
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 29, 2024





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The Left Captured one of their own – in their own unconstitutional anti-2nd Amendment regulatory trap.

This week, Hunter Biden was in court to face several felony charges secondary to an unconstitutional government form he had to fill out in order to purchase a gun from a licensed dealer – a right everyone already has, from God, to do without the form and without the permission of the state. The real irony, of course, is that it was his own dad and his dad’s fellow anti-gun big-government elitists who set the trap up in the first place.   

He was found guilty on all three charges brought forth. He was found guilty of lying on Form 4473, claiming he was not a druggie, and for possessing a gun while a druggie. The jury deliberated for less time than it takes to fill out the form. Sentencing is supposedly to be a few months off.

Now, while many Republicans and Libertarians may be hailing this news as a great day for justice and thinking it is about time, Hunter paid the price of his own actions; perhaps a second consideration would be in order here. How many on the political right have made the argument that, by the Constitution, the federal government has consented to no authority whatsoever to infringe on the right for every person to keep and bear arms, and thus, Congress can pass no laws regarding such?

Hunter Biden was denied his right by the unconstitutional act of Congress and the ATF, which required him to fill out Form 4473 before being allowed to enjoy his right. This is a form that asks questions of people solely to trap a person who is not otherwise a felon into becoming a felon by answering questions the government has no right to ask a citizen in the first place.

Arguably, potential buyers could lawfully be asked if they are citizens or not, and convicted felons could be lawfully denied their rights, but why the need for any other questions? If Americans are going to respect the Constitution, why would anything beyond getting a person to show his ID and having the FBI run it to see if that person is a felon or not be required of anyone seeking to buy a firearm?

This would have been the perfect case for a jury to convict not the accused but the legal system itself, as being filled with unconstitutional regulations. Now, that would have done America some good!

It would have brought to the forefront of the media’s attention the idea that in America, the people still hold the ultimate power of determining what is right and wrong – including what is right and wrong within the legal system. The idea of Jury Nullification would have quickly become a topic of debate throughout society and would have led to more Americans knowing about it, and more juries would act in like manner when confronting unjust laws and citizens being targeted by overreaching government agents.

Even though Hunter has proven himself an untrustworthy degenerate immoral liar, willing to sell his own country out for a few million dollars – and a lousy artist – how is it that of all the high-level treasonous and corrupt dealings he has been directly involved with the past few years alone, he is being convicted for an action the federal government has no justly consented-to power to have criminalized in the first place?

Or then again, maybe this conviction was actually planned by the Biden elitists – a plan to have Hunter convicted of a relatively low-level crime so as to get a short sentence and avoid being prosecuted for all the drug use and the real damage he has caused the American people while working for his dad in their family’s cartel of government graft?


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