Sunday 10 am | ET Encore 6 pm
Viewpoint is one of the most engaging and insightful news and commentary shows available anywhere. Each week, Viewpoint This Sunday brings you an overview of the week that just was – the relevant news stories along with top-tier, unmatched analysis on the biggest stories of the week – all brought to you with a dedication to facts and patriotism that you have come to expect from America Out Loud.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of ‘The Voice of a Nation’ and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.
Immigration Ugly – This week an explosive discussion of immigration issues centered around children being separated from their parents at the border. Yet police routinely separate children from their families when a crime has been committed in all 50 states; should there be a different policy at the border? The Immigration debate and the people having the debate have all shown signs of becoming unhinged this week. Ratcheting up the hyperbolic talk was the media elites and of course the political obstructionists. Dr. Stephen Steinlight and Jim McCay will discuss the impact of this major crisis, and the odds in a legislative victory. Supreme Court Impact – This week the Supreme Court handed down two decisions one covering the rights of states to collect sales taxes on Internet transactions, the second being one on the privacy of cell phone data as it relates to police activities for tracking potential criminal activity. Ilana Freedman and Ava Armstrong will take a look at both of these rulings and their impact. North Korea Progress – Kim Jong Un has proposed a reunion for families separated by the war for this summer — a move in the right direction? The returned remains of American soldiers missing in action since the end of the Korean […]
Does The IG Report Change Anything? – “All the people who were initially voting for her would not, and were not, swayed by any decision the FBI put out. Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing. They probably didn’t watch the debates, aren’t fully educated on his policies, and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm.” NO BIAS? Malcolm says this is the BIGGEST COVER UP since the accidental root canal of Pres Grover Cleveland back in 1887. Col Jim Waurishuk and Brian Gould provide the best analysis on the fallout from the report conclusion! Finding Fault With North Korea Summit – Even before the ink dried on the agreement, Schumer, Pelosi and 99 out of 100 members of the media were lined up to criticize the document and everything that happened leading up to and through the Summit. Short memories? The release of three American prisoners, the destruction of their nuclear test site in front of members of the press and more. Can President Trump hold North Korea to their word this time? Ilana Freedman and Del Wilber take a deeper look into the Summit and what happens next… Immigration Trickery, Oil […]
The G7 Impact, All Eyes on Singapore – The G7 Summit concludes in Canada. The big talk was on trade and the focus on tariffs. President Trump attempts to level the playing field but not everybody is buying in. The North Korea Summit was destined to be hostile; and the G7 with Allies was suppose to be friendly-territory. Oddly, it may be the tale of two Summits with entirely different outcomes! Also, the VA MISSION Act was signed this week by the President giving Veterans the option of choices in the private healthcare sector vs just VA facilities. Col Jim Waurishuk and Ilana Freedman bring expert analysis on these top news stories. Immigration Outrage – Border security – Border Wall, Chain Migration, Visa Lottery, Anchor Baby, Border infiltrators, No More Amnesty —– the list of ‘catchphrases’ goes on and on…and so is our arcane immigration system. As the House attempts to do a two-step with four potential outcomes; Speaker Ryan and Senate Leader McConnell bring a less than stellar vision of what successful immigration policy looks like. Clearly Congress is disconnected from the will of the American people and unable as they are to make a decision, as existing law provides. How do we stop this invasion of […]
Summit Countdown, Jobs Report, Police Killings Rise – The Fullerton Hotel Singapore on June 12 is the locale and date for the Summit to World Peace; or at least that is the grand plan. The questions are many and the journey may still get bumpy on the road to peace. Great jobs report, firing on all cylinders–YET the media and critics still find fault. Another police officer was shot while sitting in his cruiser this week this time in Tennessee; how do we stop this? A former Nashville, Tenn. police officer says it is a “sign of the times” and that the media has made it “fashionable” to oppose police. Dennis Santiago, Lt Randy Sutton and Jim McCay lead the conversation with our top news stories. The Game in Washington Has Changed – As usual, each side digs in, the attacks against Pres. Trump increases by the media and by the Democratic party. There seems to be no room for discussion, compromise, or agreement on any topic. Why are politicians deadlocked in this stream of hatred? This is not benefiting the country. Is it more important for one side or the other to “win” — at what cost? Remember the Obama Czars that were put in place at record numbers, […]
After President Trump cancelled the Summit, Kim Jong-un released a statement, “We tell the United States once more that we are open to resolving problems at any time in any way.” Fast forward to Saturday morning when South Korean President Moon Jae-in met North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in a surprise meeting aimed at keeping inter-Korean relations, and to get the summit back on track between Kim and Trump. With all the accomplishments thus far with North Korea; media coverage has been anything but positive. Is the media even interested in world peace? We will breakdown all the developments with Ilana Freedman, Col Jim Waurishuk and Jim McCay. In recent days President Trump has issued a number of tweets accusing the FBI of planting and paying a “spy” in his campaign – which he on Wednesday termed “SPYGATE” and later decried as “illegal” and “one of the biggest political scandals in U.S. history.” President Trump is calling the Mueller investigation tainted because there was embedded spies in his campaign… outrageous, illegal, ridiculous? How is this all connected? Is it all being dragged out to influence the 2018 mid-term elections? Who will benefit the most Democrats or Republicans? Col Jim Waurishuk has the latest and will explore these investigations and […]
The Answer to School Shootings – This past Friday marked another day when we awakened to the news of another school shooting, this time in Santa Fe, Texas, a suburban community about 30 miles south of Houston. This time the numbers are 10 dead including nine students and one adult. This is a pattern that has been building for decades and seems to be getting worse and not better… The reality is we have a crisis on our hands, our children are scared to attend schools, we have parents who are afraid to let them attend, and our politicians just argue and do nothing, how do we make our schools safe? Lt Joseph Pangaro and Dr Ron Martinelli analyze the factors causing this and the steps we will need to take moving forward. Trusting Kim & Credit Israel – Kim Jong Un releases three American prisoners, agreeing to Singapore as a meeting site with a date of June 12, and not requiring removal of American forces from South Korea–just before he announces that there may be no meeting between President Trump and himself. Part of a bigger strategy or more of the same? Israel celebrated its birthday as a nation on May 14 and Hamas used it as […]
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