The Voice of a Nation
Special feature broadcast times!
The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. The voice of our forefathers heard in the distance. It is time once again, friends, to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation. Transformative news that will change the way you think! Join us to reclaim our Republic as we take on the challenges of our generation to preserve freedom for future generations.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of The Voice of a Nation and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. It is time once again friends to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation.
We have seen the reversal of our economy and our lives change dramatically over the last six months. We all have our theories of how this invisible murderous COVID-19 virus came to our shores and has claimed over 150,000 American lives, shut down our economy, and put 22 million people out of work. There are more questions that answers, even at this late date of the pandemic. There are so many untruths coming from mainstream media outlets⏤all to push a doom and gloom scenario that can be tied back to President Trump in an election year. Everything needs to be questioned: Counting the cases of people who have died from the virus is a big question mark. Using cases as opposed to total population to advance the narrative that the virus is spreading out of control is a constant message being pushed by media outlets to instill fear in the populace. The idea that a face mask it going to save you from the virus. Not being able to get the effective medication to save your life in that moment of crisis. Jim McCay penned a great article you can read below, and he joins Malcom on The Voice of a Nation. […]
Are you pessimistic or optimistic about America’s future? Ask anyone today and they’ll have a ‘pit in their gut’ as to how important the stakes are in the general election of 2020. Draining the swamp has become the rallying call of the Right, while the Left touts equality, diversity and social issues as their leading cause to save America. With all the cheap talk and witty sarcasm⏤very few are paying attention to what is motivating this massive change of destroying America’s history. The cancel culture is actively in pursuit of all things American. Christoper Columbus statues will soon be a figment of our imaginations. What is causing this titanic shift in thinking? Is America headed right off the cliff as so many ponder? There is a mechanism within election 2020 that will determine America’s future. It is the underlying motivations from Americans that will tell the story come this November. This episode of The Voice of a Nation will make you think, give your an understanding and perhaps leave your cheering for the ‘City on a Shining Hill’. Jay Lehr, Ph.D. is Senior Policy Analyst with the International Climate Science Coalition and former Science Director of The Heartland Institute. Dr. Baruch […]
Millions of Americans are confused as to where the lies end and the truth begins when it comes to accurate life-saving information on COVID-19. Social distancing protocols; does a face mask really help the cause or is it a political tool; which medication is most effective in fighting the virus? About everything is controversial – like schools reopening in the fall and what is best for the kids; what are the risk factors? The economic hit and the impact it is having on businesses is widespread leaving many to close their doors permanently. The one takeaway from all of this is – every aspect of COVID-19 is political. So what do you do if you or your loved one gets covid and you start to get sick? Finding the best treatment plan when one gets ill from the virus is certainly the most critical real time information you’ll need. Many are waiting and hoping for the miracle cure – whether it’s a vaccine for some, a drug like Remdesivir, or Hydroxychloroquine, also known as HCQ – having the correct information is a matter of life and death in some cases. Joining Malcolm on The Voice of a Nation with the latest […]
Candidate for Florida Congressional District 19, meet Dan Severson. 22 year military Navy Veteran, Top Gun Pilot, and running for election to the U.S. House to represent Florida’s 19th Congressional District. He is on the ballot in the Republican primary on August 18, 2020. Severson (Republican Party) (also known as Doc) was a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives, representing District 14A. Dan is passionate about accountability in government, upholding the Constitution, and protecting individual liberties. He also understands Southwest Florida’s waterways are a precious treasure and lifeblood of our economy. Protecting this treasure from big money interests is a top priority. America is at a crossroads. Fake news and the far left continue to harass our President with unending and baseless charges hampering his ability to enact essential reforms. Dan promises to continue supporting President Trump and his policies while aggressively pushing back against fake news, the “never Trumpers”, and the far left. Website: Dan Severson “TOP GUN” for US Congress District 19 – Dan Severson DONATE: Support Severson for Congress — Anedot Follow on Twitter: (25) Dan “Doc” Severson – Top Gun For Congress (@SeversonForCD19) / Twitter
There are incredible challenges that families and businesses are faced with as they try and maneuver the Covid-19 Pandemic, but amongst those challenges, the greatest is the misinformation and suppression in the media. Today, you’ll hear directly from Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet in the opening monologue, who will set the record straight with important updates on the Coronavirus. So many of our freedoms are being jeopardized. Governors and mayors working overtime to micromanage every aspect of our lives. We will address many of your concerns today on The Voice of a Nation. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. is an independent physician specializing in Preventive and Climacteric Medicine. Freedom to travel and move freely around our communities and country. Freedom of worship – churches closed, while anarchists gather in groups of thousands to wreak mayhem on our communities. Freedom of speech: at work, on line, in schools, in print and broadcast media. The media propaganda and censorship are worse than I witnessed during the Cold War. Freedom to assemble peacefully for normal activities: exceptions of course granted for the thousands gathering for riots, looting, burning our cities, businesses, historical monuments, and terrorizing peaceful citizens. Freedom to work normally. Freedom to play and recreate. Freedom to […]
