The Voice of a Nation
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The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. The voice of our forefathers heard in the distance. It is time once again, friends, to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation. Transformative news that will change the way you think! Join us to reclaim our Republic as we take on the challenges of our generation to preserve freedom for future generations.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of The Voice of a Nation and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. It is time once again friends to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation.
Who has a better approval rating? Your local mosquito control, a root canal at the dentist, or Congress? A new Gallup poll shows that just 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. The vast majority, 75%, disapprove of the job Congress is doing. Congressional approval, particularly over the past few years, has not been high. Americans see Congress as a group of ineffectual politicians who are out of touch with their constituents. DO WE THE PEOPLE LIKE THE GRIDLOCK? The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters feel it is better for the country if Congress works with Trump most of the time. Thirty-nine percent (39%) disagree and say it’s better if Congress opposes the president most of the time. Eighty-eight percent (88%) of Republicans think it’s better for the country if Congress works with the president most of the time, but 64% of Democrats disagree. The United States Congress is in a state of confusion and more so, a state of decline. Cpt Stu Cvrk is a retired naval officer, a defense contractor, columnist and contributor on America Out Loud.
This is the first time since Gallup started asking the question eighteen years ago that less than a majority of people – just 47 percent – described themselves as extremely proud to be American. So let me ask you⏤are you patriotic? Editor-in-chief of Gallup, Frank Newport explains that “it’s no secret America is highly polarized. We see that in most of the different questions that we ask here at Gallup and that other pollsters ask. And there is a yawning and widening, yawning gap between Republicans and Democrats. And that’s a real key. Now, to be sure, Republicans have always been more likely to say they’re extremely proud to be an American than Democrats. That’s kind of baked into the cake, so to speak. But this year, we have 74 percent of Republicans who say they’re extremely proud to be an American and only 32 percent of Democrats, which is by far the lowest we’ve seen among Democrats.” We’ve seen this divide growing wider and wider throughout this past decade. Who can forget the controversy behind the kneeling at football games⏤which quickly spread to other venues. And then there was the ‘War on Cops’ which germinated from a false narrative […]
There are many ways to transform a nation⏤it’s not the ‘how’, it’s the ‘why’ do we let them that you need to be asking yourself! Nations are not transformed overnight. Fact is they are transformed over many years⏤and decades. They are transformed through transnational cartels and gangs that are fueling drugs, violence, and death into our American communities. They are transformed by pushing more people out on the streets to live in tents. They are transformed when your once prestigious real estate, streets, and sidewalks become littered with homelessness. When needles and feces can be found on the public streets and in the once beautiful parks. You transform a nation when you give free healthcare and increase the welfare state via the illegal population. When you drive up taxes and ask people to pay more and more and more in taxes and burdensome regulation. WE ARE NOT ENFORCING our immigration laws, and then you have sanctuary state policies⏤the political elites view both drug trafficking and illegal immigration as “low-level” crimes that they are willing to overlook. HENCE YOU HAVE THE ENVIRONMENT THAT BREEDS CRIME AND IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE! The United States admits more than 1.5 million legal and […]
Riding in the cramped backseat of a car with ABC Mastermind Newsman George Stephanopoulos, President Trump brought up the “phony witch hunt” and said, “Mueller comes out. There’s no collusion.” But as Stephanopoulos pointed out, that’s not what Mueller said. Stephanopoulos said, “I don’t think that’s what he found, but we don’t have time for that now. We’ll talk about it later.” Trump responded, “That is what he found. Excuse me. He found no collusion.” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo grew annoyed when Fox News host Chris Wallace repeatedly questioned him regarding President Trump’s recent comment about listening to opposition research from foreign sources. “Is accepting opposition research from a foreign government right or wrong?” Wallace asked, to which Pompeo replied, “Chris, you know you asked me not to call any of your questions today ‘ridiculous,’ you came really close right there.” “President Trump has been very clear,” Pompeo continued. “He clarified his remarks later, he made it very clear, even in his first comments, he said, ‘I’d do both.’ He said he’d call the FBI.” “I have nothing further to add,” Pompeo said as Wallace pressed further. Welcome to the world of POL-I-TAIN-MENT – the lines of politics and […]
A globalist is someone who believes that ultimately all borders and nations should be dissolved, resulting in a one single world government. Support for globalism is strong among corporations and the super rich for a number of reasons: The first being – the destruction or weakening of nation states would allow corporations to gain notably more power. Also, there is the movement of cheap labor from areas of low demand to areas of high demand would allow for wages to be kept low, along with providing a source of disposable labour. Finally, it would allow the free movement of goods without tariffs and individual national laws. Lots to talk about here, including the dangers of a one world order global government, the latest on the European Union, and the rise and fall of patriotism… IQ al-Rassooli author of Lifting the Veil – the Iraqi born Arabic speaker is considered one of the foremost authorities in the world on the subjects of Islam. Providing the analysis is, Dennis Santiago is an American Strategist, Philosopher and Patriot, his subject matter expertise includes strategic warfare, asymmetric warfare, arms control and global stability.
343 firefighters and paramedics were among the 2,753 people who died in the fires and in the collapse of the two buildings on Sept. 11, 2001. More than 150 have died since, according to Dr. David Prezant, chief medical officer of the New York Fire Department. The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund was established in 2011 to help first responders whose illnesses and deaths were connected to their exposure to toxic substances they encountered at the World Trade Center, at the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pa. A day after Jon Stewart blasted Congress for their failure to support 9/11 first responders, the full House Judiciary Committee unanimously voted to pass a bill extending the 9/11 compensation fund. The Never Forget the Heroes Act will extend the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund through 2090. The fund was first created in 2001 to support those who were injured or killed in the terrorist attack or while removing debris. Mike Bishop, retired FDNY lieutenant and volunteer worker at Ground Zero. He became a NYC firefighter in 1979, following in his father’s footsteps. “Just weeks ago, my health was never in question. Now I find (after an MRI) that I most likely have prostate cancer […]
It is one of the most confusing and abused topics to most people today and it’s being controlled by a four letter word⏤FEAR. Much of the underlying temperature data has been continuously manipulated by NASA and NOAA to bolster concerns about man-made climate change. WHY ARE THE GOOD FOLKS AT NASA AND NOAA MANIPULATING THE DATA? MAKE THE FACTS FIT YOUR POLITICAL AGENDA – It was clearly time to resort to the strategy that progressives use in times of crisis: if you do not like the facts, ignore them and create your own, in accord with George Orwell’s famous novel 1984. Such an approach has been followed by tyrannical leaders down through the ages. Jay Lehr, Ph.D. is Senior Policy Analyst with the International Climate Science Coalition and former Science Director of The Heartland Institute. Tom Harris is executive director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition.
The former MI6 Christopher Steele, the British spy, told his Justice Department collaborator Bruce Ohr, that he was absolutely desperate to prevent Trump’s election and would do just about anything on behalf of that mission. Sounds like Mr. Steele has much in common with other high-ups in the FBI. The question is, What if this “retired MI6” operative was also working for his former employers, the United Kingdom, as well? Steele compiled the dossier for Fusion GPS, a Washington research firm tapped by Clinton’s campaign for the White House, and he had no problem in sharing the ‘goods’ with his pals in the British government. “Wow! FBI made 11 payments to Fake Dossier’s discredited author, Trump hater Christopher Steele,” President Trump tweeted in April. “The Witch Hunt has been a total fraud on your President and the American people! It was brought to you by Dirty Cops, Crooked Hillary and the DNC.” You might argue that the Steele dossier was the singular piece of evidence upon which the Russia Collusion House of Cards was built on?!? Let’s just call it a Robert Mueller Friday Night Special⏤of course Mueller himself denies any knowledge or understanding of the facts of his investigation. […]
Gay Marriage, LGBT Adoption Rights, Gender Identity, Euthanasia, Abortion⏤why are these being pushed so hard into the minds of young people? Religious Freedom Act, Women in Combat, Transgender Athletes, Flying the Confederate Flag, Safe Spaces⏤should social issues be the center of our political debate? We live in an extremely polarizing time⏤there is very limited discussion on the real issues, or on common ground to solve these issues. Will the forces ever come back together as WE THE PEOPLE again in the foreseeable future? How are we to understand and resolve the historic battle of so-called ‘good vs evil’ in the world? Basically, how are we to make sense of human behavior, specifically the dark side of human nature? Ava Armstrong is a political commentator, radio personality. Ava is an author who writes about the everyday men and women with a focus on Patriotism. Mallory Millett, CFO for several companies she is a long-standing director of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Why are President Trump’s policies being stopped by injunctions? Issue after issue, liberal district judges have blocked President Trump’s executive orders. Speaking out on these injunctions, AG William Barr said: “One judge can, in effect, cancel the policy with the stroke of the pen. No official in the United States government [rightly] can exercise that kind of nationwide power, with the sole exception of the president. And the Constitution subjects him to nationwide election, among other constitutional checks, as a prerequisite to wielding that power.” Why are Federal courts stopping President Trump at every turn –DACA, Travel Ban, Immigration Laws, the wall? How is this supposed to work, according to The Constitution? Do these injunctions violate constitutional principles? And do they undermining “the structural design of the federal courts by allowing a single lower court to make nationwide law”? Judge Michael Warren, American Patriot; Judge of the Year 2018; Author of America’s Survival Guide–How to Stop America’s Impending Suicide by Reclaiming Our First Principles. The Panel of Voices for this episode: Jim McCay is a Political Analyst, Commentator and Radio Producer. Arnetta Notkin, 30 years working on Wall Street, a Producer and Political Commentator.
