
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 30, 2024





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Deep fakes and cheap fakes are all the same thing. One thing is certain: the left is excellent at marketing. They make marketing the act of persuasion, persuading someone to change their belief to that which you want. If you really want to understand what the globalists are doing, watch a few early episodes of Mad Men. This 60s show was a glimpse of the advertising world, which became the norm. There was never a concern for the customer; it was just a concern to sell the product. Whether it was good, bad, or indifferent was not important. Just sell, sell, sell.

Today that is our government. Their policies are no longer considered: Are they suitable for the country? Are they good for Americans? Policies are only put in place to benefit those in power and their friends and family. All news that works against the government’s agenda is now considered cheap fake or deep fake.

All news that shows Biden in a bad light are cheap fakes, deep fakes, or now disloyal. Punishment will be severe. People will lose their livelihood, possessions, their freedom. We have read 1984, and now we are living in 1984. What have we learned? Very little I fear. We are repeating the same mistakes that allow the government to become more extensive and more invasive.

The people we trusted are knifing us in the back, and most of us are doing nothing. We knew the J6 committee was corrupt, and we did nothing. For instance, Dr. Navarro is in jail for having executive privilege ignored by the OBiden DOJ. Steve Bannon is going to jail for having executive privilege ignored by the OBiden DOJ. Both were subpoenaed by the corrupt J6 committee. Garland just claimed executive privilege for his subpoena, but nothing happened. Where is Congress? Out to lunch. The J6 committee destroyed their evidence, so why is anyone going to jail?

Conservative attorneys are being disbarred, but we did nothing because we were not attorneys.

Conservative journalists are being silenced, but we did nothing because we were not journalists.

Farmers are regulated to death, but we did nothing because we were not farmers.

Private property owners are being taxed to death, but we did nothing because we don’t own property.

Government workers are forced to get vaccinated, but we did nothing because we weren’t government workers.

Children are coerced to learn WOKE and be Trans, but we did nothing because we were not children.

Businesses are forced to engage in racist programs like DEI and ESG compliance, but we did nothing because we didn’t own a business.

Globalists want baby killing till birth, and we didn’t stop them.

Globalists want our guns, and slowly, we are giving them away.

We have allowed an economy-killing invasion by electing America-hating legislators.

We have allowed men/boys to infiltrate girl’s sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms.

We have allowed our children to believe there are more than two genders.

They have lied and are still lying, and we believe them because it is easier than confrontation.

The indoctrination going on in schools has been in place hot and heavy since the 60s. We now reap the reward of not paying attention to what our children are reading and doing. We gave our children to the corrupt communist schools. Alex Newman, today’s guest just wrote an article about the violence against teachers. Apparently, the communists forgot to tell their comrades that, eventually, they would eat their own.

Sadly, this is nothing new. What is new is that in the 60s-80s teachers could discipline. Many parents were involved. They came to school to assist. Sending a letter from school or going to the dean’s or principal’s office meant something. Getting an F or an A meant something. Yes, there were drugs, but not as a first resort. “Broken families with children growing up in fatherless homes with no discipline” was one and still is one of the biggest problems. And then came Dr. Spock. Gone were rules and boundaries. Gone was the best you can be. Everyone got a trophy, and nothing matters except “me.” Students have no respect for themselves so they can’t respect someone else. And then they graduate. They can’t read, write, or do math, and they become teachers. We continue to strive for incompetence.

Is America worth saving? Get your kids out of those indoctrination clinics masquerading as public schools.

Globalists push and push and push. They will not stop until we grow a pair and stop them. They want us to fight. Don’t fight. Fighting will just enable them to call an emergency crisis and take away more freedom. So what can you do?

> Start by countering the lies on social media, local papers, and ezines.
> Call into shows and ask questions.
> Stop taking grants in your local communities.
> Work with your county and local commissioners.
> Makeup flyers, palm cards, and printed material and give them out at local street fairs.
> Buy from American companies with your values.
> Go to clubs and organizations out of your comfort zone.
> Work with pastors to spread the truth.
> Volunteer for election integrity action.
> Speak out about anti-Semitism and white privilege.
> Encourage your state to create state currency.
> Recognize climate change is a hoax and stop buying into its lunacy restrictions.
> Communicate with your elected officials.

Remember, these people will never give up. They have lots of money and have covered every front. So pick your passion and learn the truth about the propaganda. Then, become an expert and share the information with everyone you know. Never stop talking. Slowly, the truth will come out.

Reggie Littlejohn is my other guest today. Reggie is a co-founder of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force, which is dedicated to sounding the alarm about the dangers of digital IDs, which can be used as tools of mass surveillance and control, similar to the China Social Credit System. She also was co-founder and co-chair of an initiative to expose the human rights atrocities of the Chinese Communist Party in an effort to stop the 2022 Genocide Games from taking place in Beijing. She is a member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China.

Reggie just started a new group you can join. Anti-Globalist International seeks to expose, oppose, resist, and ultimately defeat the global power grab known as the “Great Reset,” the “New World Order,” “Sustainable Development,” “Agenda 2030,” or the “One World Government.” Our counter-offensive will deploy means such as education, advocacy, and legal action. We are determined to preserve the freedom and sovereignty of individuals and nations worldwide from the Chinese-style “digital gulag” set in motion by supra-national globalist entities such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the G20 and the World Bank.

Alex Newman is a journalist, author, and speaker advocate.


Reggie Littlejohn is a journalist, author, speaker, and advocate.


The Prism of America’s Education can be heard on Sat and Sun at 7 am ET and 5 pm ET. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. All episodes of The Prism of America’s Education can be found on podcast networks worldwide the day after airing on talk radio.

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