Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

October 18, 2024

Unity Without Compromise

Saturday 10 am | ET Encore 6 pm

The Unity Without Compromise Radio Show offers you, the listener, an opportunity to equip yourself with the powerful means of effecting positive changes not only in your life but also in those you interact with daily. Your host, Dr. Steve LaTulippe MD, combines his experience as a physician, a seminary-trained ordained minister, and a retired Air Force officer, to boldly reveal the truth, expose lies, and show precisely how we can unite as Christians and Patriots into a powerful force against the present darkness that threatens our God-given freedoms that made America great.

Your host has one focus: Unity. Unity based on the solid foundation of the Bible as our true standard for righteous and meaningful living. Unity based on the sound interpretation of Scripture. Unity supported by high-quality scientific evidence. Apart from these, we are subject to the tyranny of godless man’s whim. Only by unity without compromise will we be armed to fight the fiends who seek to destroy us.

Steve LaTulippe MD is a physician board certified in Family Medicine, a retired United States Air Force officer, and a Bible college and seminary trained ordained minister whose focus was Christian doctrine and Bible interpretation. His medical practice has focused on pain and addiction medicine. His military service includes flying the KC-135 Stratotanker and and RF-4C phantom, then later serving as Chief of Medicine in the Oregon Air National Guard. Steve is currently fighting the battle of cancel culture in medicine, and he has published a book, Unity Without Compromise, as an instrumental tool towards unifying potentially the greatest force on earth—the Christians.

Unity Without Compromise

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