Sunday 10 am | ET Encore 6 pm
Viewpoint is one of the most engaging and insightful news and commentary shows available anywhere. Each week, Viewpoint This Sunday brings you an overview of the week that just was – the relevant news stories along with top-tier, unmatched analysis on the biggest stories of the week – all brought to you with a dedication to facts and patriotism that you have come to expect from America Out Loud.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of ‘The Voice of a Nation’ and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – Malcolm Out Loud puts the news back in focus with amazing guests and an unmatched analysis of the biggest stories of the week.
Viewpoint This Sunday – The scene unfolded Saturday afternoon as Kavanaugh was officially being placed on the nation’s highest court. Protestors could be heard throughout the halls of Congress, in the Chamber and on television screens from sea to shining sea. We will have extraordinary analysis and coverage of this historical moment and all the top stories on Viewpoint. Join us every Sunday 10 AM EST with an Encore Presentation at 6 PM on America Out Loud Talk Radio. Listen on-demand after 1 PM on Sunday on Podcast Networks Worldwide. Subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. Look for our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY Program Special this October 28. Top Stories of the Week Ilana Freedman and Jim McCay provide the analysis and in-depth discussion on the top stories that you need to know. Brett Kavanaugh – the 114th Supreme Court Justice Should Christine Blasey Ford be charged with perjury? Interest rate increased by Feds China microchips installed in phones and computer motherboards, Apple, Amazon deny Ilana Freedman column: Open Letter to Judge Brett Kavanaugh The Psychology Behind The Resist Movement Throughout the normal part of the confirmation process, it was clear that Democrat Senators could not defeat the Judge on normal practices of policy […]
Viewpoint, The MidWeek Report: There is her truth, his truth and the real truth – isn’t that how it goes? What is the meaning of “her truth” what are we really looking for here? What kind of standard should we hold people to? Executives, Politicians, Judges, Entertainers? Today on Viewpoint we will explore the impact this is all having on society. Subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. This may well be a moment of truth for America… Top Stories of the Week Ilana Freedman and George McClellan provide the analysis and in-depth discussion on the top stories that you need to know. “Operation Ford” Flakes Out – the latest on Kavanaugh Canada deals – Trump Insists No NAFTA, to be called US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Chinese warship comes within 45 yards of US vessel in South China Seas – Is the trade impasse having a military impact as well? North Korea “We fell in love” and Kim gives Moon two North Korea Puppies – Pompeo to meet with Kim Jong-un on Sunday POWER PANEL – False Accusations, The Impact on Men Ava Armstrong, Terry Beatley, Gayl Murphy and Dennis Santiago are our Power Panel this week as we explore, discuss and debate the circus that has […]
Viewpoint This Sunday – The Kavanaugh confirmation process has both riveted and polarized the nation. Today on Viewpoint we will take a more factual approach to the hearings and all the top stories of the week. Every Sunday 10 AM EST with an Encore Presentation at 6 PM on America Out Loud Talk Radio. Listen on-demand after 1 PM on Sunday on Podcast Networks Worldwide. Subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. Look for our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY Program Special this October 28. Top Stories of the Week Ilana Freedman and Dr Ron Martinelli provide the analysis and in-depth discussion on the top stories that you need to know. All eyes were on Kavanaugh v Ford or was it Kavanaugh v The System Rod Rosenstein called to testify privately to Congress next week Is Trump Eyeing A Coup In Venezuela? Senior Iranian security official threatens Israel Facebook is Breached, 50 million users data at risk Ilana Freedman column: One Woman’s View of the Kavanaugh Hearings Congressional Hypocrisy at its Finest The Kavanaugh confirmation process would suggest that our divide has heightened to new levels and intensity as we move closer to the November midterm elections. Is it hypocrisy, denial, political posturing, all of the above, or […]
