Sunday 10 am | ET Encore 6 pm
Viewpoint is one of the most engaging and insightful news and commentary shows available anywhere. Each week, Viewpoint This Sunday brings you an overview of the week that just was – the relevant news stories along with top-tier, unmatched analysis on the biggest stories of the week – all brought to you with a dedication to facts and patriotism that you have come to expect from America Out Loud.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of ‘The Voice of a Nation’ and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – Malcolm Out Loud puts the news back in focus with amazing guests and an unmatched analysis of the biggest stories of the week.
The Top Stories – Supreme Court allows broad enforcement of asylum limits, a big win for Trump administration. US attorney recommends proceeding with charges against Andrew McCabe – is this the first of many to come, and what about the FISA Report latest? What is behind the firing of John Bolton? House Democrats step up Trump impeachment inquiry, while Speaker Nancy Pelosi says not yet. The Democrat Debate in Houston, Texas was a sleeper for some, yet the television audience did see a tick up from previous democrat debates. CAPT Stu Cvrk is a retired naval officer with operational experience in the Middle East and Western Pacific. Colonel Jim Waurishuk is retired from USAF, he is a career senior intelligence and special missions officer, former Deputy Director of Intelligence at U.S. Central Command and served on the White House National Security Council. Middle East Politics – Israel is accused of planting mysterious spy devices near the White House – is this election rhetoric propaganda or is Israel spying on Trump? Trump is considering a plan to extend a $15 billion line of credit to Iran in return for the Islamic Republic’s compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal – is this a wise move? Netanyahu […]
The Top Stories – US and China agree to further talks on trade next month, progress or more stall tactics? China opts for low-key coverage of Hong Kong extradition bill withdrawal – yet the protests continue…? Vladimir Putin says Russia will produce new missiles after demise of nuclear pact – a new arms race – as the US and Russia grow further apart! Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Wegmans ask customers NOT to openly carry guns into their stores. How will retailers reaction to the gun debate impact consumers? The Obama’s are set to produce a Netflix series about the Trump Administration? A New Mexico Restaurant has a highly charged menu with items like tacos called, “Bad Hombre” “The Immigrant” and “Fake News”, clever marketing yes, but is the food good? Dennis Santiago is a Commentator focusing on strategic warfare, asymmetric warfare, arms control and global stability. Ava Armstrong is a political commentator, radio personality, and an outstanding author, find her books here on the America Out Loud Bookstore. Selling Climate Change – Hurricane Dorian media coverage, too little too much, obsessive, politicized, looking for sensational event – what gives? Using Children to promote climate change – Today’s crusade is built on fear […]
No matter your political slant, there is one truth that is undeniable. The former FBI Director James Comey did indeed attempt to ENTRAP the President. Media and political hacks, including IG Horowitz himself, can spin it sideways all day long with false headlines and untruths⏤even with a twisted report, one can read between the madness and see how incriminating this report is to JUSTICE. Media headlines NEVER tell truth. They are designed for clickbait and revenue for shareholders. Headlines like these tell a story: Inspector general finds James Comey did not release classified information to the public – CBS News Inspector general finds Comey violated FBI policy on Trump memos, DOJ declines prosecution – ABC News Dems fear report on Russia probe could kill their oversight momentum = Politico CNN legal analyst calls IG report ‘poetic justice’ for Comey after Hillary email investigation – FOX A reprimand for Comey that doesn’t vindicate Trump – CNN VIEWPOINT THIS SUNDAY will also tell a story⏤a story of facts to expose a path of truth wherever it leads. Col Jim Waurishuk is retired from USAF, he is a career senior intelligence and special missions officer, he served as Deputy Director for Intelligence for […]
The world’s two largest economies are in a battle for world domination. On Friday, China unveiled a new round of tariffs on about $75 billion worth of U.S. goods, this is the latest escalation in the on-going trade war. In response, Trump wrote on Twitter later Friday: “Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China including bringing …your companies HOME and making your products in the USA.” Does the president have the right to “order” U.S. companies to stop doing business with China? Does the USMCA between Canada and Mexico get ratified? The good news is the trade deal with Japan that came out of the G7. Dragon Politics are the lead story. Dennis Santiago is an American Strategist focusing on strategic warfare, asymmetric warfare, arms control and global stability. Ilana Freedman is a veteran intelligence analyst, a political commentator and host. The Top Stories – Obsession Recession is in full display as the media and political operatives meltdown! The Department of Homeland Security moves to end limits on migrant detention in an attempt to gain the upper-hand of illegals at the border. Japan warns North Korea now has miniaturized nukes small enough to […]
