
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

July 3, 2024





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Making light of other people’s problems is a vice we should strive to avoid. But when the chickens came home to roost in New York City, I couldn’t refrain from snarling a little under my breath at Mayor Eric Adams, “Take that, you buffoon!” Not nice, I know. But it’s an honest sentiment. Still, I feel for his New York victims.

Actually, it wasn’t chickens that came to roost in Adams’s city of refuge; it was illegal aliens. Over the past year, they were shipped by busloads — and now by trains also — into his declared sanctuary city for criminals crossing our borders. But now Mr. Adams is showing signs of repentance. His arrogance and deception apparently forbade him to understand the words of the Bible in Galatians 6:7, “For whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”

According to Adams’s own stats, New York City is now hosting up to 4,000 border invaders a week, and Adams is now claiming there’s no more room at the inn. He’s emphatic: “We’re not just saying we’re out of room as a sound bite; we’re out of room literally. People are going to be eventually sleeping on the streets.” That’s a pity! Imagine the gall of a sanctuary Democrat mayor making illegal border crossers sleep on the streets, right alongside whom? Our homeless, unaided military veterans? The dregs who lost everything during the government faux pandemic shutdown?

We must thank Mayor Adams for demonstrating so clearly the court jester role he’s playing as another useful idiot in the hands of a Communist regime. But his utility seems to be rapidly fading. He’s now claiming that illegal entry “is a national problem” and is “unfair to local municipalities and cities.”

But doesn’t everybody love New York? What’s all the fuss, