The Voice of a Nation
Special feature broadcast times!
The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. The voice of our forefathers heard in the distance. It is time once again, friends, to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation. Transformative news that will change the way you think! Join us to reclaim our Republic as we take on the challenges of our generation to preserve freedom for future generations.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of The Voice of a Nation and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. It is time once again friends to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation.
Lt. General Michael Flynn was the National Security Advisor to the incoming President. Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak wanted answers as to what the new administration was going to do regarding the new sanctions that President Obama had placed on Russia. Flynn indicates to Kislyak that he will look into it. Up to this point, nothing unusual. It is customary for top administrative officials from the new administration to meet with officials from other countries. The fine line is that they cannot indicate that they represent the U.S. Government, officially that is, or they risk being charged with the Logan Act. This is where things start to get a little bit dicey. Lt. General Michael Flynn had initially pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI on Jan. 24, 2017. Why did Flynn plead guilty, if he was indeed innocent? The questions are many – the answers are few – until now. They were looking for a narrative. A narrative that they would press and spin again and again in the national media. There was never any evidence because there was never any Russian Collusion. Some would argue there was never to be Russian Collusion; the collusion was to be the […]
Corruption is an art form in Washington D.C. Researchers found that corruption leads to — you guessed it — more corruption. Why? Because it breeds a climate of mistrust. People who don’t trust their governments are less likely to participate politically to fix them. Perhaps this is why we have so many people on the sidelines refusing to get involved in the game of politics. All of this got Malcolm thinking that we need to identify these thieves and crooked politicians and call them out for what they are – DICKHEADS. “So, I asked the question on social media: Why does Washington DC attract some of the biggest dickheads on the planet? Just below you’ll find many of those reactions. In the mean time, I have you covered with a great roundup of dickheads. You’ll also hear from a couple of patriots who chime in on our quest to identify the biggest and baddest dickhead of them all.” – Malcolm Out Loud Ava Armstrong is a political commentator, analyst and author who writes about the everyday men and women. Brian Gould served in the U.S Army and U.S. Special Forces for over three decades; he works with the Department of Defense. […]
One of the age-old questions: Are dogs colorblind? I was asking myself that question on one of my five-mile walks. Attractive black woman with a white and black dog. Are dogs racist? Was my dog racist I wondered? Attractive white woman, blond hair, no dog, and no personality. Perhaps she needed a dog to cheer her up? Malcolm takes to the sidewalks to explore human behavior⏤and why our dogs know much more than we think they know. Ahhh…. the human psyche. How did dogs become ‘Man’s Best Friend’? Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Other’s Butts? Are dogs colorblind? Are they racist? So Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tails? There is the RACIST DOG, the POLITICAL DOG, the HONEST DOG, the HEALTH CONSCIOUS DOG, and the BLIND LOYALTY DOG. There is a bit of a MUTT in all of us, isn’t there?
Senior Airman Tre Porfirio was shot three times in the back at close range by an insurgent on the battlefields of Afghanistan. Karl Porfirio met his son stateside at Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, where his condition was critical and dire. His pancreas was riddled by enemy bullets, destroying most of its ability to produce insulin, and potentially turning him into an instant, full-blown diabetic. It was an experimental surgery called Islet Cell transplant that would provide the hope for Tre to recover to a new normal, a new life. The doctors had removed the insulin-producing islet cells from what was left of his pancreas and transplanted them into his liver, which has taken over the function of producing the insulin. It’s the first time the procedure has been used on a pancreas damaged by injury rather than having deteriorated from diabetes. The struggle that Tre Porfirio endured and the outcome that would change everything is told by his Gold Star Dad, Karl Porfirio – Author of “My Daddy’s Heart is Purple” in memory of his son and dedicated to his grandson. This Special Episode ‘To Die For Freedom’ on The Voice of a Nation is dedicated to all the young men and women who have […]