The Top Stories – Israel says no to Rep. Omar & Rep. Tlaib on their visit, and then the story takes a turn for the worse! Fox News poll shows Trump losing to Biden, Warren, Sanders and Harris – do people believe these things? Hong Kong and China – Can the U.S. do anything to stop the takeover? Churches arm, train congregants in wake of mass shootings – good idea? Google warns BILLIONS of website passwords have been hacked – what next? Trump eyes new real estate purchase: Greenland – true or false? Dennis Santiago is an American Strategist focusing on strategic warfare, asymmetric warfare and global stability. Linda Martinelli is a Show Host & Political Commentator, an Entrepreneur and Business Executive. The Sunday Funnies – Bill Maher wants a recession, of course Bill has over 100 millions dollars net worth to play with… “So please bring on the recession, sorry if that hurts people,” he says. And entertainers are not the only ones praying for a recession – media outlets and executives are thinking if the economy crashes that will be the end of President Trump. Actors like Johnny Depp are even joking, if you can call it that, about assassination “when was […]
The Top Stories – Federal agents fanned out across Mississippi and detained about 680 workers, Immigration and Customs Enforcement said that 300 of those people had been released. Jeffrey Epstein, the wealthy financier accused of child sex trafficking, has committed suicide! Mitch McConnell – Senate leader found his front lawn full of protestors, headed by presidential candidate and Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan demanding gun control. President Trump warned by NRA over background checks as the gun debate continues. Iran is using Cyber-Tech as weapons, by jamming GPS at airports and in the Straits of Hormuz. Del Wilber is a former CIA and Department of Defense Intelligence and Counterterrorism Officer. Ilana Freedman is a veteran intelligence analyst, political commentator and show host. White Supremacy is the New Nazi – Democratic presidential front-runner, Joe Biden says Trump is ‘fueling a literal carnage’ was the headline from the Associated Press, “He is incapable of offering the moral leadership that has defined the presidency over the course of history.” Claims of Trump being a White Supremacist could be heard from all the democratic candidates. The RACE WAR has taken center stage throughout the Democratic Socialist Party, as the mainstream media continued to flame the fans by […]
The Top Stories – Economy – Record Employed, What is driving the consumer confidence? Trade War – China’s Foreign Ministry said China did not want a trade war with the U.S., it was not afraid of fighting one. Trump Pulls John Ratcliffe’s Director of National Intelligence Nomination – After Democrat threats of harassment, is this the Kavanaugh Affect? Pentagon testing mass surveillance balloons across the US – Security and Safety or Orwellian State Motive? New York lawmaker pushes bill to make water attacks on cops a felony – Lt Joseph Pangaro, retired police lieutenant, Director of School Security, he is a Master Trainer and the owner of Pangaro Training and host of Chasing Justice. Ava Armstrong is a political commentator, radio personality, and best-selling author. Why are we giving up on America’s Cities? – The national dialogue started with Baltimore. But now we must ask ourselves – How is Big Government doing in our urban areas – America’s Cities? Many of the motivations between crimes committed can include things such as lack of police funding, issues with armed robberies, gang-related violence and more. Dennis Santiago is an American Strategist, Philosopher and Patriot – strategic warfare, asymmetric warfare, arms control and global stability. Dr Ron […]
The Top Stories – North Korea & Iran Firing Missiles, Kim Jong-un fires short range missiles into the Sea of Japan⏤how will this impact ongoing negotiations? Should we be more concerned with Iran launching ballistic missiles in the Middle East? Both of these countries dominate the Trump Foreign Policy. UK Teresa May is out, Boris Johnson is in. Should we be expecting any change in foreign policy from the United Kingdom? Does this signal a more rapid move towards BREXIT? Supreme Court gives Trump the go-ahead on border wall. A major victory at the Supreme Court as the justices lifted a lower court order blocking a key part of his plan to expand the border wall with Mexico. Trump Ramps Up Attacks on Fox News For Poll Showing Him Down to Biden: ‘NO WAY’ I’m Losing! Have we not learned our lessons with polls yet? Ilana Freedman is a veteran intelligence analyst, political commentator and host. Jim McCay is a Political Analyst, Commentator and Radio Producer. The Influence of Cartels in America – Former Mexican cop illegally in US indicted for trafficking enough fentanyl to kill 10 million people. 16 Camp Pendleton Marines arrested by NCIS for alleged human smuggling and drug offenses. […]
The Top Stories – Trump Labor Secretary Alex Acosta resigns amid pressure from Jeffrey Epstein sex traffic case, Census Debacle – Pelosi says Trump trying to ‘Make America White Again’, House Judiciary Dems prepare slew of subpoenas for Trump-tied targets, Courts Rules on Trump CANNOT block people from Twitter. Dennis Santiago is an American Strategist, Philosopher and Patriot, and a contributor on America Out Loud. Ava Armstrong is a Political Commentator, Radio Personality and an outstanding Author who writes about America’s heroes. Turkey receives first S-400 missile delivery from Russia – The first components of Russian-made S.400 missile system have arrived in Ankara, Turkish officials said. The US had threatened sanctions, sparking controversy within NATO, of which Turkey is a member. Less than two weeks ago, Turkish strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that US President Donald Trump reassured him there will be no sanctions over buying the S.400s. This story has major implications for not only future relationships but world peace. Michael Johns is the National Co-founder and leader of the Tea Party Movement, former White House Speechwriter and a Policy Analyst with The Heritage Foundation. Dennis Santiago is a Global Risk and Financial Analyst, asymmetric warfare, arms control and global stability. Dem Lawmakers push to […]
