The Voice of a Nation
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The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. The voice of our forefathers heard in the distance. It is time once again, friends, to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation. Transformative news that will change the way you think! Join us to reclaim our Republic as we take on the challenges of our generation to preserve freedom for future generations.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of The Voice of a Nation and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. It is time once again friends to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation.
With all that is⏤the hot political environment⏤Americans are feeling more and more like we are all stuck in the muck. Middle America doesn’t recognize the democrat party any further. Fact is, the democrats don’t recognize their party either. You might call this the ‘Theatre of the Absurdity’. They are scared, they are very accusatory, their allegations are unfounded. Our Universities, the Press, the Corporate Elites and Political Operatives all seem to be missing in action. The Republican Party has been playing defense. Problem is defense by itself will not win games. As some point, you must push back. You can not go along to get along. We will explore ‘The Maniacal Left & The MIA Right’ today on THE VOICE OF A NATION. James Sinclair, Entrepreneur, US Marine corps veteran and patriot. Arnetta Notkin, 30 years working on Wall Street – a Producer and Commentator. Jim McCay is a Political Analyst, Commentator and Radio Producer, with a 30 year background in global technology.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff for brains has become the public face of the House Democratic impeachment drive. The President called on Schiff to resign and suggested he be investigated and potentially be jailed for “treason”. President Trump never one to hold back on his feelings, lets it fly on Twitter – Rep. Adam Schiff illegally made up a FAKE & terrible statement, pretended it to be mine as the most important part of my call to the Ukrainian President, and read it aloud to Congress and the American people. It bore NO relationship to what I said on the call. Arrest for Treason? Like every American, I deserve to meet my accuser, especially when this accuser, the so-called “Whistleblower,” represented a perfect conversation with a foreign leader in a totally inaccurate and fraudulent way. Then Schiff made up what I actually said by lying to Congress…In addition, I want to meet not only my accuser, who presented SECOND & THIRD HAND INFORMATION, but also the person who illegally gave this information, which was largely incorrect, to the “Whistleblower.” Was this person SPYING on the U.S. President? Big Consequences! Rep Adam Schiff responds on ABC’s “This Week: “The president believes that […]
The easy answer is⏤about half of the country would be elated. The other half would be miserable. Truth is if this was just another election, then no biggie. We do what we’ve always done. We dust ourselves off, cry in our beer for a few days, and then we convince ourselves it’s not that bad, and we prepare for the next election. Like any sports game⏤there is always next time, right? We would like to thinks so, but are you willing to take the chance that the Far Left Wackadoodles were just kidding, that they were just screwing around with our sense of humor? Are you prepared for a socialist new green deal free everything where the ‘land of the free’ was completely taken out of context, and the ‘home of the brave’ no more? Baruch Pletner says “The American federal republic is well on its way to being replaced by a bolshevik totalitarian state.” Baruch has a fairly good perspective of this deep state business, he explains it this way: “The congressional Democrats and their Republican flunkies with the willing participation of the Supreme Court transferred substantially all of the levers of governance from the legislative branch where the […]
All levers of the Democrat Party have been focused on impeaching President Donald Trump, SO WHAT HAS CHANGED? They’ve been investigating Donald Trump before he ever got close to the White House. This country has been embroiled in impeachment inquiries for nearly three-years. Democrats have believed that President Trump has been in violation of the law since Election Day, if not before. Six Democrat Committees have been investigating the President. How was this ever a formal inquiry – when the House did not vote? It appears Nancy Pelosi caved to the democratic cabal. “This is not about politics, this is about patriotism,” says Corey Booker. In a rare moment of truthfulness, Pelosi may have let the cat out of the bag when she said: “We can’t let him win again!” Two Presidents have been impeached in US History, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Will Donald Trump be the next? Is this another attempt for the Deep State to take down a President when nothing else has worked? Col Jim Waurishuk is retired from USAF, he is a career senior intelligence and special missions officer, former Deputy Director of Intelligence at U.S. Central Command and served on the White House National Security Council. Ava Armstrong is a political […]
Are the forces aligning in society⏤where the kind of ORWELLIAN CHANGE is taking place? Nineteen Eighty-Four was a warning against totalitarian governments. It’s all the more relevant now than when it was written. The 2020 elections will decide the direction of this nation. Is this the most important election in our lifetime? You turn on the NEWS at this very moment and you will see – Iran Preps War… Kingdom Wants Action Russia-China War Games Involve 120K Soldiers House Democrats inch closer to Trump impeachment What the youth climate strike looks like around the world Crackdown on Islam spreading Gallup: Public Divided About Recession Coming Within Year… Will massive debt really doom us? Are We Approaching George Orwell’s Vision of Nineteen Eighty-Four? It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him. The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats. At one end of it a coloured poster, too large for indoor display, had […]
Almost 80% of all searches are done on the Google platform both for political, news, personal and product information – Safe to say, we’ve become not just reliant but addictive to these tech services. They’ve changed the way we do business, on both a professional and personal level – more than that they’ve changed the way we communicate and the way we find vital information that both run our lives and that go into important decisions we make. A video recorded by Google shortly after the 2016 presidential election was sent to Breitbart News by an anonymous source. It was a video that Google never intended would see the light of day. Google co-founder Sergey Brin compares Trump supporters to fascists and says they are extremists who were motivated by “boredom,” and need a “better quality of governance and decision-making.” VP for Global Affairs Kent Walker argues that Google should fight to ensure the populist movement is merely a “hiccup” in a historical arc that “bends toward progress.” Walker also said supporters of populist causes like the Trump campaign are motivated by “fear, xenophobia, hatred, and a desire for answers that may or may not be there.” Michael Johns is the National co-founder […]
Brett Kavanaugh did make it to the Supreme Court⏤but not without a cost to his family and friends. The #MeToo movement did their absolute best to take Kavanaugh down. In an excerpt from their forthcoming book, The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation, New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly wrote that Deborah Ramirez’s account of being confronted by the future Supreme Court justice’s penis—was supported by their later reporting. The Times reported at least seven people were aware of the story that Brett Kavanaugh had drunkenly exposed his penis to an unwilling Yale classmate, who ended up touching it while trying to avoid him. One of the New York Times reporters behind the bombshell story detailing a new sexual misconduct allegation about Justice Brett Kavanaugh also authored a deleted tweet that said thrusting a penis in a woman’s face could be considered “harmless fun.” Promoting the report, the Times’s tweeted, “Having a penis thrust in your face at a drunken dorm party may seem like harmless fun. But when Brett Kavanaugh did it to her, Deborah Ramirez says, it confirmed that she didn’t belong at Yale in the first place.” The Times then deleted the tweet after it received […]
When many of us were in school – we not only heard crazy things being said – but there were times we even said them. Pranks – stupid talk – tryng to be the tough guy or gal – the cool cat on campus! Most often it would have just been dismissed as being fresh or talking stupid. Not anymore. We are now in a position where these jokes or threats have to be taken seriously. The culture has shifted dramatically. There have been a number of shooting threats made online leading to arrests in the wake of shootings in El Paso, Texas; Dayton, Ohio; and Odessa, Texas. Two students, one a middle schooler, were arrested in late August for separate shooting threats in Davie, Florida, and Brandon, Florida. Another was arrested just days earlier in Daytona Beach for a threat made while playing a video game. A 15-year-old girl was arrested in Fresno, California, in mid-August for posting a photo of guns and the warning “Don’t come to school tomorrow” on Snapchat. If ZERO TOLERANCE is the future – how will we be able to protect the kids? Is there any middle ground on one of the most hotly contested challenges in […]
The U.S. House Intelligence Committee investigation, the Mueller Investigation and report and the Justice Department’s IG report⏤have more than proven that the Russia Collusion hoax has been revealed to have been a horrific, yet elaborate coup attempt and criminal conspiracy against President Trump⏤run from the inner circle of the Obama White House. What did Barack Obama know and when did he know it? The Obama administration and their thugs and stooges within the Deep State were spying on anyone that they considered was a threat. They wanted and needed compromising information on many of their adversaries and even their own for the purpose of blackmail, extortion and even bribery. Was it the “silent coup” against the 45th President of the U.S.? The ‘silent coup’ involved at least eight federal departments and agencies which included; the State Department, the National Security Agency, the Pentagon, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), CIA, FBI, the National Security Council, and of course the Justice Department and the White House. An explosive situation and an explosive and revealing conversation with Col Jim Waurishuk – Jim is retired from USAF, he is a career senior intelligence and special missions officer, former Deputy Director of Intelligence at U.S. Central […]