Viewpoint, The MidWeek Report: The ‘Court of Public Opinion’ is in session, as both sides pull out all the stops to impact this Supreme Court appointment. As the Kavanaugh confirmation heats up, the more and more shenanigans play out in the media circus. Today on Viewpoint you’ll have the opportunity to truly understand the psychology and the depth to which political leaders will go to to obtain their desired result. If you’ve been one of our faithful listeners on Viewpoint This Sunday, then you’ll recognize the style and the substance of our Midweek Report. Top Stories of the Week Dr Carol Swain and Dennis Santiago provide the analysis and in-depth discussion on the top stories that you need to know. More Accusations Against Judge Kavanaugh Rod Rosenstein and Reports of his Firing or Resigning UN General Assembly: Patriotism v Globalism South Korea and US Sign Bilateral Trade Agreement Fireworks at the UN between the US and Iran The Motivation and Psychology of the Kavanaugh Conflict “Feinstein is doing essentially the same thing to Judge Brett Kavanaugh that she did to us,” says Dr James Mitchell. Dr Mitchell will explain how ‘Narrative Framing’ has become the weapon of choice in the Kavanaugh conflict. We will look specifically at what is happening […]
Viewpoint This Sunday delivers expert analysis, panel discussions, all in a dynamic fast paced hour. Every Sunday 10 AM EST with an Encore Presentation at 6 PM on America Out Loud Talk Radio. Listen on-demand after 1 PM on Sunday on Podcast Networks Worldwide. You will also enjoy Viewpoint, The Midweek Report each Wednesday 6 PM EST with the encore at 10 PM. Top Stories of the Week Ilana Freedman and Ryan Mauro provide the analysis and in-depth discussion on the top stories that you need to know. Will it be Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh? The NYT reports that Rod Rosenstein talked about wearing a “wire” to record conversations with Pres. Trump to be used against him in a plan to invoke the 25th Amendment to declare him unfit for office. Progress on North Korea denuclearization. Latest on IRAN threatening the Strait of Hormuz and Syria implications. President Trump’s policies has the economy soaring! Why? POWER PANEL on GUILTY Until Proven Innocent Dr. Christine Blasey Ford accuses Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with sexual assault taking place 36 years ago, she has no definitive recollection of the location, the place, the date, or who else was in attendance or details of the attack. The media and political attack […]
Viewpoint, The MidWeek Report: We have a full and exciting program for the inaugural edition of our premiere news magazine. If you’ve been one of our faithful listeners on Viewpoint This Sunday, then you’ll recognize the style and the substance of our Midweek Report. We will bring this to you each Wednesday 6 PM EST with an encore at 10 PM on America Out Loud Talk Radio. You can also listen on Podcast Networks worldwide just after 7 PM. Kavanaugh vote is delayed, sexual allegations; are they true or false? FISA documents and text messages in un-redacted format being unclassified for immediate release. Russia, Turkey, Syria, and Iran cease fire or further trap in Syria? Breaking News from North and South Korea overnight. What do you think about Fort Trump in Poland? General Flynn to be sentenced in November says Mueller. And our Power Panel will discuss the Kavanaugh Nomination, the law and accusations, the questions of justice or revenge, or political tricks?!? Top Stories of the Week Col Jim Waurishuk and Del Wilber provide the analysis and in-depth discussion on the stories that you need to know. Kavanaugh Vote Delayed – Public Hearing set for Monday, will she show? Trump Orders FBI Documents, […]
The Red Line In Syria, Supreme Kavanaugh & Socialism – Could be the moment of truth for Syria as fighting comes to a head in Idlib, the last stronghold for the resistance. Syrian (Madman) President Bashar al-Assad has used Chemical Weapons multiple times on his own people, will he do it again? Democrats pulled out their biggest weapon to derail Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh: a letter from an anonymous woman claiming sexual misconduct back in high school. And if socialism is such a groovy idea, why in Venezuela are people abandoning their beloved pets? Ilana Freedman and Hollie McKay take on the TOP NEWS STORIES of the week. A Cult of Corruption – First NBC, now CBS; as top executives are placed under the microscope for their behavior in the workplace. More resignations for sexual abuse and inappropriate behavior as the dominoes continue to fall. Is it a culture of hypocrisy as Media Executives are exposed for their bias? Is Google a “Threat to the Republic”? Google exposed as having high ranking management involved in shaping elections information to favor specific elections and then there is that VIDEO… A powerful conversation on sex, corruption, men and women with Dennis Santiago and Brian Gould. Good vs Evil and Donald Trump […]
Media Meltdown – Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings showcase our political divide; New York Times anonymous Op-Ed breaks all the rules. President Trump will not sit down with Mueller for discussion; North Korea’s Kim Jong Un expresses faith in Trump, reaffirms commitment to nuclear-free peninsula; Turkey, Russia, Iran leaders meet in Tehran over Syria; and NY Prosecutors announce criminal investigations against the Catholic Church. Ilana Freedman and Dennis Santiago take on our Top News Stories of the week. The Nike Gamble – This week Nike, the huge sports apparel and equipment manufacturer announced Colin Kaepernick as a marketing spokesperson; but not without controversy. Is this genius or politically motivated? Nike raked in $43 million worth of media exposure for the controversial Colin Kaepernick ad, it has now been reported that their online sales have also grown by 31%. Has politics and “social justice” invaded all of our society to a degree that it is just becoming another annoyance people put up with? Del Wilber, DrBev, Beverly Jackson and Officer David Smith have a unique perspective not to be missed! Obama Says Trump Is Symptom & Kavanaugh Hearings – “It did not start with Donald Trump. He is a symptom, not the cause. He’s just capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years,” […]
The groundbreaking News Magazine, VIEWPOINT THIS SUNDAY captures the essence of a new generation in a dynamic, fast paced hour. Top Analysts, Impressive Commentators and Stellar Panel Discussions. Global & Domestic Terror – In this week’s top stories – War Games, On Again, Off again as President Trump and General Mattis have a difference of opinion; miscommunication at highest levels, what’s going on? The FBI arrests five New Mexico compound suspects days after multiple charges were dropped; is this an isolated incident? Iran makes another provocative statement on the Straits of Hormuz; is this the next hot spot for the administration? An agreement to replace NAFTA with a bilateral agreement with Mexico has been reached, is Canada next? Dr James Mitchell and Hollie McKay on the big stories of the week. John McCain and the Media – This past week John McCain, Vietnam War hero, member of the House of Representatives and member of the Senate passed away from his battle with brain cancer. Many believe the coverage has been over the top. Is the media’s sudden love for McCain just another opportunity to bash Trump? We will explore the root cause of this hatred. Also President Trump provided strong criticism of Google search, Facebook and […]
Manafort and Cohen – Crime or Conspiracy? More Immunity Deals being handed out, Sessions & Trump – This week we had resolutions in the Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen cases that rocked the political world. The big questions are how will this affect the upcoming midterm elections, and the continuing Mueller investigation that after 18 months as no evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. AG Jeff Sessions is the most controversial political figure in the Trump Administration – what is behind this madness?! Col Jim Waurishuk and Attorney Jennifer Breedon discuss the top stories of the week. Duncan and Collins Investigations, Tribute of Molly Tibbetts – GOP Congressman Duncan Hunter and his wife Margaret were indicted in a 47 page document for misuse of $260K in campaign funds. GOP Congressman Chris Collins has been charged with insider trading in a 30 page document; random investigations or targeting of political adversaries? The murder of Molly Tibbetts, committed by an illegal alien… which begs the question WHY? We will have a panel discussion and special tribute to Molly. Our expert panel: Dennis Santiago, Ilana Freedman, and RayRay Brookstein provide an analysis you won’t hear anywhere else! How to Stop Sex Abuse by Priests – Pope Francis declared Saturday […]
The Decline of America’s Cities – Chicagoans are now marching and calling for the resignation of Mayor Rahm Emanuel due to the record violence and murders. In Portland, Oregon, protesters continue their blockade of ICE headquarters building with their encampment blocking streets and municipal railway with outcries to abolish ICE. WE ARE SEEING PROTEST, RIOTS & VIOLENCE in many forms from that of assassination type murders of police officers to Wall Street encampment of the occupy movement — what are the fundamental problems that have folks taking these extraordinary steps to show their anger? Lt Randy Sutton and Dr Carol Swain discuss the challenges and what needs to happen next in America’s cities. Midterm Election, Mueller & Mayhem in New Mexico – The stakes couldn’t be higher in what looks to be an epic battle in the midterms. What is the takeaway from the special election last week? Special Counsel Mueller is in search of a sit-down with President Trump; is this inevitable? Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y., vows to fight insider trading charges, and Paul Manafort and Rick Gates trial is keeping the late-night comics busy. Kids are being trained to commit school shootings at an extremist Muslim compound in New Mexico, how many other undetected places is this happening? Ilana, Freedman, Phil Davis, […]
NOKO Report, Golan Conflict & Midterm Elections – Evidence from US intelligence agencies confirm that North Korea is increasing the production of nuclear fuel at secret sites, expanding its missile capabilities, and has no intention of dismantling its nuclear arsenal. Israel and Syria with Iranian troops and missiles headed for conflict and possibly another Middle Eastern war over the Golan Heights. In Portland they’ve been blockading and occupying ICE headquarters since June. In Chicago, the community is fed up with gun violence and gone to the streets marching for action and the resignation of Mayor Rahm Emanuel. The Midterm heats up! Ilana Freedman, Dennis Santiago and Jennifer Breedon take on the top news stories of the week. Boom or Bust: What Lies Ahead? – It’s been one week since the President announced a 4.1% increase in the GDP, the largest we’ve seen in years. Is 4% growth or even 3% sustainable over the next 5 to 10 years? With trillions of dollars in government spending as a stimulus and huge outlays to social welfare programs how do we control government spending? President Trump tweeted that he would be willing to shutdown the federal government if the Democrats do not agree to Republican demands about funding for a wall along […]
Top Stories of the Week – The U.S. economy grew at the rate of 4.1 percent during the second quarter, is this sustainable? Will accusations against Rep Jim Jordan be a sticking point of his wish to be Speaker of the House? Should politicians leaving office retain this level of access or be stripped of their top secret security clearance? Senate Majority Leader McConnell comes out and says he will not allow there to be a delay in the approval of Supreme Court Justice nominee Kavanaugh… Col Jim Waurishuk and Jim McCay will take on the top news stories of the week. Trump’s Foreign Policy Strategy, Is it working? – Whether this is the new or old Michael Cohen, his move this week could present serious perils for both himself and his former client, Donald Trump, says The Hill. North Korea has returned remains believed to be of 55 US troops killed during the Korean War. Now Putin is inviting Trump to Moscow? What will critics say? What about Trump’s diplomacy style in the face of Iran and their crazy leaders? Ilana Freedman, IQ al Rassooli and Col Jim Waurishuk provide the analysis in World Politics. America Is Entrenched With Tyranny – Are the famous words of government of the people, by the people and […]
White House on Defense, Abolishing ICE, Economy Soars – The Helsinki and NATO Summits had the media pulling out all the stops to alarm the public that the sky was indeed falling and Trump was the problem. House Republicans held a vote stating support for ICE in the hopes of forcing Democrats to go on the record on the issue. Did the House Democrats take the bait? President Trump announces a skills training program targeted at creating 500,000 new jobs, as the economy continues to soar. Dr. Stephen Steinlight and Dennis Santiago provide the analysis on the top stories of the week. Police Shootings Skyrocket – Eight police officers were targeted in different states at different times in a 48 hour period; what is going on? Since these cases are not related, and considering the escalation in these attacks, does this conclude a bigger problem in our society? What steps can both police departments take, and what could Washington do to curb this escalating violence? We will take this on with two of the finest in the nation, Dr. Ron Martinelli and Sgt. Betsy Smith lay out a compelling case for what ails us! Putin’s Russian Empire – Is Trump playing Putin, or is Putin playing Trump? What is the psychology behind these […]