The balance of public health and preserving our constitutional rights is front and center as America slowly wakes up from a longer than expected lockdown slumber. Many states and communities are experiencing protests as citizens demand restrictions be eased at once. One of the more significant trends we are seeing is the different approaches to opening the states back up⏤in red states as compared to blue states. Mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio said a gathering for a rabbi’s funeral in Williamsburg, New York, was “absolutely unacceptable” and noted it won’t be tolerated. de Blasio tweeted: “My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed,” and in another tweet. “I have instructed the NYPD to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups. This is about stopping this disease and saving lives. Period.” The mayor received serious blowback from Jewish leaders in the community, which forced de Blasio to apologize, “I regret if the way I say it in any way gave people a feeling of being treated the wrong way — it was not my intention, It was said with love, but it was tough love.” […]
The signs are all there, it is a dangerous game of political brinkmanship where the doctors and patients are being used as pawns⏤in what appears to be nothing more than political posturing. Successful treatment protocols using hydroxychloroquine exist that describe low dose, short duration over 5 to 7 days treatment early in COVID-19 to help reduce severity, rate of spread and need for hospitalization. So then why the political firestorm against hydroxychloroquine? “It simply makes no medical sense,” explains Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet. More than a third of America’s Covid-19 deaths occurred in NYC—a city of just 7 million of our nation’s approximately 330 million citizens. New York Governor Cuomo’s executive order prohibits pharmacists from dispensing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, except when the prescription is for a US FDA approved indication, part of a state-approved clinical trial. New York county executives, according to Steve McLaughlin of Rensselaer County, are perplexed as to why Cuomo prohibited the treatment from being dispensed to different parts of the state. “I think most of us would say, ‘Why are our doctors and pharmacists being prevented by Cuomo from even prescribing it?’ Which right now, he put a block on that, and you can’t even really get your hands […]
Attorney General William Barr warns the states not to go ‘too far’ in stay-at-home orders, threatens legal action. “These are unprecedented burdens on civil liberties right now. You know, the idea that you have to stay in your house is disturbingly close to house arrest,” AG Barr told radio host Hugh Hewitt. “I’m not saying it wasn’t justified. I’m not saying in some places it might still be justified.” As the horror stories keep coming⏤and you think that it can’t possibly get any worse; the next story tops the previous one. As lockdown orders continue to be extended out by governors and local mayors and their unconstitutional edicts⏤Americans are losing patience fast! Almost don’t know where to start with this conversation. Not to worry, Malcolm is wound up when he sees that the local dog park is padlocked, and the volley ball court, and the basketball court… and where does it end? Del Wilber is a former CIA and Department of Defense Intelligence and Counterterrorism Officer. Ava Armstrong is a political commentator, radio personality, and a fantastic author who writes about the everyday men and women with a focus on Patriotism. Dennis Santiago is an American Strategist, focusing on strategic warfare, asymmetric warfare, arms […]
Celebrities, politicians, business elites, and countless personalities would routinely seek money, advice and support from citizen Donald J. Trump. Trump was always a great interview and in demand with the media talk shows, and this went on for decades. It all changed on June 16, 2015 with that now famous escalator ride. Trump quickly became a threat to the establishment and to the globalist dream of swallowing America to be part of their imperialist empire of a New World Order. Instinctively President Donald Trump had a gut feeling that he would need to communicate directly to the people. That vehicle would become Twitter. Trump has changed the way business is done from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, in Washington, D.C. And not everyone is happy. Malcolm takes a 35,000 feet view of Trump and Twitter.
