The Voice of a Nation
Special feature broadcast times!
The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. The voice of our forefathers heard in the distance. It is time once again, friends, to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation. Transformative news that will change the way you think! Join us to reclaim our Republic as we take on the challenges of our generation to preserve freedom for future generations.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of The Voice of a Nation and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – The heart and soul of a nation – beckons the call. It is time once again friends to reclaim our honor, our soul. We choose liberty. This is the Voice of a Nation.
THIS WAS A CHARGE, EXTRAORDINARY ACCUSATIONS, IT WAS A COVERUP, A SCANDAL IN SEARCH OF A CRIME. Which raises the question⏤if there was no concrete evidence of collusion; why was there a special counsel appointed in the first place? Robert Mueller had all the tools, and a team of ‘angry democrat’ attorneys on the case⏤and still he came up empty! Earlier this year NBC reported, “It’s probably one of the most impressive groups ever assembled for a special counsel investigation,” Jim Walden, a former federal prosecutor in Brooklyn, You’ve got a collective of prosecutors who’ve covered some of the most high-profile and complex investigations in the last 20 years.” Why did Mueller continue on with this investigation knowing full well there was NO collusion? He was never going to find collusion at that point and he knew it – Why? Because there was ZERO collusion. Col Jim Waurishuk is retired from USAF, he is a career senior intelligence and special missions officer. He served as Deputy Director for Intelligence for U.S. Central Command and has worked on the White House National Security Council. The Panel of Voices for this episode: Linda Martinelli: is an Entrepreneur, Owner and President Proforma Graphic […]
Don Cash made it to the top of Everest, completing his life’s dream, he conquered the Seven Summits⏤the tallest mountains on each continent⏤but died on Mount Everest shortly after reaching the peak. There is a phenomenon happening with Everest that has caught the attention of newsmakers and climbing enthusiasts. Peak climbing season for Everest is April and May. It’s a tight window before conditions deteriorate to an unsafe level. This year conditions have been very good prompting long crowds of people attempting to make history. This has also caused a record amount of deaths on Everest. Two Time Cancer Survivor, Sean Swarner redefined IMPOSSIBLE by becoming the only person in history to climb the highest mountain on every continent, trek to the South & North Poles, and complete the Hawaii Ironman – all with one lung. Sean was diagnosed with two deadly, different, and unrelated forms of cancer, once at the age of thirteen and again at the age of sixteen. The Panel of Voices for this episode: Arnetta Notkin, 30 years working on Wall Street, a Producer and Political Commentator. Michelle Sass is an advocate for education.
“Mama, if it happens and you’re confronted by two Marines at the door, you will know I’m with God.” …these were the words echoed by Susan Price’s beloved son during various conversations throughout his twelve years of service as a United States Marine. No amount of time could ever prepare a parent for this dreaded nightmare. That confrontational moment unleashed the sounds and screams of despair, unrecognizable to even me, as these two Marines called my name while sinking to my knees I heard, “On behalf of the United States Marine Corps, we regret to inform you that your son, Aaron Michael Kenefick, has been killed in action during a complex ambush in the Kunar Province of Afghanistan, in the village of Ganjgal”. The story starts there, but it doesn’t end there as Susan Price is confronted with the truth⏤a truth she was at first unwillingly or unable to accept! Susan Price is an Investigative Researcher, a Patriot a Veteran Advocate and Gold Star Mother, and a columnist and contributor at America Out Loud.
“For over a year, people have asked me to declassify. What I’ve done is declassified everything. AG Barr can look. I hope he looks at the UK and I hope he looks at Australia, and I hope he looks at Ukraine. I hope he looks at everything,” Trump said. “This is about finding out what happened,” he said. “What happened and when did it happen, because this was an attempted takedown of the president of the United States, and we have to find out why.” Exposing a swamp is serious business! Transparency is a term the political class use to deflect from truth; sort of like a pretend Barbie and Ken world where it looks good from the outside, but from the inside, it’s like Beavis and butt-head! The Declassification of a Swamp is the topic today… Ilana Freedman is a veteran intelligence analyst specializing in terrorism and politics. Ava Armstrong is a political commentator, radio personality, and best-selling author. The Panel of Voices for this episode: Arnetta Notkin, Constitutionalist, Political Commentator, and a Retired Financial Planner. Jewels Jones is a Political Activist, Entrepreneur, and Small Business Owner.
China’s building up military forces in the South China Sea, launching new ships and submarines, and aircraft carriers. China maintains more than a 2 million man army. They even have a copy of our most advanced fighter the F-22. So where is this all going? Are the Progressives; the far Left Radicals⏤willing to sacrifice our global leadership for a status quo? For socialism and a welfare state? ….Are they reluctant to stand up for our leadership position in the world and content with the age of American Exceptionalism being something of the past? Does the United States have the will or desire to maintain a position of global leadership? What are the consequences for the American people if we do not? Baruch Pletner is an entrepreneur, a scientist, an inventor, he is passionate about education, and the war on globalism. He is the Editor-in-Chief of The Panel of Voices for this episode: Arnetta Notkin, 30 years working on Wall Street, a Producer and Political Commentator. Jim McCay is a Political Analyst, Commentator and Radio Producer, with a 30 year background in global technology, and telecommunications.
