The Voice of a Nation
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The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. The voice of our forefathers heard in the distance. It is time once again, friends, to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation. Transformative news that will change the way you think! Join us to reclaim our Republic as we take on the challenges of our generation to preserve freedom for future generations.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of The Voice of a Nation and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. It is time once again friends to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation.
Any rationally thinking American can see that there are two conventions, two narratives and two Americas. The question becomes, can America ever be unified again? Are we suppose to be unified? Practically speaking, only ‘one America’ wins and moves forward. The soul of humanity rests in the balance. The stakes could not be higher! The RNC Convention featured a diverse background of Americans. Some of the most interesting quotes com from: Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky: “If you hate war like I hate war … you need to support President Trump for another term.” Tiffany Trump: “My father does not run away from challenges, even in the face of outright hatred, because fighting for America is something he will sacrifice anything for.” Eric Trump: “Under President Trump, freedom will never be a thing of the past. That’s what a vote for Donald Trump represents. It is a vote for the American spirit, the American dream, and the American flag.”
Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or “inconvenient.” Censorship can be conducted by governments, private institutions, and other controlling bodies. Seems like an easy enough explanation to understand compliments of Wikipedia. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MI): “The internet has changed, and I think we need to keep pace with change. The dominant, monopoly-sized platforms that exist today didn’t exist then. The business model they employ today wasn’t employed then.” Hawley has accused social media companies of censoring conservative voices—a charge those companies have repeatedly denied. In June, he introduced a bill in the Senate that would require the FTC to certify that companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google do not “moderate information provided by other information content providers in a politically biased manner” in order for Section 230 immunity to apply. Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Florida): “I’m a conservative. I don’t want Washington running my life, but I sure as hell don’t want Silicon Valley running my life.” On May 28th President Trump issued an Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship: Section 230 was not intended to allow a handful of companies to grow into titans […]
With great anticipation, heads were tuned in to hear President Trump’s news conference on a breakthrough for Covid-19. Speculation was that the president would make hydroxychloroquine more accessible to the American public. Perhaps the time had come, that HCQ might even be available over-the-counter. But this message had nothing to do with hydroxychloroquine, it was an announcement from the Food and Drug Administration saying that it has authorized the use of blood plasma from patients who have recovered from Covid-19 as a treatment for the disease. So-called convalescent plasma is among a host of potential therapeutics that have been undergoing testing in clinical trials. The hope is that infusions of antibody-rich plasma from those who have recovered from Covid-19 can be injected into ill patients, kickstarting their immune system and allowing them to fight off the virus until they can generate their own antibodies. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons responded with a tweet suggesting the administration did not go far enough: HHS @SecAzar touts 35% mortality reduction for convalescent plasma. That is wonderful news. But meanwhile a number of studies have shown more like 50% reduction for HCQ given early. Give outpatient #HCQ an EUA too @realDonaldTrump. Later that […]
Cannon Hinnant was in his front yard playing as any five-year-old would be, before he was shot execution-style by a madman near the home of Cannon’s father. Sadly, we must point out, a white 5-year-old boy and a black man who lived next door to the father. There was no outrage. No protests. No tears. Why? This story did not fit the media agenda of racial injustice⏤so they did what the media always does when they don’t like the storyline, they ignored the story altogether. Americans are confusing what we at one time called the news⏤with media outlets. There really is no news⏤not when you’re in the business of selling advertising or creating clicks. Everyone is selling something. Selling a product, selling an idea, selling a service, but selling. As the Blaze reports: While some of the media has neglected to cover the appalling murder of Cannon Hinnant, people around the world have been emotionally touched and heartbroken by the tragedy. Some have shown their support for the family of the slain 5-year-old by donating to a GoFundMe campaign, which now exceeds half a million dollars.
Joe Biden accepted the Democrat nomination for president with an “enormously effective” speech that “blew a hole” in President Trump’s characterization of the former vice president, explains “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace. Many Americans were not quite sure what Biden speech Chris Wallace was watching, but he did go on further with a caveat, “And yes, Biden was reading from the teleprompter and a prepared speech, but I thought that he blew a hole, a big hole, in that characterization.” “Too much anger, dark! Darkness! This is NOT a partisan moment. This must be an American moment,” said Biden. Joe Biden then referred back to his Obama years as he called for Hope. The DNC Convention played it safe and their candidate was untouched. Mission Accomplished.
Every American should vote selfishly. They should vote in the best interest of their family, and choose the candidate that can deliver on those promises. Historically, too many Americans vote party. They feel obligated as a sense of loyalty. Should Federal Taxes Be Increased? Should Police Departments Be Defunded, if Not Abolished? Second Amendment, ban on weapons? Should the US End the Cash Bail System? Should the Death Penalty Be Allowed? Should Confederate Statues Be Taken Down? Should the Government Regulate Social Media Sites to Prevent Fake News and Misinformation? Is the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Good for Americans? Should the US Continue to Build a Border Wall at the US/Mexico Border? The questions are many. The answers are few.
At the center of the storm has been the USPS, as democrats prepare to make the post office a major campaign issue. Plan on lawsuits, a delayed decision and a swirl of controversy that will surround the final vote. Former President Barack Obama had this to say, “This president and those in power, those who benefit in keeping things the way they are, they know they can’t win you over with their policies, so there hoping to make it as hard as possible for you to vote and to convince you that your vote does not matter – that is how they win.” President Trump struck back with one of the most memorable messages of the convention: “The reason I’m here is because of President Obama and Joe Biden, because if they did a good job I wouldn’t be here, and probably if they did a good job, I wouldn’t have even run. I would have been very happy – I enjoyed my previous life very much, but they did such a bad job that I stand before you as president.” Kamala Harris accepts the role of Vice President, and during her acceptance speech, one of her more memorable lines, “There is […]
The Swamp Returns to the DNC Convention: Former Acting US Attorney General Sally Yates, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Former Secretary of State John Kerry, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, Former President Bill Clinton and Former Second Lady Dr. Jill Biden. The swamp is a breeding ground for all kinds of unsightly creatures. Drain the swamp is a phrase which since the 1980s has frequently been used by American politicians. Ronald Reagan, who called to “drain the swamp” of bureaucracy in the federal government in 1983 when commissioning The Grace Commission. Malcolm takes on the swamp in a way that puts corruption and political humor in context.
