Sunday 10 am | ET Encore 6 pm
Viewpoint is one of the most engaging and insightful news and commentary shows available anywhere. Each week, Viewpoint This Sunday brings you an overview of the week that just was – the relevant news stories along with top-tier, unmatched analysis on the biggest stories of the week – all brought to you with a dedication to facts and patriotism that you have come to expect from America Out Loud.
Malcolm is the publisher of America Out Loud, host of ‘The Voice of a Nation’ and ‘Viewpoint This Sunday.’ He is the founder of America Out Loud Talk Radio and America Out Loud Podcast Network. Malcolm is a Speaker, Author & Founder of Brink Thinking. His previous career as the ‘big idea catalyst’ in marketing and creative director of television and radio advertising spanned over two decades.

America Out Loud Network © – Malcolm Out Loud puts the news back in focus with amazing guests and an unmatched analysis of the biggest stories of the week.
Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud – Pres Biden says the US averted “Economic Collapse,” yet the nation is at 32 trillion in debt, and open borders. Sen Ron Johnson will tell us why he did not vote for the increase. Dr. Marilyn Singleton talks about the Surgeon General Report on Loneliness and the combination of AI and medicine. Dr. Steven LaTulippe and Arnetta Notkin discuss the fallout from Mayorkas’ statements about … The Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization…
Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud – The real emergency on the debt ceiling crisis… is that both political parties must stop the bankrupting of America! The contours of a debt ceiling deal are largely worked out – however, it still needs approval of Congress. Gordana Schifanelli is here on the top stories. After being vaccine injured herself… Brianne Dressen is suing the Federal government…
Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud – Debt-ceiling negotiators broke off. Economist Harry Dent will tell us the ramifications on a default and what the economic tea leaves are saying about the economy. FBI Special Agent Garret O’Boyle says the FBI destroys their careers, suspends them under false pretenses, takes their security clearances and pay with no true options for recourse or remedy. John Durham’s Report Demands Justice, says Dr. Steven LaTulippe…
Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud – As Title 42 ends, El Paso residents feel abandoned by Biden, explains Andrew Arthur, a former immigration judge, now with the Center for Immigration Studies. LTC Tony Shaffer discusses the political implications of a debt ceiling default, as well as the 36-page interim GOP report on the Biden Family. Conflict in the Middle East as Israel is under attack – Ilana Freedman and IQ al-Rassooli will explain…
Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud – The floodgates of insanity are about to open with the ending of Title 42. Former Director of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Tom Homan, is here. Dr. Peter McCullough talks about the lessons learned and the news that CDC Dir Walensky announces her resignation. Lt. Randy Sutton and Patricia Anthone talk about the collapse of social and economic order in America’s cities…
Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud – The debt ceiling showdown and chaos at the border. Trevor Loudon says it is time to stop Progressives from undermining America with Communist policies. What is behind the influx of young Chinese men coming across the border? Gordon Chang explains some are saboteurs coming to wage the CCP’s war on America. The Tucker Factor: Daniel Baranowski… where will Americans go to hear contrarian thought?
Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud – More revelations about the 51 Intel Officials and the Laptop Lie are being exposed. Prof. Larry Bell and Radio Host Booker Scott explain how the DNC and Antony Blinken are at the center of the storm. Economic Advisor Bruce Tanis says America is at the economic pivotal fork in the road. Patricia Anthone will explain… The Science-Free Tenets of Trans-Ideology Are Destructive to Women…
Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud – A national security leak that rivals Snowden… US Congressman Zach Nunn is here to discuss the fallout from this historic treasonous act. Mark Krikorian tells us about the dangerous Darien Gap and the escalating numbers. Intel Expert, Ilana Freedman, has the growing list of Hunter associates who visited the WH when Joe Biden was VP…
Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud – The Trump indictment still lingers in the minds of Americans. Dr. Alveda King is here on the top stories, including the Nashville school shooting and skyrocketing crime. Gen. Tom McInerney explains how Afghanistan was a “Surrender, not a withdrawal.” The New American Bolshevik Elites, Prof. Pedro Blas González discusses the cultural rot of America and Trumpism’s blue-collar, working-class populism…
Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud – The indictment heard ‘round the world. One of the best legal minds in the nation, Atty Tom Renz, discusses both the legal and political implications. Prof. Carol Swain puts it all in context, the motives and the reactions in the case of – Get Trump. Why is this man such a threat to the system? Police response in Nashville was ‘the exact opposite’ to Uvalde. Lt. Joesph Pangaro breaks it all down…
Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud – Senator Ron Johnson will discuss the economic situation, the pending Trump Indictment by Soros DA Alvin Bragg, and the origins of COVID, and the rise of myocarditis cases in the military. Economic Strategist David Tice will give us his forecast on just how bad the economy will get and what measures we should consider to protect ourselves. Foster Coulson discusses the future of healthcare…
Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud – How bad will it get? Economist Harry Dent has been predicting a hard landing if the bubble is indeed going to burst. Banking Failures Are a Harbinger of Our Pending Economic Crisis, says Wallace Garneau. Are We Headed Toward Central Government Control of America’s Banks? is the question that Patricia Anthone poses…
Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud – The WHO behavioral modification unit, uses “psychology to manipulate people into following mandates, accept vaccines, etc.,” Trevor Loudon on that story, and the giant Cargo Cranes in American ports as Spying Tools. LTC Tony Shaffer will talk about the Biden budget and this blockbuster story on Fox News hosts and Jan 6. Dr. Steven LaTulippe & Dr. Stephanie Coxon are here on the 3-year anniversary of the COVID pandemic…
Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud – As the Ukraine war moves into its second year… what are Putin’s options? How does this conflict end? Analyst Edward Haugland joins us for an in-depth talk on the war. The FBI admits what Dr. Li-Meng Yan has been telling the world since the beginning of the pandemic. Dr. Peter Breggin and James Roguski discuss the importance of the WHO and its desire to…