
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 26, 2024





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On 7 Oct, a horrific massacre by Hamas terrorists happened in southern Israel near the Gaza Strip. It’s the worst breach in Israel’s defenses since Arab armies waged war in 1973. The devastating surprise attack represented an equally stunning intelligence failure by Israel.

According to Reuters, one of the most striking things is that Hamas constructed a mock Israeli settlement in Gaza where they practiced a military landing and trained to storm it. “Israel surely saw them, but they were convinced that Hamas wasn’t keen on getting into a confrontation,” the source said. Meanwhile, Hamas sought to convince Israel it cared more about ensuring that workers in Gaza had access to jobs across the border and had no interest in starting a new war. “Hamas was able to build a whole image that it was not ready for a military adventure against Israel” (

In this episode, by analyzing the Israeli intelligence failure, we focus on these questions:

  • Why did Israeli intelligence fail to anticipate the Hamas Attack?
  • What Unrestricted Warfare tactics are applied by Hamas and its allies in preparing the attack?
  • How to prevent such a surprise attack from happening in the US?

Edward Haugland is a retired federal Senior Executive and US Air Force veteran. His over four decades of service include serving as a senior leader in the Intelligence Community and the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, Energy, and State. He’s served as the senior advisor to several IC agency heads, the Assistant Inspector General for Inspections for the Intelligence Community, the Chairman of CIA’s strategic planning, a Deputy team lead for the INF On-site nuclear arms inspections in the former Soviet Union, and as award-winning CIA intelligence analyst. He is currently an independent consultant focusing on cognitive warfare. He is also a regular host on The National Security Hour on the American Out Loud Talk Radio Network.

Edward Haugland’s new book can be ordered now.

The Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We can Win

The Voice of Dr. Yan can be heard on Saturday and Sunday at 4 pm. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. All episodes can be found on podcast networks worldwide the day after airing on talk radio.

Image: AP composite


America Out Loud is the premier news network with a diverse array of talk shows that inform and inspire. A daily resource for smart people.

  • Dr. Li-Meng Yan

    Dr. Li-Meng Yan is a medical doctor, Ph.D. virologist and independent coronavirus expert. She was educated at two top medical schools in China, Southern Medical University and Central South University. She was also a Post-doctoral Fellow in the School of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). Because of her extensive professional network and scientific evidence, Dr. Yan has the distinction of being the only Chinese insider in the west with firsthand knowledge about the true nature of the virus as well as the CCP’s deceptive methods used to disguise their international bioweapons research. Since escaping from Hong Kong on April 28, 2020, she has been interviewed four times by the FBI, including an FBI virologist, and each time she has been deemed credible. Dr. Yan had spent five years researching influenza vaccines when, in January 2020, she was asked to investigate the ‘Wuhan Pneumonia’ that was sweeping that city. With that, she became one of the first scientists outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology to analyze SARS-CoV-2. From her WHO H5 Reference Lab at HKU, she determined conclusively that the virus was engineered in the lab to be an unrestricted bioweapon. She also determined through her investigation that the spread of the virus in Wuhan was not the result of a “lab leak.” Recognizing the great danger posed by the virus and the CCP plot to cover up its nefarious activities, Dr. Yan fled to the United States to reveal the truth to the world. Since coming to America, Dr. Yan has been the primary author of three research reports detailing the lab origins of SARS-CoV-2. Her other accomplishments include a patent-pending universal influenza vaccine as well as highly recommended articles on SARS-CoV-2 in Nature ( and The Lancet Infectious Diseases ( Dr. Yan has attracted worldwide media attention, being interviewed by major news outlets in India, Spain, Japan, Italy, and across Asia. Examples include The Washington Post, FOX NEWS, NEWSMAX, The John Bachelor Show, The Daily Mail, Tucker Carlson Tonight, and ITV in the UK. Listen to Dr. Li-Meng Yan's show at 4 pm on Sat and Sun, and also available on podcast. You'll hear Dr. Yan's views on the latest news and interesting topics, as well as exclusive intelligence about CCP, and the World Geo-Political situation.


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