Sunday 10 am | ET Encore 6 pm
Viewpoint is one of the most engaging and insightful news and commentary shows available anywhere. Each week, Viewpoint This Sunday brings you an overview of the week that just was – the relevant news stories along with top-tier, unmatched analysis on the biggest stories of the week – all brought to you with a dedication to facts and patriotism that you have come to expect from America Out Loud.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of ‘The Voice of a Nation’ and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – Malcolm Out Loud puts the news back in focus with amazing guests and an unmatched analysis of the biggest stories of the week.
It’s not a question of immigration, but more so it is a question of illegal entry crossing the borders and violating a nation’s sovereignty and the rule of law. Yet when we try to maintain these precepts – adversaries talk of racism, lack of compassion, denial of our fundamental virtues as a country. Immigration of the 19th and 20th century led to assimilationand integration of people across the country. Fact is, over the years this singular point was arguably the biggest virtue of America. This has changed however, as America becomes more divided; it is becoming countries within a country. How far do we go in accommodating multiculturalism? Are immigrants coming to America for a better life or fleeing oppression? Does it matter whether they come to the country legally or illegally? In terms of humanitarian efforts should we have a limit? What is our limit? What is our alternative? Is this an American problem or is this a world problem? TIPPING POINT Money, troops, nation-building doesn’t work. Have we learned anything from history? Is there a bipartisan solution? Our panel on immigration for this special series is Dr. Stephen Steinlight, Dennis Santiago, and Hollie McKay. Link to referenced video: Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs Over the next 10 […]
We are in a fight for the Soul of America. Will we become even more divided as a red America and a blue America? Do we have a chance of bringing ‘the people’ together and what will it take? The news is discouraging. When was the last time you left a news program feeling good about society or yourself? Exactly. It never happens. I feel your pain friends. I experience the same pain. This Special 10 Part Series is a project I’ve been wanting to do for some time now. Over the next 10 weeks, we will tear apart some of the biggest challenges of our generation. Topics like Immigration, Socialism, The Orwellian State, Elections, Gun Control, Climate Change, Terrorism, A Politically Correct Media, Deep State and the Trump Factor. This first release, we will dive into questions like these: Do the results of the 2016 and 2018 midterm elections show that socialism is out of the closet? Have the fundamentals (wealth, housing, jobs) of the country changed that makes socialism a viable alternative? Why Can’t Socialism Work in America? Is the rise of Socialism an excuse for conservative, progressive and liberal policies that have failed for over 50 years? The Constitution was created to protect the […]
Viewpoint, The MidWeek Report – Some might call it dysfunctional, others a loving tribute to the Bundy Family. A Thanksgiving talk that is sure to open minds and hearts alike. We are also honored to welcome Sid Bowdidge to the table and to tell us about his incredible journey with President Trump. Oh, and not to worry, we have the Top News Stories covered as well. Subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. Judge Blocks Trump, AG Whitaker Fury & Prison Reform A powerhouse of talent, Ilana Freedman and Dennis Santiago provide excellent analysis on the top stories we are following on the Midweek Report. Immigration and the Judicial Branch Matthew Whitaker Acting AG – Lawsuit Prison Reform – Could it unite the Parties? Trump signals US won’t punish Saudi crown prince over Khashoggi killing Journey with Trump, God and Love, Sid Bowdidge Imagine you go to see Donald Trump at a house party in New Hampshire, strictly for the entertainment factor, and you like his America first speech. Soon you find yourself volunteering to help Donald J. Trump become president. You’re setting up rallies and driving in the president-elect’s motorcade. Next you’re hired to run a campaign office and then asked to […]
Viewpoint This Sunday – A powerful panel starts the discussion at the top of the show on the Acosta media circus and the explosive story of Facebook and Chuck Schumer. We’ll take a different view of immigration and borders, along with a big talk on Socialism in America. BIG SHOW TODAY and every Sunday 10 AM EST with an Encore Presentation at 6 PM on America Out Loud Talk Radio. Listen on-demand after 1 PM on Sunday on Podcast Networks Worldwide. Subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. Schumer / Facebook Follies and the NYT Brian Gould, Brooke Says, Ava Armstrong andDennis Santiago provide the analysis and in-depth discussion on these top stories: Jim Acosta, CNN win lawsuit, or did they? Facebook vs NYT(Schumer easy on Facebook) and Government in cahoots to mislead Americans And the 2018 Extended Election Extravaganza Continues… Brooke Article: Freedom Isn’t Free – Is America Worthy of Veteran’s Sacrifices? The Benefits of an Open Border Let’s try this using reverse psychology, so what are some of the reasons we might want to have open borders in America: Borders don’t prevent people from migrating they simply make their journey harder and often force them into the hands of smugglers. Blaming migrants for low […]
Viewpoint, The MidWeek Report – An important broadcast to be shared with everyone. There are two factors that will have a major impact on future elections; the first, our education system, and the second, our immigration policies, or lack thereof. These will impact the country you love friends – so we all need to get onboard in understanding the problems and then get serious in how to change the trajectory of a future that nobody should want! Subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. Top Stories Dr Ron Martinelli and Ilana Freedman provide the analysis and in-depth discussion on the top stories we are following on the Midweek Report. The REAL Constitutional Crisis is the American Election System Macron and Trump, Nationalism vs Patriotism Israel and Gaza, from Peace to Missiles in hours Kirstjen Nielsen, Homeland Security Secretary to be fired? The American Education System Gone Awry The focus of education has changed dramatically in the last 50 years from teaching basics of math, history, science, and English to that of a system of political and ideological indoctrination? Where does that lead us as a country? Are we producing minds that are blank but only know how to push a button and hope they get the […]
Viewpoint This Sunday – A big powerful program on what is behind these mass shootings and the steps we can and should take to change the trajectory of a society that is losing control. Antifa strikes again – this time at Tucker Carlson’s home. What about a RICO Investigation on the domestic terror front and a Task Force on these Mass Shootings. BIG SHOW TODAY and every Sunday 10 AM EST with an Encore Presentation at 6 PM on America Out Loud Talk Radio. Listen on-demand after 1 PM on Sunday on Podcast Networks Worldwide. Subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. Sessions Out, Election Disputes, Dems Speaker Ilana Freedman and George McClellan provide the analysis and in-depth discussion on the top stories on this election coverage that you need to know. AG Jeff Sessions Resigns / Fired, a Constitutional Crisis? Sen. Marco Rubio says that Democratic “lawyers” are trying to “steal” the U.S. Senate race from Rick Scott in order to give it to Bill Nelson. Mueller’s team has begun writing its final report, Are sources correct? Ruth Bader Ginsburg injured after fracturing 3 ribs in fall SPEAKER – “Opposition to Pelosi hardens”: “61 Democratic incumbents and 11 newly members-elect told POLITICO that […]
Viewpoint, The MidWeek Report If the White House want that border wall? They best try to get it done before the New Year confetti is swept up. Eliminate birthright citizenship? Get ready for war with an extraordinarily progressive House. There is one game in town for Trump right now: can the President forge a relationship with the House Democratic majority that mostly ran in complete opposition to his agenda. Stay tuned for a most fascinating two years of American politics… Subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. Americans Choose Divided Government (again) Some call it a game of checks and balances, others call it a game of suicide by politics, or even, pin the tail on the jackass! Whatever it is – Americans seem to love gridlock, they like this divided government thing! President Trump wasn’t on the ballot – yet, as it is with midterm elections, the policies coming from the White House are the driving force in the election. The House goes Blue, the Senate goes a deeper Red. As the Wednesday morning quarterbacking starts, the big question is, could the GOP have done anything differently to change the outcome? Colonel Jim Waurishuk and Ava Armstrong provide the analysis and perspective on the […]
Viewpoint This Sunday – Red waves, blue waves, tidal waves, or is it a slow volcanic-rush of burning coal ?!? Hours away and Americans decide the trajectory of the nation. It is by no standards a typical midterm election. Minutes before taking the stage in a final rally in Pensacola, Florida with President Trump, we talked with Ron DeSantis on the state of the race and where it stands at this very moment. Col Jim Waurishuk and Dr. Carol Swain analyze the race in segment two of our program. Finally our Power Panel, Dennis Santiago, Ilana Freedman and Ava Armstrong provide a brilliant analysis of election coverage. BIG SHOW TODAY and every Sunday 10 AM EST with an Encore Presentation at 6 PM on America Out Loud Talk Radio. Listen on-demand after 1 PM on Sunday on Podcast Networks Worldwide. Subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. Interview with Ron De Santis, former U.S. Congressman and Candidate for Governor of the State of Florida In one of the most watched races in the nation – Ron DeSantis, the former U.S. Congressman from Florida’s Sixth District and the Republican nominee for Governor of Florida against Andrew Gillum, Mayor of Tallahassee. Gillum wants to raise taxes for the state – a […]
Viewpoint, The MidWeek Report: Is terrorism the ‘new normal’? How do we go about understanding the complexities of the terrorist mindset, and adjust for this new world? Fear plays a great deal into terror, in fact, that is the ultimate goal of terrorism! Also, we will soon find out the damage control needed in the Saudi Arabia relationship. How will this impact the arms deal and other matters? And the Social Medi Tech Giants are at in again with their ‘shadow banning’ and manipulation of content – what can be done about it? Subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. In the Mind of a Terrorist What is the mindset of the domestic Islamic fundamentalist? Is it different from those who’ve been raised in the Middle East or in the Far East for that matter and brought to this country? How do the children become radicalized? Is this lone Wolf terrorism a result of this individualized radicalization? Dr James Mitchell was involved in the development of the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program, and interrogated fourteen of the most senior so-called high-value detainees in U.S. custody.Dr James Mitchell Book: Enhanced Interrogation The Saudi Arabia Fallout How will and how should the U.S. respond to the Kingdom and their recent […]
It was this exact week back in October 2017, one year ago, when you heard the first Viewpoint This Sunday broadcast. The top news stories that week were, the Uranium One Scandal, Tax Reform, will it pass, and how are folks defining Trumpism and will it work? We continue to bring you the top stories from top experts in their field every Sunday at 10 am est – Just this past month we realized the need for a midweek version of this oustanding news magazine – Every Wednesday at 6 pm est you now have Viewpoint, The Midweek Report. None of this would be possible without the talent and commitment of our Out Loud family of Experts and the countless contributors that have graced this weekly production. They truly are the reason this show has reached the level of success that it has. Along with our producers Jim McKay and Ava Armstrong, who commit themselves every week to bringing you the best news magazine in the world. As we look forward to the future with you, we take a look back over the past year to see how we got here together. I guarantee you’ll learn plenty, you’ll laugh some, […]
Viewpoint This Sunday – Friday Mexican officials tried to stop the caravan at their southern border and chaos erupted, as President Trump demands the caravans be stopped or the US aide will come to a screeching halt. The lawlessness in Portland, Oregon is front and center as fascists take charge of the once peaceful streets of an American city. Also, a conversation on the murder of Journalist Jamal Khashoggi and what is really behind this international scandal. BIG SHOW TODAY and every Sunday 10 AM EST with an Encore Presentation at 6 PM on America Out Loud Talk Radio. Listen on-demand after 1 PM on Sunday on Podcast Networks Worldwide. Subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. Look for our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY Program Special, coming this next Sunday, October 28. Top Stories of the Week Lt. Joe Pangaro and Ilana Freedman provide the analysis and in-depth discussion on the top stories that you need to know. Honduras Caravan Headed for US Border Lawlessness in Portland Oregon – Fascists are in charge US Sanctions on Iran Extended to Banking, Manufacturing, etc. School Massacre in Crimea Kills 21 – Putin Blames Globalization The Saudi and Khashoggi Relationship The rumors are running rampant regarding the murder of […]
Viewpoint, The MidWeek Report: In a wide-ranging interview President Trump sat down with Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes. It was an incredible over-the-top discussion on everything from climate change to the New York Times anonymous Op-Ed; to the alleged murder of the Saudi Journalist. In a first for Viewpoint, The News Magazine – we bring you OUR VERSION of this ridiculous interview inside of 20 minutes. If you like satire, you’ll love the dialogue with your Moderator Lucy Wall, played by Ava Armstrong, and President Donald Trump played by Mr. Out Loud. Brace yourself and wear a seatbelt for this one friends! Lucy Wall Interviews President Trump A few of the questions we dare to ask the President – Jamal Khashoggi, the journalist, the Saudi journalist, was he murdered by the Saudis? And did the prince give the order to kill him? What about North Korea? How much squeezing of China are you prepared to do when American products are gonna be more expensive for American consumers in the end of all this? Are you willing to get rid of that Western alliance, NATO? Is it true General Mattis said to you, “The reason for NATO and the reason for all these alliances is to prevent […]
Viewpoint This Sunday – The stock market wasn’t the only thing that was on a wild ride this week; the accusations; cries for action or violence in some cases from leaders, and an Oval Office visit from Kanye West which had the media both juiced and critical. A Special Feature today is our Political Panel with four women. First you’ll hear from two on the Left, and then two on the Right; as we explore some of the top issues facing Americans. Join us every Sunday 10 AM EST with an Encore Presentation at 6 PM on America Out Loud Talk Radio. Listen on-demand after 1 PM on Sunday on Podcast Networks Worldwide. Subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. Look for our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY Program Special this October 28. Top Stories of the Week Ryan Mauro and Ilana Freedman provide the analysis and in-depth discussion on the top stories that you need to know. Stock Market Crash or Rally? Turkish Court Convicts American Pastor Andrew Brunson on Terror Charge but releases him Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi killed inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul? Dina Powell says no to UN Ambassador, Short List Expanded Kanye West Goes to Washington A Liberal […]
Viewpoint, The MidWeek Report: Have you heard the one about the blockbuster movie on America’s journey to the moon but they forgot the flag? Hard to imagine but all true and the centerpiece of controversy at water coolers everywhere. Surely while we have experts from NASA here we must talk about the recent headlines on the ten year doom scenario circulating the media on the climate change crisis! Today on Viewpoint we will explore all the top stories of the week. Subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. Top Stories of the Week Ilana Freedman and Dr Carol Swain provide the analysis and in-depth discussion on the top stories that you need to know. Nikki Haley Resigns as UN Ambassador Kavanaugh takes to the Court Democrat’s RESIST, RADICALIZE and ATTACK Trump Decides to keep Rod Rosenstein (for now) Where is AG Jeff Sessions? Google did not disclose security bug because it feared regulation POWER PANEL – Tom Wysmuller, Dr Hal Doiron and Professor Larry Bell are our Power Panel this week as we explore, discuss and debate globalism vs. patriotism or nationalism some would say, and Climate Change, the real truth! First Man Movie Misses The Mark July 20, 1969, as all of […]