Foreign policy and global communications are at the cornerstone of World Peace. That’s if you believe that World Peace is even obtainable? Is it exclusively an abstract concept for world leaders to pivot to when in search of power? There are countless questions and quandaries when it comes to World Peace. Who is the greatest threat to world peace? How has Trump impacted and emboldened other countries? Giving the growth of China, their economic and military advances, what is the role of China’s leadership moving forward⏤cooperative or adversarial? If Iran reaches nuclear status⏤what is Israel’s response? Trump wants out of Afghanistan⏤how do we truly disengage from Afghanistan? If gridlock in Congress among liberals and conservatives has impacted our Global leadership position⏤what are future implications for world peace if this doesn’t change? Russia is the second largest nuclear power in the world⏤how does America forge a working relationship with the Russians? The President has put forth another military branch THE SPACE FORCE⏤will space become the next military battlefield? Col Jim Waurishuk is retired from USAF, he is a career senior intelligence and special missions officer. Baruch Pletner is an editor, an entrepreneur, scientist, and passionate about the war on globalism. Ilana […]
The Top Stories: Supreme Court blocks citizenship question; Speaker Pelosi bows to McConnell on border aid bill; Supreme Justices say ‘Partisan Gerrymandering is None of our Business’; the Democrat Debates begin; and Twitter says it will start labeling tweets from influential government officials who break the rules. Michael Johns is the National Co-founder and leader of the Tea Party Movement, former White House Speechwriter and a Policy Analyst with The Heritage Foundation. Ava Armstrong is a Political Commentator, Radio Personality and an outstanding Author who writes about America’s heroes. G20 Highlights: President Trump met with President Xi of China in bilateral discussions primarily focused on trade agreements, the highlights were: United States and China will resume trade discussions at the point they left off. Trump will not place additional tariffs on $345 billion worth of Chinese goods as long as negotiations are in process. Trump confirms US companies can continue to sell to Huawei during G20 press conference. Trump tells Vladimir Putin not to ‘meddle in the election,’ after being prompted by a journalist. Captain Stu Cvrk is a retired naval officer, a defense contractor, and contributor on America Out Loud. Dennis Santiago is an American Strategist, Philosopher and Patriot, and a contributor on America Out […]
Iran Showdown – President Trump described Iran’s shoot-down of the U.S. drone over the Strait of Hormuz as a “very big mistake” and an unintentional error by “someone who was loose and stupid.” WAS THIS AN ACCIDENT OR WAS THIS INTENTIONAL? Amid reports and speculation that Trump was caught between his own instincts and the more hawkish members of his team⏤Isn’t this part of the challenge the President is facing, those close to him edging him to conflict against his own reaction to stay out of war? Republican Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz tweeted his support of the president. “We do not need to go to war with Iran over an unmanned drone until we have more information. I am done with endless, unconstitutional regime change wars in the Middle East,” Gaetz wrote. Col Jim Waurishuk is retired from USAF, he is a career senior intelligence and special missions officer, served as Deputy Director for Intelligence for U.S. Central Command and has worked on the White House National Security Council. President Trump Orders Action Against Iran – Strike Called Off With Planes In Air Reparations – Does some form of compensatory payment needs to be made to the descendants of Africans […]
Iran Provokes The West – The U.S. military released a video that shows Iran’s Revolutionary Guard removing an unexploded limpet mine from one of the targeted oil tankers in the Hormuz Straits. Two tankers, one Norwegian and one Japanese were damaged⏤oddly while Japanese PM Abe was meeting with the Iranian leadership. What is Iran’s ultimate goal with this latest confrontation? Tensions are high, and the stakes are higher. Ilana Freedman is a veteran intelligence analyst specializing in terrorism and politics, a weekly columnist and show host. Baruch Pletner is an entrepreneur, a scientist, an inventor, he is passionate about education and the war on globalism, he is the Editor-in-Chief of WHO IS George Soros? And why does he take such a vested interest in local politics? His organization, Open Society Foundations, is behind many global events, and many more here in America. The Parkland School protest for gun control, the caravans coming up from Central America, he supported the refugees in Europe⏤Soros is a man on a mission, but what exactly is his mission? Karen Schoen, Educator, dean, a retired teacher and activist focused on Saving America. Susan Price is an investigative researcher, a patriot a veteran advocate and Gold […]
Over the course of YOUR lifetime, how would you rate the current snapshot of where America is right at this very moment? Does the national mood impact you in your own personal life? Or do you completely disengage your mind from it? How does the current environment help any of us out in our lives? Serious questions for serious times no doubt! Malcolm was tired and bored with the political class this week and decided to change things up a bit. We’ll take the conversation upward to 35,000 feet as Ava Armstrong, Arnetta Notkin and Jim McCay join Malcolm for an honest assessment of the news. Three top talents and producers here at America Out Loud will disseminate the political and societal environment in America today!