Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

March 12, 2025

Truth Be Told with Booker Scott

Weekdays 6 pm ET

Truth is the property of being in accord with fact or reality. In everyday language, truth is typically ascribed to things that aim to represent reality.

You see, I don’t possess my truth. Sure, I have an opinion based on my life experience and knowledge, but that doesn’t make it true. There is no ⏤ your truth or their truth. There is only THE truth.

The world we find ourselves existing in questions that very definition. A society that collects letters in groups, like LGBTQIA++, DEI, and CRT, or race and gender are bound together by perceived oppression at the cost of individual liberty and freedom. Even when individuals within these groups have their individual rights trampled on, to them, it’s worth the price for their “Greater Good.”

Even though lies are spun and repeated to change perception or change what represents reality, that doesn’t make it truth. TRUTH should still matter.

Truth Be Told with Booker Scott
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott
Booker Scott

America Out Loud Network © – There may never be a more important year in America’s history than the one we live in now. Together, we search for the truth, ask questions, and look for transparency and accountability.

Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Al Capone had one felony and was responsible for many murders. Charles Manson had eight felonies and was involved in nine murders. Donald Trump’s accountant allegedly mislabeled a campaign expense, and he has 34 felonies. Questions? Many legal experts are now suggesting there is a way for Donald Trump’s legal team to bypass the normal appeal process and appeal directly to the Supreme Court…

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