Socialist Democrat Candidate Bernie Sanders admits the unthinkable: “Many of the ideas we fought for, that just a few years ago were considered radical, are now mainstream. If Donald Trump is reelected, all the progress we have made will be in jeopardy.” If Americans needed another good reason to vote against a #BidenHarris administration, that statement should do it. The woman from Michigan, Gov Gretchen Whitmer received her few minutes of fame. Whitmer was one of the top choices for VP, before Kamala got the call. She received her notoriety with her radical demands on how Michiganders should live their lives under her dictatorial demands. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo stood up in front of a paired down national audience blaming Trump for every fault of American society, while admitting nothing of his criminal behavior in killing thousands of New Yorkers. Michelle Obama’s DNC address had more holes in it than the cheap masks that have become breeding grounds for viral microbes. It was fact-checked by AP over ‘distorted’ immigration talking points, and was found to have more than just a few mistruths. “Over the last 4 years, a lot of people have asked me, when others are going so low, does going high […]
Remember the old days. Remember those everyday interactions with the old world? The grumbling about the obstacle course of the commute, the non-verbal mingling of sights, sounds, and smells of the workday, the ritual of lunch, the social theater of non-task one-on-one and group interaction. That was normality. All of it was suddenly yanked out from under America’s workforce. We forget to dream. What is the American Dream? The term was coined by writer and historian James Truslow Adams in his best-selling 1931 book “Epic of America.” He described it as “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.” The American Dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society where upward mobility is possible for everyone. The American Dream is achieved through sacrifice, risk-taking, and hard work, rather than by chance. The idea of the American Dream has much deeper roots. Its tenets can be found in the Declaration of Independence, which states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created […]
There are two big questions that will define the #Election2020. Is Joe Biden up to the test, the grueling schedule and requirements to be president of the United States? The other relevant question is… Is America ready to become a socialist nation? We could easily add a third question to the mix… Will Americans replace law and order with crime and chaos? If you have the answer to those three questions⏤you will then have the answer to who will be elected president in November. America must demand answers to the questions above, as this will define their lives in ways they never thought possible. The other footnote to this race is our faith. Malcolm has a most interesting perspective later in the show in a conversation between God and Donald Trump that is not to be missed.
A multi-faceted campaign including: the cancel culture; defund police departments; abolish the police; crime escalation in America’s cities; create fear in the populace. “Now we are dealing with the globalists, dealing with marxists, dealing with terrorists, islam, there is so much that we as a nation and this president – are going against, it boggles your mind that we’re able to stay afloat,” says Col Jim Waurishuk. The convergence of international terrorism and domestic terrorism are at the helm of destruction, with radical groups Antifa and Black Lives Matter. There are international groups and funding that play into the civil unrest and violent disturbances. Col Jim Waurishuk is retired from USAF, he is a career senior intelligence and special missions officer, former Deputy Director of Intelligence at U.S. Central Command and served on the White House National Security Council staff. LISTEN to part 1: Democrats’ Secret Battlefield Election Strategy pt 1
Create a militant situation with a capability to create violence, fear. Question the ability of the government to protect them. A Psychological Process for ‘We The People’ to question the government’s ability to protect them. Was this former President Obama’s Goal? Obama administration policies and ideology gave new credence to the reformation and generated a modern mobilization of the Antifa movement. There are 2012 elements (U.S. and foreign/European) of the organization appearing in Syria to engage in the Syria Civil War. There is strong indication of the funding trail for the Antifa Syria unit was funded clandestinely funded by the Obama administration. Another very interesting fact is that General Mike Flynn intended to investigate and audit Brennan’s CIA off-the- books covert funds understood to be $2 Billion. We will explore the early origins of Antifa, the funding and the relationship with Barack Obama, and how the democrat party is using the unrest to fuel their movement of radial extremist politics. Col Jim Waurishuk is retired from USAF, he is a career senior intelligence and special missions officer, former Deputy Director of Intelligence at U.S. Central Command and served on the White House National Security Council staff. LISTEN to part 2: Democrats’ Secret Battlefield […]
A strange thing happened when Attorney General William Barr addressed the House Judiciary Committee on mob violence and civil unrest in America’s cities⏤Barr was attacked by the democrat mob. As Colonel Jim Waurishuk explained: “The Democrats were like mob mentality at the committee meeting.” AG Barr lashed out at the committee: “This is the first time in my memory that the leaders of one of our two great political parties, the Democratic Party, are not coming out and condemning mob violence,” he said. “Can’t we just say the violence against the federal courts has to stop? Could we hear something like that?” With that statement, you could hear a pin drop in the room. The attorney general challenged their loyalty, and not a single Democrat responded. Speaker Nancy Pelosi tore into Attorney General Barr after his testimony accusing him of acting like a “henchman” for the President. “He was like a blob. He was like a, just a henchman for the president of the United States, instead of the attorney general of the United States of America.” Is the game plan to discredit the Attorney General, bang him up, and convince people that he is indeed the President’s henchman? How close is John Durham to finalizing […]