Saul Alinsky is somewhat of a folk hero to the Hillary Clinton crowd. Alinsky is the famed author of the Left’s bible, Rules for Radicals. Born in Chicago in 1909, Alinsky published his most prized work in 1971, and although he died in 1972, his book went onto ‘cult like’ status driving generations off the edge into the radical oblivion of any normalcy. Some of the most cherished achievements from the radical crowd include: Remove God from everything and make the manger scene obscene in the local neighborhood. Seize the education system and brainwash the little rascals. Don’t stop with lower school, take over higher education as well, and teach the young people that what is wrong is right, and right is wrong. And then grab the megaphone to society by hijacking the media outlets and the distribution of all soundbites to the universe so that radical theories will be the norm. We are seeing the new norm play out in communities across America at the height of the pandemic lockdown. You see the display of bulldozers pushing mounds of dirt into the skateboard park in Southern California, so that the kids adhere to the social distancing lockdown orders. “We’ve had continuous […]
States across the country, including Arizona, Mississippi, Illinois, New Jersey, Michigan, Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina, Wisconsin, are experiencing large protests over the lockdown as citizens take to the streets. Some are calling it the American Revolution 2.0. The common thread amongst the protestors is that the business shutdowns, plummeting economy and lost jobs are far more damaging than the coronavirus. Michigan Sheriff Ted Schendel, along with a handful of other sheriffs in the state, said they will not execute the governors executive orders. “This is America, the constitution still matters,” says Benzie County Sheriff Schendel. THERE IS A GROWING SENSE THAT CERTAIN PEOPLE WANT TO KEEP AMERICA CLOSED. Are state governors and mayors going too far? “We’ve got to make sure that we avoid a second wave at all costs. That would be devastating for our economy,”says Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. “Before we start to relax, there is some troubling news about a second wave,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said last week. “We don’t want the same thing to happen twice.” Dr. Anthony Fauci, on the White House task force, has also expressed concern about a second wave of infections in the near future. Dr. Jay Lehr is Senior Policy Analyst […]
Basic science and clinical outcomes studies from more than 10 countries show that Hydroxychloroquine works both before and after COVID-19 enters the cells. It increases zinc transport across the cell membrane, and the two work together to keep the virus from multiplying itself using our own cells’ machinery. There have been some significant developments and success stories with HCQ. Yet, there are reports of medical professionals being threatened, and even in some cases their licenses under attack, from prescribing or suggesting the success of HCQ. CNN’s Elizabeth Cohen and Dr. Minali, went on the record, like so many others have with claims that tell a different story, “President Trump is wrong in so many ways about hydroxychloroquine studies.” And then you may have seen the reports in the New York Times and others, claiming that President Trump has ‘Financial Interest’ in Hydroxychloroquine. The fact of the matter is, millions in America may have the same interest, in that it is through ‘twice removed’ mutual fund investments. The question needs to be asked, If President Trump had never said anything about the drug – would all this controversy still exist you think? Why do some people get deathly ill, and some die from […]
The education system is being challenged like never before in history, due to the unprecedented emergency measures that Covid-19 has demanded. The transition of our school system to the online world has presented many hurdles. Hackers sabotaging the in-class programming while in session has turned more than a few eyebrows. Learning curves were to be expected; even more so because of the shock to the system. Teachers were unprepared to take on these challenges; the kids did not fare much better in preparation either. But there are some upsides as well. Many parents got a first-hand look at what homeschooling might look like. Is this the beginning of the end for government-run education? How will all of these changes impact our long term vision for schooling our kids? And then there is the conversation of school vouchers; and the amount of international students being allowed to enter the American education system. Joining Malcolm to tackle the current state of education is Karen Schoen. Karen is an Educator, Dean, a Retired Teacher and Activist focused on Saving America.
Call it compassion in the face of stupidity. Some might even say, America’s political leaders are embracing the hearts of evil dictators. Senator Dianne Feinstein, has urged President Trump to reverse a plan to block an Iranian request to the International Monetary Fund for $5 billion in aid to fight the coronavirus crisis⏤saying it is in the U.S. national interest to accede to the request. “I am disappointed to see reports that your administration intends to block Iran from receiving $5 billion in humanitarian aid from the IMF to combat the coronavirus pandemic,” Feinstein wrote in a letter to President Trump. “Providing these funds to Iran would help it respond more effectively to the disease and mitigate the risk of further destabilization in the region.” The big problem with this insane request is Iranian “officials have a long history of diverting funds allocated for humanitarian goods into their own pockets and to their terrorist proxies,” explained the Trump administration. Trump said this month that Iran has been “planning a sneak attack on U.S. troops and/or assets in Iraq” and warned the regime would pay a “very heavy price” if they attacked U.S. assets. Socialist Democrat Presidential Candidate Joe Biden said that “it […]
It was in 2010 when Bill Gates revealed at a Ted Talk that he had a plan to depopulate the world⏤it was a stunning admission. Gates said: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.” We are living in some interesting times: The pandemic virus sweeping the globe Rise of China, 1.4 billion people Changes in the Middle East, In 1995, Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act, which declared that “Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel.” The bill also stated that the American embassy should move to Jerusalem within five years. The Embassy opened at its Jerusalem location on May 14, 2018, the 70th anniversary of the creation of the modern State of Israel. It was relocated from its previous site in Tel Aviv by the Donald Trump Admin. The Isolation of Russia – Cold War, Putin The Rise of Socialism Communism in America The change in political winds in America – Donald Trump In summer of 2008, Bill Gates left his day-to-day […]