Today, the federal government’s biggest concerns SHOULD BE attacks on critical infrastructure, hacks into America’s private and public cyberspaces, and gaps in our physical borders. YET THERE IS A VOID OF POLITICAL FORTITUDE TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT! The threats are many: Politicians that fail to govern, legislate (energy spent on bickering and infighting), Open borders DHS, Cybersecurity Threats, Our internal infrastructure, Propaganda Campaign from social influences, Universities, what are they teaching?, Destruction of America’s history, Prioritizing Social Issues. At the core of this discussion today is this… Freedom conflicts with the evil that exists in men’s hearts, as manifested in various ideologies that seek to dominate the common man – how can we understand this historic fight and prepare for what happens next? Cpt Stu Cvrk is a retired naval officer, a defense contractor, columnist and contributor on America Out Loud. The Panel of Voices for this episode: Sid Bowdidge, Author of the book “A Rush to Judgement: A Journey with Trump, God, and Love” and Ava Armstrong is a political commentator, radio personality, and best-selling author.
Videos and pictures of people sleeping on almost every street corner; along with highway overpasses, alleys, and across from multi-million dollar mansions. Some are in tents, others are in the open-air⏤entire pedestrian walks covered by both adults and children⏤in some cases a blanket if they’re lucky. Garbage, human waste and drugs permeate the air. Conditions are filthy; there is no water, no sanitation⏤disease and sickness, plague, typhus, flu, and measles now spreading throughout the land. We’re not talking Venezuela here⏤cities like San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco and being overrun with homelessness and crime. California Gov Newsome has made a promise of free medical care for illegals; the state already provides driver’s licenses without citizenship, and so much more free stuff. Tax the rich, is the repeated cry! Make them pay their fair share is the rallying call. The problem is the top 5% of California tax payers pay 90% of all taxes⏤Local, State and Federal. Are they deliberately trying to destroy the state? Linda Martinelli is an Entrepreneur, Owner and President Proforma Graphic PrintSource; a weekly columnist and the host of Talking While Married. The Panel of Voices for this episode: Jewels Jones is a Political Activist, Entrepreneur […]
In April Iranian Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif told Chris Wallace that Israel, John Bolton, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates all wanted regime change in Iran. “They have all shown that they want to drag the U.S. into a conflict, I do not believe that Pres Trump wants to do that – I believe Pres Trump ran on a campaign promise to not bring the U.S. into another war – but I believe Pres Trump’s intention to put maximum pressure on Iran in order to bring Iran to it’s knees – so that we would succumb to pressure is doomed to failure – and these individuals know this,” says Zarif. President Trump joked that if United States foreign policy was decided by his national security advisor John Bolton, “We’d be in four wars by now.” The president reportedly made the remarks in private, this is according to The New York Times. Officials who spoke with the Times said the president favored his Bolton’s tough measures on the Iranian regime, but was not happy with the narrative that Bolton was moving toward a regime change in the region. In the mean time⏤former Obama government officials were kissing up to China and […]
The FAA says it receives over 100 reports every month of drone encounters. The Department of Homeland Security says Unmanned Aircraft Systems UAS, aka DRONES, is fast becoming a safety and security threat to Americans. The threats may include: Weaponized or Smuggling Payloads – Depending on power and payload size, UAS may be capable of transporting contraband, chemical, or other explosive/weaponized payloads. Prohibited Surveillance and Reconnaissance – UAS are capable of silently monitoring a large area from the sky for nefarious purposes. Intellectual Property Theft – UAS can be used to perform cyber crimes involving the theft of trade secrets, technologies, or sensitive information. Intentional Disruption or Harassment – UAS may be used to disrupt or invade the privacy of other individuals. Does the technology to prevent these attacks exist? Is this the future weapon of choice by terrorists? Will these also be used by more common robbers and murderers? Thomas Banks, a serial technology entrepreneur, innovator, and software architect in disciplines ranging from healthcare to mobile gaming. The Panel of Voices for this episode: Dennis Santiago is an American Strategist, Philosopher and Patriot. Jim McCay is a Political Analyst, Commentator and Radio Producer.