Western civilization is under threat from a declining population. The countries we outlined in part one of this talk, have been able to maintain the growth of their declining indigenous populations, through immigration only. The tragedy is the fact, that a great percentage of these immigrants, are coming from Muslim countries, who cannot, do not and will not assimilate among the host peoples. The fertility rate of Muslims range, from Five to Seven Times those of Europeans or Americans. By the year 2050, it is projected that the whole of Europe, including Russia, will become Islamic. These cultures will cease to exist. America is suffering exactly the same decline in populations, and is blinded by Political Correctness – or the irrational fear of being called a Racist – that prohibits any of them, from having the backbone, the integrity, or even the loyalty, for his/her people, to stand up and say, that based upon their Sharia compliance, “Muslims, should never again be allowed to Immigrate into our countries, just as we Infidels/ Kuffar are never allowed into theirs”. Americans understand our human right to not comply, not submit to a sharia way of life – which sets up the ultimate clash. We recommend you […]
In order for any ethnic culture to maintain itself for more than 25 years (at least one generation), the minimum required Fertility Rate has to be 2.11 children per family. Anything less than 2.11, the culture will most assuredly, slowly but inevitably, decline into final oblivion. Based on the historical records, no native culture was ever able to go back by itself, at 1.9 children per family. At 1.3 Fertility Rate, it is impossible for any culture to reverse and or recover, because it would take 80 to 100 years to correct itself, and there is no economic model that can sustain a culture during such a long period of time. The following fertility rates are beyond Shocking: France 1.9; Germany 1.57; UK 1.74; Italy 1.34; Spain 1.2; Denmark 1.77; Ireland 1.77; (European Union as a whole 1.59); Canada 1.6; USA 1.74; Russia 1.3. These figures doom these nations to extinction, unless they receive immigrants from other nations, and that is where we start the conversation on The Voice of a Nation in part one of The American Melting Pot Coming to an End. We recommend you read the article, Demographic Triumph of Islam over Christianity, and then listen to both parts of the program […]
California’s 28th congressional district, like most of the nation, is struggling on multiple levels through the COVID-19 challenges. But the challenges in the district go far beyond COVID-19, they are mostly due to lack of congressional representation. For the past three and a half years, the vibrant Southern California district’s problems have steadily increased, most of this is due to the fact that Rep. Adam Schiff has spent his entire political capital on trying to remove the President from office. His desire to seek fame and fortune and the national spotlight has placed a heavy burden on residents of the 28th district. Eric Early has fought in the courts to help people stay in their homes and help job creators, businesses and innovators succeed and stay in California while building his own successful law firm. Eric was a candidate in 2018 for California Attorney General against Xavier Becerra, receiving almost one million votes as a first-time candidate. Eric is focused on bringing back the quality of life for the citizens of the 28th district. He wants to stop the endless regulations and taxes. Protect freelancers, independent contractors and gig workers. Tackle the out-of-control homelessness epidemic. Secure the border and keep California […]
What do we want as Americans? Left vs Right – Safety and Security for our family and friends? Quality of life, which means accessibility to education, healthcare, infrastructure? Even beyond basic freedom, what about the threats to your liberty? Can we agree on the basics? How do we get there? Why do some Americans accept Sanctuary cities? Illegal immigration? Releasing criminals onto the streets? High taxes? Crumbling infrastructure? American Revolutionary Politics in its simplistic form is what our Founders envisioned for this exceptional Republic⏤that the citizenry and the outsider would go to Washington DC and create change in government. That politicians would not become career leaders drunk on power. When Donald Trump became the 45th President⏤he went against the will of the establishment. We have all had a front row seat in how the establishment has resented and resisted the outsider that the American People sent to the White House to help recover a nation that was headed down a wicked path. We must remember that all bureaucracies are built on the assumption that saving the status quo (their asses) is far more important than any mission on governing and improving the lives of 330 million Americans. Today, Malcolm takes on the Establishment and their Wicked Ways – […]
Those ignorant of U.S. history and Marxist, Fascist and National Socialist ideology either don’t see what is happening, or don’t want you to realize what is slowly but surely happening across our great beloved country. It is a phased plan that involves disinformation, disillusion, chaos, and the “normalization” in America. Yes, you can call this the ‘New Normal’, exactly what they’re been preaching throughout the covid lockdown. Their strategic plan involves pitting American against American. The ultimate divide by race, ethnicity, gender and your political party or association. Every Marxist, Fascist, or National Socialist movement must have a “class struggle” component. Therefore, The terms “White Privilege,” “systemic racism,” “economically disenfranchised,” “the elite rich,” and others are deliberately inserted in the rhetoric of protestors and placating politicians. The objective to create the division and separation of Americans by Americans is key if America is to be upset. Malcolm is joined by the awesome Ilana Freedman. Ilana is a veteran intelligence analyst, political commentator and host here at America Out Loud.
For some, the entire spectacle that has become “Defund the Police’ and ‘Abolish the Police’ is some sort of a righteous movement to balance the justice scales⏤that is until you are in a crisis situation and you make the call to 911, and they never show up. Ken Schneider is the Owner of Uncork Charleston in South Carolina, and he had such an experience recently that left extensive damage to this business, and emotional scars to the customers and employees who were present that night. Schneider said that though he is not “an emotional guy,” he cried when he first saw the devastation on King Street. Ken Schneider’s story is a powerful one and a testimony to his determination and grit.
The damage and destruction we are witnessing in America is only the beginning of what may very well be a pivotal turning point in America’s history. The even bigger damage lies just below the surface, deep in the soul of Americans, and their desire to put down the revolt⏤not to be intimated or coerced into accepting this as the new normal. The Deep State apparatus to include the political, tech business and media elites are fixated on destroying our president and any collateral damage appears to be of no consequence to these people. “Trump is the tip of the spear. First president to come through with his promises, in spite of all the distractions,” says DrRon Martinelli. It is the powerful few that are determined to destroy our beloved nation. We should all be students of history. This will at the very minimum give us a fighting chance, but when we allow our children to be brainwashed into a belief system we do not even recognize – we are setting ourselves up for a massive failure. The question we need to be asking ourselves, and one which we will explore on the program is: What course will we chart for America? Dr […]
The challenges are many in 2020 and beyond. We have to ask ourselves the question, who is best to bring America through this chapter of uncertainty? As we are seeing the destruction of our great American cities⏤there is one thing they have in common⏤local leadership. The governor, mayor, city council, to the Representatives and Senators that should have the best interest of the people. Washington DC is more than broken, it is in a state of panic. At a time when the federal government is spending unprecedented amounts of money to deal with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, Gallup finds Americans’ ideology on economic issues has consistently tilted more conservative than liberal. Currently, 39% of U.S. adults say their views on economic issues are conservative or very conservative, 21% are economically liberal or very liberal, and 38% are moderate. Electing the right leaders to get the job done is paramount. There is no room for error. More than ever, America needs patriotic, passionate and steadfast leadership that will govern from the front. Please meet Dr. Rich McCormick, Running for Congress GA-District- 7. Rich is a Republican, Christian, GOP, Decorated US Marine, ER, MD. Decorated Marine. Emergency Room Doctor. Political Outsider. From serving as a […]
DC INSIDERS: The names coming from all sides of the political aisle have one thing in common, they are all D.C. insiders. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Mattis and now Bolton. These are all people that made careers out of carefully curating the details of policy, diplomacy and bureaucracy that are the bread and butter currency of the Nation’s Capital. AN ELECTION: John’s ire against Trump, like so many of those of the Washington D.C. elites, is not uncommon. Everyone in D.C. believes they know better than US President Donald J. Trump about anything and everything, except how to “Get to Yes”. Theirs is a culture that values a perpetual status quo more than anything else. The thing is⏤that is exactly what the American People elected Trump to tear down. CONTROLLING TRUMP: The bottom line is that Bolton, like his other Establishment colleagues wanted to control Trump instead of trust in his abilities to create maneuvering room for them to open new opportunities that the United States could exploit constructively. They do not get the bigger picture. It’s an artifact of being stuck in their boxes. The Trump White house is looking to make deals that create the space for the parties to stop being stuck […]