The screwballs on the Left would tell us, it’s teaching your children to be more diverse and accepting. The Leftie whackos in Texas, bill this as just an innocuous activity. These predators calculate that the public senses something is not quite right. So, they manipulate perceptions and create confusion about what they are really doing. The purpose is to breakdown boundaries in children’s minds and help them see this as normal through gender-bending messages. Sid Bowdidge, his new book “A Rush to Judgement: A Journey with Trump, God, and Love”: the book describes an insider’s view of running Trump’s Ground Campaign across the country. “Miss Kitty Litter” the Drag Queen with a Criminal Record at your Public Library According to one of the gay performing readers, he said “Drag Queen Story Hour” is going to be the grooming of the next generation.” He defined “grooming” as teaching people to be tolerable, to be patient, to be loving,” but “grooming” means something far worse in a sexual context, that parents should stay vigilant to make sure that sex offenders are not “grooming” their children. Susan Price is an Investigative Researcher, a Patriot a Veteran Advocate and Gold Star Mother. Brain-Washing and […]
Was it all worth it? The conflict had left 2,400 U.S. service members dead and more than 20,000 wounded; more than 145,000 people in all, including Afghan military, police and civilians, have died, according to a 2018 report from Brown University’s Costs of War Project; America has spent $737 billion on the war. Had all this death and maiming and money been justified by the results? Few people in 2001 disputed that evicting al-Qaeda from Afghanistan was necessary. But that mission had mostly been achieved in the early days of the war. The war has become mere BACKGROUND NOISE for Americans. It was barely mentioned during the first two Democratic presidential debates. Now, the Trump administration is considering a withdrawal of troops in exchange for a Taliban promise to block international terrorists from operating on Afghan soil, as well as assurance the group will take part in an intra-Afghan dialogue. What has America gotten right, what had we gotten wrong — and what, in the end, were the consequences? Col Jim Waurishuk is retired from USAF, he is a career senior intelligence and special missions officer, he served as Deputy Director for Intelligence for U.S. Central Command and has worked on […]
FEAR is one of those dirty four letter words that powerful people use to pickpocket Americans in broad daylight. The climate change profiteers say it’s a numbers game, that the earth is burning up if we just follow the facts. That the numbers don’t lie. But isn’t it the interpretation of those numbers against historical data that creates the argument in the first place? The counter argument is that climate change is simply another vehicle to stoke fear and control the people. One of the most obvious arguments is how the climate people dropped the ‘global warming’ moniker and went to ‘climate change’, might the next name change be ‘global freezing’? We will explain more on that and what is truly behind the climate debate. Climate change is the perfect vehicle to take away your freedom and rights: No airplanes – AOC and New Green Deal; No guns – Kamala Harris and Beta O’Rourke; No beef – Bernie, AOC and Burger King’s Impossible WHOPPER; Forced Abortion – Bernie and Population Control as Climate Change Solution; Back in Paris accord – USA pays for everything; No fossil fuels – 85% of US energy needs come from Fossil, 85% of France from Nuclear Power, Duh! Govt controls everything, including whether […]
Conservatives are being squashed, shut-down and silenced. Conservatives are being kicked off of platforms with no explanation. As Politick Rick explains “Defacto censorship has become the order of the day, the left-wing censorship machine wants to de-platform, de-legitimize, and destroy conservatives to include you and me.” What is it about conservative values that scare the hell out of progressive democrats? “Examining the latest data, more and more Americans are turning against the founding principles of America. From amending the idea of free speech to the rise of socialism, there are many seeking to undo what makes America great. Compounding the problem is an advocacy news media seeking to promote an ideology rather than facts. It is time to sound the alarm, and insure our basic liberties are protected,”says Nicholas Giordano. Giordano is a Professor of Political Science and the host of The P.A.S. Report political podcast. There comes a time when THE PEOPLE need to rise and demand fairness, respect and truth. That time is now. Conservative voices must rise to reclaim our constitutional principles. The second part of our conversation begins with Politick Rick as he lays out his vision for Giant Slayers. Follow on Twitter: Follow on Parler: […]
Extremist hate groups like Sleeping Giants, Media Matters, MoveOn, and Southern Poverty Law Center are intimidating and now bullying the advertisers and sponsors of conservative platforms they disagree with. They do this all in the name of FAIRNESS, or FREE SPEECH, as they’ve convinced themselves that they’re doing some sort of a good deed for the public. They insist on having the last word on what they think is good for the nation and when they don’t get it⏤they get ugly and downright nasty. If these groups had a real argument, they would welcome the process of debate. Freedom of Speech and debate are as American as our national symbol is. A new group is being formed by Politick Rick, and is fighting back on behalf of every freedom loving American. GIANT SLAYERS is a Patriot Movement that works to stop left-wing censorship of conservative media. Today in part one of our LAUNCH, you’ll meet Politick Rick, and some of the freedom loving warriors that are ready for battle. Joining us along with Rick, is Colleen, Christina and Ray. Follow on Twitter: Follow on Parler: