
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 2, 2024





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America is in grim, lawless straits ⏤ that cannot be denied. We must correct America’s course back to the Constitutional rule of law.

The Democrat Progressives (Communists) are in dire straits, hiding behind the facade of a bumbling presidential imposter who is singlehandedly ruining the Left’s Progressivism and Democrats’ future prospects. They have failed to capture the hearts and minds of America’s electorate, becoming a deadly platform of ridicule, ignorance, despair, and violence instead.

So long as Democrats and Deep State Republicans believe they should run the show, nothing will change. The door to correct that malaise now lies wide open, so conservatives must seriously consider America’s immediate future on several points and how conservatism can recapture the dream and keep it alive.

First, politically, the rabid Left’s reaction to the leaked Roe v. Wade decision marks the Democrat Party as America’s real “Domestic Terrorists.” We must accept that, and they should be kept there until they become a spent force both ideologically and kinetically, by arrest, imprisonment, or death on the streets as they appear desirous of achieving. 

Second, the Republican Party appears to be ready to capture both houses of Congress this year. But suppose the “usual suspects,” the Deep State RINOs, are permitted to stay in the game on the basis of seniority. Nothing will change except that on election dates; we shall simply be exchanging one set of new world order numbskulls with another.

Remember, International companies now control world politics and will spend gobs of money to lobby (bribe) their bought politicians. In politics, the end goal for most career politicians is to see how rich they can become before they are found out. Nothing’s changed in that regard. Follow the money!

Third, All politics are local. Conservatives must take that advice to heart and realize that most of the destruction on our Blue cities streets, the expanding homeless populations, the robberies, assaults, drug addictions, carjackings, human despair, etc. are the direct result of Progressive politics, funded by groups created by the likes of Obama, George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg who are turning felons back onto our streets unpunished, continuing their depredations.

These people need to be weeded out as destructive to society, and no politician, not a millionaire when they went in, should come out a millionaire when they’re done. Term limits can solve that problem! The Left’s failed political philosophies shouldn’t count anymore.

Fourth, The US Constitution must scrupulously be followed, especially by the judiciary. It is not for judges to make laws; it is for them to observe and rule on the constitutionality of issues before them. Their oaths, taken upon their confirmations, should include the understanding that their failures to follow judicial protocols would end in their termination. Term limits for judges are needed.

Today, when Progressive cities are in the chaos of lawlessness, the absolute right to self-defense should not be denied.

The Second Amendment that affords us the right to keep and bear arms ⏤ now rises in importance as Democrats continue to use the culturally intolerant issue of ‘racism’ to quell any descent from regular Americans, black and white. The violence against blacks by blacks is the overwhelming condition of a feckless society that doesn’t care. It doesnt take a genius to understand that gun control laws in a society that permits armed citizens are irresponsible.

The solution is to return gun safety programs to schools and reestablish shooting teams as intra-schools competitions events. The Democrats will fight with their usual ignorance of the facts against such programs even knowing that while there were 2,070 unintentional shootings involving youths 18-years-old and younger, the number of children under the age of five treated over the same period of time in the ER for accidental poisoning was about 61,500. One must wonder, then, why don’t the Democrats demand safe poison storage laws?

As for firearms, if parents and/or other responsible adults dont teach children about firearms and how to use them safely, the true essence of the second amendment will wither away, and our country along with it as well.

Remember, freedom is the goal, and the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!


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