Truth Be Told with Booker Scott
Weekdays 6 pm ET
Truth is the property of being in accord with fact or reality. In everyday language, truth is typically ascribed to things that aim to represent reality.
You see, I don’t possess my truth. Sure, I have an opinion based on my life experience and knowledge, but that doesn’t make it true. There is no ⏤ your truth or their truth. There is only THE truth.
The world we find ourselves existing in questions that very definition. A society that collects letters in groups, like LGBTQIA++, DEI, and CRT, or race and gender are bound together by perceived oppression at the cost of individual liberty and freedom. Even when individuals within these groups have their individual rights trampled on, to them, it’s worth the price for their “Greater Good.”
Even though lies are spun and repeated to change perception or change what represents reality, that doesn’t make it truth. TRUTH should still matter.

America Out Loud Network © – There may never be a more important year in America’s history than the one we live in now. Together, we search for the truth, ask questions, and look for transparency and accountability.
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – The government was working with Big Tech and social media to suppress speech, suppress the Truth, and only allow state-sponsored propaganda. Pick the subject, the covid origin, masks, vaccine effectiveness, vaccine deaths and sickness, election interference, or J6 insurrection….you get the picture. You will hear some of the oral arguments from the Supreme Court, and questions by the Justices…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Trump’s comments about a bloodbath were taken completely out of context, and only a small portion of his comments were used to start the avalanche of coordinated lies. Trump warned Americans that a vote for Joe Biden will create an economic bloodbath. With that, I completely disagree with Donald Trump. Joe Biden’s administration has already created a bloodbath…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Bernie Sanders introduces a bill for a 32-hour workweek, arguing for a balance between productivity and quality of life. Reflecting on historical shifts in work hours, from the Industrial Revolution to Henry Ford’s impactful changes, this proposal aims to modernize the American workforce. With personal insights, I explore the potential benefits and the role of government in shaping our work culture.
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – His real name is Jimmy ‘Barbecue’ Cherizier, and he is a former elite police officer who now runs a gang federation. He has claimed responsibility for the surge in attacks on the tiny island. The gangs are now in control of 80% of Port Eu Prince, the capital city. Blinkin pledged $100 million more in American support, bringing the total to $300 million for Haiti. Gov Ron DeSantis in anticipation of the influx of Haitians…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – We have a town hall discussion in a live X Space on the X platform. The discussion will focus on three main topics of current concern to Americans: 320,000 illegal immigrants the Biden administration is flying to a city near you, the recently passed TikTok and Bytedance ban, and the Special Counsel Robert Hur hearing about Joe Biden’s classified documents…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – The Democrat’s purpose of the J6 Committee was to prosecute Donald Trump in the court of public opinion with help from the mainstream media. Of course, the lies were repeated, and the narrative was set. This revelation brings up an important question, though. If Trump intended to incite and create an insurrection, why in the world would he have offered 10,000 National Guard troops to keep the peace?
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – If Congress actually listened to the people and represented Americans’ sentiments, daylight savings would be permanent. Surveys and polls show the majority of Americans support this. Regardless of gender, race, or financial class, I’ve personally never met one person who wants to spring forward and fall back every year. Two states, Arizona and Hawaii, never change time…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – The last three years of Biden’s policies and rhetoric have created a chasm so vast between differing political factions, races, and genders that America is about to be swallowed whole. So much is made of the State of the Union speech each year. It’s all we talk about for days before and after, and every year, within a week, it’s all forgotten. Before we forget the 2024 speech, let’s remember the…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – The attorney for one of Donald Trump’s ‘co-conspirators,’ Ashleigh Merchant, presented her evidence of Wade and Willis’ sexual escapades that started before Willis hired Wade as Special Prosecutor. One of the more interesting items that came from the hearing was Fanni Willis’ trip to the White House. Her name appeared on visitor logs just before the original indictment of Donald Trump was…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Ahead of Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Thursday, Americans gathered for a Town Hall on the social media platform X. In this X Space, hear your neighbors and friends describe their biggest concerns and feelings about the country. What do real Americans say? Come hear the pulse of the people in this live X Space on this episode of ‘Truth Be Told with Booker Scott.’
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – It has never been more important for the fractures and divisions within the Republican party to heal. While Haley waits for Donald Trump to come beg her for support, another 8,000 illegal immigrants will cross the border. Billions in interest will be piled upon the $34 trillion American debt. This is no longer the time or place for petty politics. It’s time to heal and move forward. With Haley or without…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold affirmed the decision with this statement: “In accordance with this decision, Donald Trump is an eligible candidate for Colorado’s 2024 Presidential Primary.” The ruling warned of the dangers of a patchwork of decisions around the country that could send elections into chaos if state officials had the freedom to determine who could appear on the ballot for president…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Exploring the psychological fitness of Donald Trump, this piece delves into critiques of media bias and political attacks. Joining forces with Dr. Sheldon Roth, we uncover a nuanced perspective on Trump’s mental state, challenging mainstream narratives with insights from a seasoned Harvard psychiatrist. A must-read for those seeking truth beyond headlines…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – As I delve into NY AG Letitia James’ campaign finances, the findings are startling. Beyond the $454 million judgment against Donald Trump, James’ lavish expenditures from campaign funds raise eyebrows. From luxury hotels to private jets and ghost donors, the investigation reveals a troubling use of political donations, prompting urgent calls for campaign finance and election reform…