
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

July 2, 2024





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Let’s start with an example of how scientists used to approach a question — we have a hypothesis, then we seek to prove its validity. Unfortunately, the strategy for the past several years of science has been to find/produce/create a molecule that can make a lot of money as a drug and prevent any generic agent from being the answer to the issue.

As we frequently do before this week’s show, we scoured preprint servers looking for the latest articles that give us insights into COVID. Today, we start with a review by John Hopkins proving that convalescent plasma was an effective treatment for COVID.1 Unfortunately, we knew this well four years ago but it wasn’t widely available: no big PHARMA money to be made here.

Unlike convalescent plasma, Remdesivir did make the hospitals and PHARMA Billions of dollars, but the evidence from a huge meta-analysis completed this past week shows it didn’t help.2

In another example of the disingenuousness of science today, we reviewed an evaluation of montelukast for the treatment of COVID-193 – not surprisingly, it proved unbeneficial (we’ve always advocated for multiple agents simultaneously). We also reviewed a new article that sheds light on another important cytokine (IL-1).4

In our second segment, we take a pause and review the importance of honoring our heroes. Last week, Peggy Noonan penned a letter5 worth reading, which encouraged a return to loving our children by teaching them to love our country. In the insanity of the current climate, the children are led further from the concept of love as they are taught hate and ingratitude at every turn.

While our country’s founding principles are worthy of our adulation and respect for those who preserved them, our government today thinks that they are the only thing worthy of love, which only invites loathing. No segment of our government deserves more disdain than that of our ‘Public health’ experts — major destroyers of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


1 Estimates of Actual and Potential Lives Saved in the United States from the use of COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma (

2 Remdesivir for COVID-19: real-time meta-analysis of 70 studies (

3 Effect of Montelukast vs Placebo on Time to Sustained Recovery in Outpatients with COVID-19: The ACTIV-6 Randomized Clinical Trial | medRxiv

4 Interleukin-1 prevents SARS-CoV-2-induced membrane fusion to restrict viral transmission via induction of actin bundles (

5 Teach Your Children to Love America – WSJ

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  • Dr. Jordan Vaughn and Dr. Stewart Tankersley

    Concerned Doctors is an organization of doctors and healthcare professionals whose greatest desire is to live out their calling by treating the patient in front of them without fear. We are committed to providing information and education, preserving medical freedom for physicians and patients, and protecting the vital doctor-patient relationship. Jordan Vaughn received his BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama, his medical degree from UAB School of Medicine, and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at UAB Hospital. He is the son of a local physician Dr. Michael Vaughn, who started MedHelp Urgent Care in 1982, the year Jordan was born. After finishing training, Jordan brought his knowledge of internal medicine to further expand MedHelp Clinics to care for patients in all aspects of outpatient medicine; acute and chronic; body and spirit. Medhelp Clinics now has six locations, sees over 140,000 patients a year, and employs 18 physicians and over 200 healthcare workers. Since the appearance of SARS-CoV2, as owner and CEO, Jordan pushed his organization to be on the leading edge of properly delivering early outpatient treatment for his patients and the Birmingham community for COVID-19. Dr. Tankersley is a fourth-generation physician serving the citizens of the Montgomery area. After graduating from Auburn University with a major in History, he enlisted in the Army before medical school at UAB. He then completed two years of OB/GYN training before he and his wife spent a year training as Christian missionaries. After this brief hiatus, he returned to Montgomery and completed a residency in Family Medicine in 2002. Since then, he has enjoyed providing care locally with the exception of three deployments in the United States Army's Medical Corp during the War On Terror. He received awards for each of his deployments. He has recently retired as a Colonel in the Alabama Army National Guard. Dr. Tankersley served nine years on the Montgomery County Medical Society board, where he was honored to serve as President in 2010. In 2012 Governor Robert Bentley appointed Dr. Tankersley to serve a five-year term on the Alabama Ethics Commission. In Oct 20, Dr. Tankersley was appointed by Gov Kay Ivey to be part of the COVID vaccine task force.


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