A stolen election or a far reaching crime to unseat a President of the United States? Worse than Watergate even! Russia Collusion, Russiagate or simply Russia hacking? It sounds like a spy novel, where the actors make up a bold lie incriminating Russia⏤one of the world’s most important players⏤accusing them of doctoring, changing and stealing a general election in America. Is Russia responsible for interfering with our election and could they have changed the outcome? The evidence is compelling alright⏤but not what Americans were led to believe! William Binney, formerly the NSA’s technical director for world geopolitical and military analysis and designer of many agency programs still in use today. He has been described as one of the best analysts in the NSA’s history. The Panel of Voices for this episode: Del Wilber is a former CIA and Department of Defense Intelligence and Counterterrorism Officer. Matt King, independent researcher and a veteran of the US Air Force.
Conflicting ideologies, years of warfare, battles and beheadings, huge armies meeting on the battlefields, weapons of mass destruction, decimating civilian populations, terrorism and betrayals⏤promises of a utopian world where all people are equal and free! After eight years Game of Thrones comes to an end, is this just so much fantasy or does it mimic our world? The battle of good vs. evil remains without change, the conflict of cultures, the impossibilities of putting differences aside portrayed in this fantasy⏤are these so different from the realities of our world? Is it possible for strikingly different cultures evolved over thousands of years to really meld as one, requiring them to give up their unique identities for the so-called greater good of mankind? Karen Schoen, Educator, dean, a retired teacher and activist focused on Saving America. The Panel of Voices for this episode: Linda Martinelli is an Entrepreneur, Owner and President of Proforma Graphic PrintSource, she is a weekly columnist and show host. Jim McCay is a Political Analyst, Commentator and Radio Producer, with a 30 year background in global technology, and telecommunications.
Political and economic experts estimate that within a period of fifteen years, China’s economy will surpass America’s and become the largest in the world. Meanwhile, a consensus has formed in Washington that China poses a significant threat to American interests and well-being. General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says that “China probably poses the greatest threat to our nation by about 2025.” Christopher Wray, the FBI director, has said, “One of the things we’re trying to do is view the China threat as not just a whole-of-government threat, but a whole-of-society threat . . . and I think it’s going to take a whole-of-society response by us.” What is the reason our political parties cannot come together to face global threats; is it because of short-term thinking, bias of establishment politics, greed of politicians, or what I call ENTERTAINMENT POLITICS? Michael Johns is the National co-founder and leader of the Tea Party Movement. A former White House speechwriter and a Policy Analyst with The Heritage Foundation. The Panel of Voices for this episode: Ilana Freedman is a veteran intelligence analyst specializing in terrorism and politics. Dennis Santiago subject matter expertise includes strategic warfare, asymmetric warfare, […]
Almost every school shooter, no matter what their socioeconomic status might be; all have some very specific characteristics that seem to be universal between them: depression, anger and rage towards others. In a previous study of 18 school shootings, the FBI found the shooters to fit the following profile: “male, Caucasian, middle class, lonely, alienated, socially awkward kids with access to guns at home.” Personality traits included: poor coping skills, depression, narcissism, obsessed with violence. School shooters tended to be socially awkward and avoidant, and often isolate themselves with few if any friends. If there is one predominant theme in school shootings, it is anger and revenge. 75% of school shooters felt bullied or harassed by other students Sometimes shooters felt unfairly treated by teachers They seldom have specific targets, but kill randomly in order to inflict the most harm Lt Joseph Pangaro, retired police lieutenant, Director of School Security, he is a Master Trainer and the owner of Pangaro Training and host of Chasing Justice. The Panel of Voices for this episode: Karen Schoen, Educator, Dean, Retired Teacher. Ava Armstrong, Author and Political Commentator, along with Arnetta Notkin, Constitutionalist, Political Commentator, and a Retired Financial Planner
The First Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees, among others, the right to free speech. However, no right is without limit. When a right begins to infringe upon the interests of another person or group of people, then the courts get involved to interpret the fairest, most reasonable solution available. For those who want to be the Masters of the Universe, their most important tool is censorship. We are in an unprecedented perilous time in our Nation’s history. (All 5) of our First Amendment rights are being attacked and censored. Censorship is pervasive and dangerous, if not stopped our constitutional rights will be forfeited and the day will come when those who believe in free speech may be imprisoned for espousing “dangerous” ideas. Dennis Santiago is an American Strategist, Philosopher and Patriot, his subject matter expertise includes strategic warfare, asymmetric warfare, arms control and global stability. The Panel of Voices for this episode: Ava Armstrong, Author and Political Commentator, Matt King, Independent researcher and a veteran of the US Air Force, Arnetta Notkin, 30 years working on Wall Street, Board, she is a Constitutional Centrist.
America’s enemy comes from within. Most of what you are reading, watching and listening to is designed to distract you. If you want to capture the spirit of America – you are going to have to take a couple of steps backwards! In order to capture our principles Society that is crumbling Understand our history – which is the best way to predict the future Reaffirmation of our education system Fix our debt – stop selling us out – BANKRUPT “Americans are so enamored of equality, they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.” ― Alexis de Tocqueville Jay Lehr, Ph.D. is Senior Policy Analyst with the International Climate Science Coalition and former Science Director of The Heartland Institute.
The Voice of a Nation is launched with this eyeopening monologue of good vs. evil, and the promise that this is unique talk at a most historic juncture in America’s history! 6pm Weekdays and a Special Encore 8am EST the following weekday morning. This is not a fight of liberal vs conservative. It’s not a fight of republican vs democrat. This is not a fight of rich vs poor. Old vs young. Man vs woman. Gay vs Straight. It’s not a fight of black lives, blue lives, hispanic lives, white lives. This is a battle of good vs evil. It’s a fight for the soul of humanity. It’s a fight for our very existence.
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