
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 30, 2024





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The House passed legislation to renew a controversial national security spying power tool known as FISA. NPR’s admission of being a state actor ⏤ all funded by American taxpayers. And then a bombshell report… on the Associated Press and how they used the ‘Elmo Effect’ to coerce and shape public policy. Journalist Sharyl Attkisson, Radio & Analyst Booker Scott & Attorney Maggie Thorp in a lively roundtable discussion.

House Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing on “Fighting for a Free Press…”  |  Protecting Journalists and their Sources” – with Catherine Herridge and Sharyl Attkisson. The House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government is currently hosting a hearing on freedom of the press and protecting journalists, as the Biden Regime attempts to infringe on the rights of the press and shape news stories to fit their narrative.

NPR’s admission of total liberal activism  |  25-year NPR veteran Uri Berliner authored an admission of NPR’s political bias and how it has become a niche for coastal liberal elites. His story was published in The Free Press and created a buzz on social media for a couple of days. Berliner recounted the big stories of the last several years, including Russiagate, COVID Origins, and the Hunter Biden laptop. He explained how NPR in Washington, D.C., has 87 Democratic reporters and ZERO Republicans. NPR and its employees had a clear mission to destroy a duly elected president. They were naive and failed to follow the truth.

Read the full article: NPR’s admission of total liberal activism

The Associated Press used the ‘Elmo Effect’ to coerce and shape public policy  |  It is unprecedented, prior to the pandemic, that a news organization would try so hard to reframe breaking health news – dismissing with impunity debilitating injuries and harms that a high-ranking CDC official has publicly admittedly have been associated with a new vaccine. In some instances, the AP even engaged in pure and unabashed fiction, such as publishing a “news” report in June of 2022, announcing that the long-running Elmo character of “Sesame Street” had gotten a COVID-19 vaccine.

Read the full article: The Associated Press used the ‘Elmo Effect’ to coerce and shape public policy

House Passes FISA  |  Senior Biden administration officials say Section 702 is the most important surveillance tool at their disposal and is prodigious in generating intelligence used to thwart terror plots, fend off hackers and track spies. But the law’s critics for years have viewed it skeptically and have raised particular issues with how it allows the collection of some American communications without a warrant. (WSJ)

Tweet on X – Rep Dan Crenshaw: This may come as a surprise to you (it was for me when I found out), but we can’t legally use FISA authorities to “wiretap” the Mexican drug cartel affiliates or the Chinese companies that make precursors for fentanyl. We are missing an enormous amount of information about supply chains, money laundering, trafficking, and production – all because the law isn’t updated to deal with this new fentanyl problem.

Our colleague on America Out Loud, Attorney Tom Renz, framed the debate perfectly:

Let me explain the problem @DanCrenshawTX – we the people neither trust the FISA court nor the intel agencies to respect the rights of Americans. These agencies are demonstrably corrupt and there is no transparency or accountability. Did you know about the wire taps on the Trump campaign or any of the others? After being involved with the creation and cover-up of Covid and the vaccines, tapping the lines of numerous campaigns, and continually being involved with terror plots in Russia and elsewhere (since there’s no transparency why should I trust they weren’t), no one can credibly argue we should trust agencies like the CIA at this point. This has nothing to do with fentanyl – it’s about whether the Constitutional privacy protections guaranteed to all Americans is being followed and it isn’t. You’re sacrificing our freedom for security and we will have neither if we do that.

Sharyl Attkisson, Emmy-Award Winning Investigative Journalist, New York Times Best Selling Author, Host of Sinclair’s Full Measure. Website: Sharyl’s books are in the America Out Loud Bookstore. Preorder – Follow the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails.

Maggie Thorp is a commercial litigation attorney and legal writer-commentator whose law practice has involved both corporate bad faith and corporate fraud.

Booker Scott is the host of Truth Be Told with Booker Scott on the America Out Loud Network, 6 pm ET on weekdays. He is the Founder and President of This organization was born from his effort to help with election integrity prior to the 2022 mid-term elections. He’s worked for some of the largest media corporations in the country, including iHeart Radio and Cumulus Media. 

