people together in agreement. That was horrible and should not have happened. There was a national shock to the consciousness that we could have used to make things better. We had consensus; we saw a clear path pointing to addressing some serious concerns about how we do things as a society. It was a chance that doesn’t come along too often. A tragedy that ignites our hearts to action, all of us. Americans agreed, we needed to listen to each other and make adjustments on what we expect from our law […]
Considering the insurmountable odds that any of us are alive and here on earth⏤is a miracle. We are each a walking, living, breathing miracle. Yet he day-to-day grind makes it easy for us to lose grasp of the big picture of life. What is our role here? The New Book: How Everything Happened Including Us The story begins a very long time ago, 13.7 billion years ago, about 5.3 billion before our planet was born 4.5 billion years ago. It then took about another 4 billion years for Earth to become teeming with simple, single-celled organisms which eventually evolved into you and me. This involved a very long process as well. What about the likelihood of the existence of other “intelligent life”? Or as the late Stephen Hawking quipped: I believe alien life is quite common in the Universe, although intelligent life is less so. Some say it has yet to appear on planet Earth. So first, let’s assume that by intelligent life we’re referring to creatures we might be able to engage in meaningful communications if not actually enjoy socializing with; particularly if they do not pose a threat to self-esteem and wellbeing. Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture […]
Things have gotten so bad in California, that good people are giving up and chalking the state up to a vast wasteland. In the past 10 years, roughly five million people have left California. In 2018 alone, nearly 700,000 left California for greener pastures in other states. A recent survey found that 60% of California residents feel that California’s best days are over. Many of those people are considering leaving the state in the very near future, and we’re not just talking retirees moving to Arizona or Florida. Many of these people are young adults wanting to leave the state. The next generation of Californians will not afford a decent place to even rent, let alone purchase a home⏤the American dream in California is turning into a nightmare. Buzz Patterson has another idea, to stay and fight for California. In his video message, Buzz has a request for Californians, “PLEASE DON’T GO.” Buzz Patterson for Congress (CA-7) Republican Candidate; USAF Pilot, Lt. Col & Commander; White House Aide & Former Carrier of the Nuclear; Author; Husband, Father, Vet. The Voice of a Nation is featuring candidates from across the nation in our special series, Transition To Greatness #Election2020. For Further Insight: Website: CONTRIBUTE: Twitter:
We were in a period of time with so many unknowns. People were legitimately scared. There were reports that a minimum of 2 million plus could die from the Coronavirus, and there were reports that went much higher than that. We were playing a guessing game. The Intercept publication had the following report: Without mitigation, the new coronavirus pandemic could kill as many as 2.2 million people in the U.S., according to a report from the Imperial College of London Covid-19 Response Team. Even taking critical steps such as social distancing of the entire population, isolation of the sick in their homes, and quarantining family members of the sick, the epidemic will likely soon overwhelm the critical care capacity of American hospitals, according to the report. The British researchers told the New York Times that they shared their findings with the White House task force on the virus “about a week ago.” Because the virus is a real virus. Because people did indeed die from the virus. There is often an outrage that one would question the number of people who truly died from the China Virus. Like somehow you’re insensitive. You just need to accept the numbers as presented. Dr. Ngozi Ezike, the director […]
The first order of business is for voters to define ‘Peaceful Protests’, ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘Law and Order’. Once you define those phrases and words and how they match up to your own life⏤the path forward and who you wish to lead this country⏤should become apparently clear. Former Democrat Congressman Jeff Van Drew, NJ’s 2nd District, who switched parties when the Democrats were attempting to impeach President Trump out of office, had this to say: “The party had moved from liberal to radical, this new democratic party, wasn’t just for higher taxes, now they were for open borders, against our police, and against our God given rights.” Jim Jordan, U.S. representative for Ohio’s 4th congressional district, had one of the most compelling speeches from both conventions. “The Republican Party is the pro-America party. President Trump is the pro-America candidate. This election is about who can preserve the values, principles, and institutions that make America great. Don’t believe me? Look at what’s happening in American cities, cities all run by democrats. Crime, violence and mob rule. Democrats refuse to denounce the mob, and the response to the chaos, defund the police, defund border patrol, and defund our military.” If every American selfishly votes […]
If you watched or caught any part of the political conventions this election cycle, then you know it was the tale of two different visions for America. The DNC was sure to stay clear of the violence in their democrat run cities. Not a single word was mentioned on what is one of the biggest stories in the news cycle. Dr. Marty Fox is a political analyst, public speaker and physician. Marty will talk on the relationship between the pandemic mask wearing, lockdown and the unrest and violence in America’s cities. The Democrats #Election2020 Plan: 1. Control the people: extend lockdown, wear mask, fear. 2. Racial injustice: create unrest, vilify police. The other major component to the democrat model is the choice of freedom of choice vs government control – giving the power back to the people so they can in turn make the best decisions in their lives. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. is an independent physician specializing in Preventive and Climacteric Medicine. The focus here is early outpatient treatment at home vs hospital stays. Allowing doctors and patients to make the decision, not politicians and bureaucrats.