Sunday 10 am | ET Encore 6 pm
Viewpoint is one of the most engaging and insightful news and commentary shows available anywhere. Each week, Viewpoint This Sunday brings you an overview of the week that just was – the relevant news stories along with top-tier, unmatched analysis on the biggest stories of the week – all brought to you with a dedication to facts and patriotism that you have come to expect from America Out Loud.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of ‘The Voice of a Nation’ and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – Malcolm Out Loud puts the news back in focus with amazing guests and an unmatched analysis of the biggest stories of the week.
What do the murders in the Christchurch, New Zealand mosques, the races for the Democrat primaries that are heating up all around the country, the Southern Poverty Law Center that just fired its founder, Hamas missiles over Israel, and the shrill voice of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez all have in common? Life is a series of never-ending stories and these are the ones on the front page. Listen to intelligence analyst Ilana Freedman as she gives you a look at some of what’s behind the stories. Get her take on the news on this week’s Viewpoint The Midweek Report.
The Top Stories: A tragic scene in Christchurch New Zealand as a deranged lunatic murders 50 people with dozens more seriously injured. | Authorities this past week uncovered a major scandal involving a number of universities where Hollywood and wealthy families were buying their children’s way fraudulently into top universities in a complex system of fraud, deception, collusion and payoffs! | And what about the 24 month presidential campaign cycle – are these perpetual campaigns too much? | We are now hearing that the release of the Mueller report to AG Barr is eminent – are we seeing a new strategy from Democrat leaders as they play down the report findings? Karen Schoen, Educator, Dean, a Retired Teacher and Activist focused on Saving America. Del Wilber is a former CIA and Department of Defense Intelligence and Counterterrorism Officer. A.M. worked 30 years on Wall Street; she is a constitutional centrist and social media influencer. MORE VIEWPOINT THE NEWS MAGAZINE MultiCulturalism – coexistence and cultural divide – It appeared to have been a carefully planned “terrorist attack” that included a lengthy anti-immigrant manifesto and live-streaming of the carnage. Was the Christchurch shootings a result of Retaliation and Forced Multiculturalism brought about by rapid large migrations? With […]
The Top Stories: President Trump returns from North Korea after walking away from a bad deal with Kim Jong-un, and the media goes wild. Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel is indicted on charges of corruption. China pushing their presence on a global basis particularly in the South China Sea, as the trade wars take front and center. The Democratic held House passes the most significant gun legislation to go through Congress in over 20 years, as they vote to require background checks for all gun purchases, and plans to extend the review period for background checks. Col Jim Waurishuk is retired from USAF, he is a career senior intelligence and special missions officer. He served as Deputy Director for Intelligence for U.S. Central Command and has worked on the White House National Security Council. Captain Stu Cvrk is a retired naval officer with operational experience in the Middle East and Western Pacific. He is presently a semi-retired defense contractor living the good life in the red state of South Dakota. MORE VIEWPOINT THE NEWS MAGAZINE China, NOKO and Israel – Is China playing North Korea and Russia as puppet-masters? China has been playing the U.S. for decades, American politicians have […]
TOP STORIES – It’s been a little over seven months since Pres. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met in Singapore, at that time Pres. Trump declared this the first step in the process towards peace, reconciliation and denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The second meeting is being criticized by the media and the far left liberal Democrats as being no more than a show and lacking in substance. >> House Democrats have demanded that Attorney General William Barr release special counsel Robert Mueller’s report to the public. Is it coincidental that Michael Cohen is again in front of congressional hearings while Pres. is conducting international negotiations? >> Alva Johnson is suing Pres. Trump and his campaign, alleging that the then-Republican presidential candidate kissed her without her consent during the 2016 race. >> Americans’ perceptions of U.S. World Image best since 2003. These are the TOP STORIES ON VIEWPOINT THE MIDWEEK REPORT. Brian Gould served in the U.S Army and U.S. Special Forces for over three decades, he now works with the Department of Defense. Karen Schoen, Educator, Dean, a Retired Teacher and Activist focused on Saving America. MORE VIEWPOINT THE NEWS MAGAZINE #200LIST to File Lawsuit – 200 […]
The Top Stories: Smollett Smugface, why is anyone talking about this fiasco – another media distraction? Will the Mueller Report be sent to AG Barr next week and who will leak it to the press? President Trump names Kelly Kraft as new UN ambassador. Expectations on the North Korea and the U.S. Summit in Vietnam? Latest on China Trade Deal? Middle East troop alignment – 200 troops to remain in Syria, 5000 in Iraq – good or bad decision? Patriots Owner Bob Kraft charged with Soliciting Prostitution! Ilana Freedman is a veteran intelligence analyst specializing in terrorism and politics. She is an advisor to law enforcement and global corporations, authored four books and a weekly columnist her at AOL. Ava Armstrong is a political commentator, radio personality. Ava is an Author who writes about the everyday men and women with a focus on Patriotism. Jim McCay is a Political Analyst, Commentator and Radio Producer. Jim has a 30 year background in global technology, telecommunications and pharmaceuticals MORE VIEWPOINT THE NEWS MAGAZINE The Politico headline was a show-stopper, ‘Sustained and ongoing’ disinformation assault targets Dem presidential candidates. The #200List was the opening bell of an election battle that is sure to […]
The Top Stories: Final Appropriations Bill for 2019 Signed – DHS, ICE, Border Patrol, bill signed by President Trump, and subsequent announcement of Emergency Order. Amazon out of NYC, Gov. Andrew Cuomo blamed fellow Democrats in the state Senate for killing the deal to bring an Amazon headquarters to Queens. Freshman Ilhan Omar’s anti-semitic remark causes uproar. Andrew McCabe took his new book and story to CBS” 60 Minutes” with an admission of guilt? William P. Barr was confirmed Thursday as the U.S. attorney general, and sworn in by chief justice Roberts in an Oval Office ceremony. Del Wilber is a former CIA and Department of Defense Intelligence and Counterterrorism Officer – with a focus on technical and human intelligence collection activities. Jim McCay is a Political Analyst, Commentator and Radio Producer. Jim has a 30 year background in global technology, telecommunications and pharmaceuticals. MORE VIEWPOINT THE NEWS MAGAZINE Why is the dividing of America happening? Is this the plan, is it a reaction to Pres. Trump as an outsider or is this part of a transformational effort to move us from a Constitutional Republic to a Marxist Socialist State, and if it is the latter will this be a silent and clandestine takeover of our […]
The TEN PART SERIES concludes as we explore the mass-changes taking place in society today from a 35,000 viewpoint! What are the greatest dangers from global immigration? Cultural, religious, economic, health and disease, or is it all political? Can Europe and the United States maintain their cultures with millions of immigrants entering their countries and not seeking assimilation but conversion of the countries culture, not learning the language and wanting to change laws? Is the mass movement of illegal immigrants to the United States affecting global economies by taking the best and brightest and sometime just good hard-working people out of those countries? Does this in fact make these countries more vulnerable if they lose their best and their brightest? We hear all sorts of stories and reasons for the global movement of people, ranging from those of oppression by brutal dictators and corrupt governments, developed countries needing workers to replace aging populations, the benefits of diversity and multiculturalism, etc. How does all of this impact the future of ‘We the People’? MORE VIEWPOINT THE NEWS MAGAZINE Dennis Santiago is a political analyst and regular commentator on America Out Loud. He is a subject matter expert in global stability and finance policy. Dr Carol […]
Is terrorism still the greatest threat to America and the world, is it any less today than it was prior to the attack of September 11, 2001? Or has it only changed its face and tactics, has it become internalized in the United States and European countries, is it now the enemy within – funded by terrorist states? Are we any more prepared today than we were 18 years ago before the 9/11 attacks changed our lives, our country, changed the world; have we become complacent? Government leaders and politicians at this moment are so bent on power at all cost, the energy they expend to defeat the opposition leaves ‘We the People’ more vulnerable than ever before. In a word – they are REACTIVE, and not PROACTIVE. Our program today will address this problem in one of the more serious threats to the republic TERRORISM. We will hear from three top leading experts, Dr James Mitchell, Ilana Freedman and IQ al Rassooli today on Viewpoint Presents… MORE VIEWPOINT THE NEWS MAGAZINE Dr. James Mitchell was involved in the development of the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program, and interrogated fourteen of the most senior high-value detainees in U.S. custody. Ilana Freedman is a […]
If you listen to the mainstream media (God forbid) you will almost never hear the term deep state unless they are denying its existence or condemning it as the work of conspiracy theorists, extremists from the far right trying to create fear and panic. Is it a vast conspiracy or just coincidence? The Deep State; who are they, where do they come from, are they bureaucrats, politicians, media, industrial and financial power brokers, who are these people and who do they serve? Has it always been this way or are we just now noticing it? Is the deep state just another term for “the establishment,” that name we have used for the entrenched career politicians and bureaucrats that have charted a course for our country far from that of the Constitution and founders? What is the common thread between tech giants, politicians, business, and media that makes them part of a deep state? If this deep state exists and is so entrenched in our government and society, just how dangerous are they and what can we do about it? MORE VIEWPOINT THE NEWS MAGAZINE Our distinguished panel will lay out the framework as we follow the evidence: Lt Joseph Pangaro, retired police lieutenant, […]
Our Constitutional Republic has served us well for over 240 years since the American Revolution, through a Civil War, Two World Wars, countless other conflicts, and yet today people are talking about moving to a Democratic Socialist form of government, and abandoning the architecture of our Constitution and the many freedoms we enjoy. What is the responsibility of government for Americans, and what about as a global force? Globalism vs Nationalism, open borders vs isolation, confrontation between parties and ideology to the point that dialogue has been replaced by resistance and confrontation; how do we get by this? Do any of our politicians have a clue as to the role of the United States going forward and are they willing to entertain questions and dialogue and new solutions? MORE VIEWPOINT THE NEWS MAGAZINE It was said by former President Ronald Reagan “If we lose freedom here, there’s no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth”. Are we close to that happening here? If not now, in the near future? Have we reached a tipping point for our nation where we need to make a choice? Changing our course or do we continue to move along a path blocked with […]
This is not the first time we’ve been at a stalemate in America. We have been down this road before. It seems we always bounce back though – what about this time? Are the details any different this time around, or is this ‘swamp business’ as usual? Where is the tipping point? When do we go so far away from our fundamental constitutional principles that the establishment of our Republic is in jeopardy? Are we already there? Is it a few years away? Is the enticement of free stuff from a benevolent government the catnip of society? Why can’t our politicians sit down in a grown-up meeting and work out the problems as we once did for over 200 years? How did we go from communicating in adversarial dialogue to resist and blockade? MORE VIEWPOINT THE NEWS MAGAZINE Are the divisions within government and our country the result of our founders design; after all the Constitution was the result of trying to satisfy the desires and needs of many different factions; small states, large states, different religious groups, northern and southern colonies? Have we deviated so far from this original design? I’ve been thinking and talking about this divided government business […]
In the year 1948 English author George Orwell wrote of a future time, the year 1984 when most of the world’s population had become victims of perpetual war, omnipresent government, continuous surveillance, and propaganda. How different is our world of 2019 from Orwell’s novel? The phrase that most people remember from the Orwell novel is “Big Brother Is Watching” today it’s the question ”Has Facebook sold my confidential information to the highest bidder”. In all of his novels, Orwell conveys a fear of losing individual freedom to an increasingly oppressive modern society. In each novel, the protagonist’s attempt to escape ends in failure. Is the idea of privacy in a 21st-century world a concept that is no longer relevant? Has technology and our willingness to use it eliminated privacy? — Cameras on every corner in every building every roadway airport eliminated privacy as a trade-off for security? Why are we so willing to accept this? Has technology created a propaganda society where a single message is relayed 24/7 in singularity of content? What are the effects of propaganda on our lives? And then there is the subject of WAR. Why do we wage war? Is it for nationalism as some say today? Is it economic? […]
It would seem from the scientific evidence that two things are going to happen, one the planet’s orbital mechanics will change over time and second the sun is going to grow. The big question is: Can man do anything to change either of these events from happening? In 4 billion years the Earth will be consumed by a giant red star sun and reduced to a burnt cinder no matter what Al Gore says! Should we be more worried about planning a new home for man somewhere out of the solar system or too much exhaust from your Honda Accord? Is Climate Change Fact or Fiction? Is climate change inevitable and can man really do anything about it? This is one of the most misunderstood topics, and one that the media takes out of context on a daily basis. The politicization of climate change and the recent IPCC report are front and center. You must ask yourself – why did America pull out of the Paris Agreement? Why did they stand alone? Did President Trump make the right decision? Tom Wysmuller worked in the Apollo NASA era and lectures on Space Program and Climate Issues all over the world. He […]
We are seeing some pretty radical changes to the American way of life. Is it progress OR is it transformation by indoctrination? We know the education system has become the breeding-ground for this transformation, but what about the entertainment industry and the media – what kind of impact are they having? Has this transformation hijacked our educational system and media? The latest findings from the Pew Research Center have the US in 38th place out of 71 countries when it comes to math scores and 24th place when it comes to science. The US now ranks 27th in the world for its levels of healthcare and education, according to a new study. This represents a significant decline from 1990, when it ranked sixth. So, what happened in the last 30 years? A stellar panel: Karen Schoen is a Retired Teacher, Dean and small business owner, and on the Advisory Board of Florida Citizens Alliance. She is a Speaker, Activist and former Candidate for FL State House. Brooke Says is a Conservative Activist, Patriot, Strategic Communications Analyst & Cultural Impact Specialist. Sid Bowdidge, his new book “A Rush to Judgement: A Journey with Trump, God, and Love”: the book describes an insider’s view of running Trump’s Ground Campaign across the country. For […]