Truth Be Told with Booker Scott
Weekdays 6 pm ET
Truth is the property of being in accord with fact or reality. In everyday language, truth is typically ascribed to things that aim to represent reality.
You see, I don’t possess my truth. Sure, I have an opinion based on my life experience and knowledge, but that doesn’t make it true. There is no ⏤ your truth or their truth. There is only THE truth.
The world we find ourselves existing in questions that very definition. A society that collects letters in groups, like LGBTQIA++, DEI, and CRT, or race and gender are bound together by perceived oppression at the cost of individual liberty and freedom. Even when individuals within these groups have their individual rights trampled on, to them, it’s worth the price for their “Greater Good.”
Even though lies are spun and repeated to change perception or change what represents reality, that doesn’t make it truth. TRUTH should still matter.

America Out Loud Network © – There may never be a more important year in America’s history than the one we live in now. Together, we search for the truth, ask questions, and look for transparency and accountability.
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – The SAVE Act will not have time to implemented in the November election. That brings up the question recently asked by an ABC News survey: Will you accept the election results in 2024? It’s not easy to answer now. I have a feeling there are questions we will need to ask that we haven’t even thought of yet. Without seeing the process and there being transparency in the election, we will all be left with more questions…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – None of the thirteen families have ever been contacted by either Kamala Harris or Joe Biden, ever. The image of the American flag draped coffins during the dignified transfer as Joe Biden stood and looked at his watch will forever be etched into the minds of the families. A phone call would be the least to expect from Harris or Biden, but the families still wait…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – The Biden-Harris free-flow immigration policy has seen most of the people in Venezuela leave that country. Venezuela’s criminals were freed to come to America, and then Venezuela made it illegal for any of them to be flown back to their home country. Some of us have said, “It’s just a matter of time.” That time has come. At least two apartment complexes have been taken over…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – All we got was eighteen minutes of the forty-one-minute interview. After CNN finished editing, leaving twenty-three minutes on the floor of an editing booth, the finished product was a Harris-Walz infomercial. If you listen to many of Kamala Harris’s supporters when they are asked about the Harris policies they like, most can only respond with, “She’s a woman.”
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – The reason Georgia stays on my mind is because Georgia can’t stay out of the election headlines. In May, the Georgia Election Board voted to reprimand Fulton County and appoint an independent monitor for the upcoming election. The reprimand was for double-counting 3,075 ballots and other irregularities in the 2020 presidential election…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – The Kennedy name has been synonymous with Democrats for over a half-century in America, but the party did everything within its power to stop Kennedy from joining the primary process to challenge Joe Biden. Even when Kennedy ran as an Independent, the Democrat party challenged his presence on state ballots at every turn. Today’s Democrat party is no longer the Kennedy party…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Over a century ago, the communist playbook took root on American soil. Today, we see its fruit everywhere, and we are close to the final stages of the communist takeover. Now is not a time for complacency. It’s not a time to mind our own business or fear rocking the boat. Unless we are okay with the destruction of our free nation, the time is NOW to intimately understand the playbook of the enemy…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – The Democrats are in a vulnerable position as they must defend 24 Senate seats in the November election, and the Republicans only need to defend 10 seats. One Democrat who is retiring, leaving the seat up for grabs, is Tom Carpers of Delaware. Carpers served as Delaware governor for 8 years before serving in the Senate for the last 24 years…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – The 37-minute speech had no policy, no details of how Harris may repair the brokenness of the nation she created over the last three and a half years. The speech did use the ‘go to’ fear tactics to energize the herd of Democrat sheep in attendance at the DNC Convention – Skin color and Fear. The main takeaway from Harris and the entire week of negativity was that ORANGE MAN was bad…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Santos used campaign donors’ credit cards without their knowledge in a scheme to fool the RNC into giving Santos money. Without the lies, he would have never won his election in 2022. Santos lied on FEC filings. He transferred campaign funds into his personal bank account for his personal use. He falsely claimed unemployment disability during Covid for twenty-four months when he was…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Division, anger, and finger-pointing is all the lifelong politician could come up with after they forced Biden to start his speech way past primetime at 11:15 EST. Biden could have just yelled ‘GET OFF MY LAWN’ the entire time, and the message would have been the same. Forced and orchestrated ‘We love Joe’ chants while holding signs that said the same was the least Nancy Pelosi…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – The DNC Convention started Monday night in Chicago, and for months, there has been great speculation about what will happen inside and outside the arena. Governor JD Pritzker has called in the National Guard to set a perimeter, or wall, to protect attendees from the pro-Hamas protesters who have organized for months. Over 70 organizations were expected to march on the convention…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Very few journalists are even journalists today, and citizen journalists are relied on as much if not more than, corporate and legacy media. On this episode of ‘Truth Be Told with Booker Scott,’ the author of 24 books, public speaker, and former US Senate candidate from Washington, Chris Widener, joins the conversation to discuss America’s media failures…
Truth Be Told with Booker Scott – Since the assassination attempt on July 13 and Joe Biden being replaced by Kamala Harris, it appears that the Trump campaign has been on defense instead of offense. Their messaging has been, at best, discombobulated. The real issues affecting Americans are a wide open border and historical inflation. It’s the “economy stupid,” but the Trump campaign has made the race…