Truth Be Told with Booker Scott
Weekdays 6 pm ET
Truth is the property of being in accord with fact or reality. In everyday language, truth is typically ascribed to things that aim to represent reality.
You see, I don’t possess my truth. Sure, I have an opinion based on my life experience and knowledge, but that doesn’t make it true. There is no ⏤ your truth or their truth. There is only THE truth.
The world we find ourselves existing in questions that very definition. A society that collects letters in groups, like LGBTQIA++, DEI, and CRT, or race and gender are bound together by perceived oppression at the cost of individual liberty and freedom. Even when individuals within these groups have their individual rights trampled on, to them, it’s worth the price for their “Greater Good.”
Even though lies are spun and repeated to change perception or change what represents reality, that doesn’t make it truth. TRUTH should still matter.

America Out Loud Network © – There may never be a more important year in America’s history than the one we live in now. Together, we search for the truth, ask questions, and look for transparency and accountability.
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Where students have tried to protest at public universities, their efforts have been quickly thwarted in places like Arizona State University, University of Florida, and others, but at places like Columbia, the faculty, staff, and administration have joined forces with the students, emboldening them, and the unrest and property destruction continues. Scenes like these will continue through the year…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Donald Trump was denied the right to go before the Supreme Court of the United States by Judge Merchan. Judge Merchan is presiding over the trial currently being held in New York brought by Soros DA Alvin Bragg in the so-called Stormy Daniels hush money trial. However, arguments were made before SCOTUS on whether a president has immunity. Is a president’s immunity for official acts as president?
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team had fought to keep certain information from you, but Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon in South Florida decided to let you see inside the grand jury room and the tactics used by the corrupt Office of Special Counsel and Department of Justice. You will hear the previously redacted information that Jack Smith tried so hard to keep from seeing the light of day. You will hear about the strong-arm tactics…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – The message of the Republicans in the House of Representatives has been one the Democrats love to hear and one they encourage. In fact, if the Democrats were writing the script to gain power again, they would have written one that would have included sixteen votes to elect Kevin McCarthy and a vote to remove McCarthy. The only accomplishment of the GOP House is raising the debt ceiling to $3 trillion and throwing in a failed…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – The government funding of any sort must end, and the 1967 Public Broadcasting Act must be repealed. Or, amend the 1967 Public Broadcasting Act to include funding for Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Fox News, and America Out Loud News. If American taxpayer money is going to fund broadcasting and news outlets, it should allocate money across all political opinions and biases…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Nate Cain, a former FBI agent, was a whistleblower in 2018 regarding the transaction of the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One. Cain’s house was later raided in relation to his whistle-blower activity. Cain & Associates is a cyber security company with partners Nate Cain and Harry Haury. They were contracted by the LA DA’s Bureau of Investigation in connection with a grand jury-ordered search warrant to investigate Konnech…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – This National Security supplement, as it’s called, had been stalled for months as Republicans tried to attach border security to the measure along the way. In the end, there was nothing addressing the border in the new funding. The far-right faction of the Republican party, with MTG being the loudest mouthpiece, has continued to call for Speaker Johnson to be replaced, just like McCarthy…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – There were a few Republican objections, but the majority chose not to have a trial for the first time in American history. With that vote, a new precedent was set, and the bar lowered, effectively taking impeachment from the people and giving the power to whichever political party controls the Senate. It’s another bad day for America’s institutions, but unfortunately, we’ve become accustomed to that…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – In 2021, the top 50% of filers earned 90% of all income, so half of Americans are earning 9 out of every 10 dollars. It would be easy to think that a fair share would be 90%; that’s fair, isn’t it? I’m not sure how much fairer Biden wants it and where he thinks he’s going to get it because that same 50% of filers pay 98% of all taxes the government receives…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Electing the right people has never been more important. Almost daily, we are reminded by their actions that the people we send to Washington, D.C., rarely put the people’s and the country’s best interests first. Elizabeth Helgelien was, at the time, the youngest person ever elected to represent her neighbors and district in Nevada’s state legislature…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – With $35 trillion in debt and revenue dipping almost $500 million in 2023 to $4.44 trillion, we continue to spend around $6 trillion annually. The result is crushing inflation to low and middle-income families and elderly on fixed incomes, but no one in D.C. seems to care. Biden administration’s policies are having a detrimental effect domestically, but as we saw over the weekend, their foreign policy is as bad…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – President for life? That’s the headline from a recent story in the Daily Mail News. “If Donald Trump wins in November, most Americans say he’ll extend his term beyond the January 2029 limit,” according to the Daily Mail poll of more than 1000 likely voters. The 22nd Amendment, enacted in 1955 after multiple terms by FDR, limits presidents to two terms…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Trump relentlessly continued to go after Lindsey Graham and any other Republicans who appeared to be ready to make a losing abortion proposition political fodder and a Democrat gift leading up to the November election. It’s time for conservatives and Republicans to make up their minds. Do you accept the SCOTUS decision you wanted for 50 years? Or, lose an election to the people who advocate for post-birth abortion?
NPR’s admission of total liberal activism
Cultural Wars, Media, Political
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – As a child, I cherished NPR’s enriching broadcasts, but today, I stand disillusioned by its unmistakable liberal bias. Recently, a long-time NPR insider admits to this skewed perspective, revealing a profound shift towards catering exclusively to coastal elites. This confession sparks vital discussions on media integrity and the importance of diverse viewpoints in journalism.