The Crumbley conviction targeting the parents is a landmark change in how society functions and has great implications for all of us. TikTok is Spyware, but so is Facebook and Google… so what gives? Lt Joe Pangaro, Constitutional expert Paul Engel & Prof. Pedro Blas González. Censorship, disinformation, political oppression, and State control.

The Crumbley conviction blame game is a slippery slope  |  There are very few times in our personal and professional lives that we see a real landmark change in how our society functions. Be that as it may, we have just seen it in the conviction of James and Jennifer Crumbley, parents of the Oxford Michigan High School shooter and killer Ethan Crumbley. James and Jennifer Crumbley are being held to account for what their son, Ethan Crumbley, did when he killed four classmates and for what they didn’t do as parents. The Crumbley conviction is the first time such a charge has been made. The case is groundbreaking, but is it justice? Was charging the parents for what the son did the correct action in this case, or was it a response to the helplessness we feel in the face of the continuing deadly trend of school shootings?

Read the full article: The Crumbley conviction blame game is a slippery slope

Lt Joseph Pangaro, a retired police lieutenant, recognized security expert, author, and host of Chasing Justice on America Out Loud Talk RadioLt. Joe’s unique perspective on crime and punishment, criminal investigation, and the causes of violence in society, along with his ability to relate to all of us, will make “Chasing Justice” your favorite go-to program.

TikTok is Spyware, just like Facebook and Google… so what gives?  |  I’ve looked at H.R. 7521, and it seems to create plenty of problems without actually dealing with TikTok spying on Americans. So what do We the People do when our representatives in Congress have a personal vendetta against a foreign company?
Like most social media and mobile applications, TikTok is a data vacuum.

TikTok has been shown to be spyware, but that’s true for just about every app on your phone and website you visit. There have been reports of the TikTok app listening on your microphone, watching via your camera, tracking your location, and reading every keystroke you type. That makes TikTok one of the worst spyware apps on the market, right up there with Google’s Android Operating System, Chrome browser, Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Maps.

If Congress were competent, and truly concerned about applications spying on the American people, they would draft legislation that actually protected us. Instead, we see a bipartisan stand to screw up this situation even more. I cannot read minds, but my guess is this political grandstanding is more about votes this November than the title of the bill suggests. How often have I said if you want to know the purpose of a bill, assume it’s the exact opposite of its title?

Read the full article: TikTok is Spyware, just like Facebook and Google… so what gives?

Constitutional Expert Paul Engel has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. Hear him daily on his talk radio show, The Constitution Study, at 4 pm ET on America Out Loud Talk Radio.

Dictatorship and the 1%  |  There was a time when Western democratic governments were for the people. That is, governments, their policies and fiscal obligation reflected the needs of the citizenry. Western democracies are today preyed upon by despotic and anti-democratic Marxism and its many oppressive and totalitarian variants and their opportunistic financial backers. Together, these two malignant, power-hungry forces form a working man-eating machinery of exploitation that has no desire to govern, opting instead to rule with resentment and totalitarian fervor. Why is this? What has changed?

Now is the time to make people understand that Western democracies are in the throes of dictatorship. The techniques of censorship, disinformation, political oppression, and State control are different from classical Marxism. What we are witnessing today is a reorganized and revamped Marxism for the digital, social media age.

Read the full article: Dictatorship and the 1%

Prof. Pedro Blas González is a Professor of Philosophy at Barry University, Miami Shores, Florida. Check out his new book, Philosophical Perspective on Cinema.

On Viewpoint This Sunday, our goal is not just to report the facts and the news but to understand the core of the problem and offer resolutions that provide the path forward for lasting peace. Our distinguished panel of experts will provide the context to the current battle and the long-term consequences of this historic clash of good and evil. You will not hear this conversation anywhere in the mainstream media or otherwise political circles. Rate the program, leave a quick review, and subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. Your voice for the fight forward – Malcolm.

April 14, 2024, at 10 am ET
Encore Presentation at 6 pm
Available on Podcast Networks after 3 pm


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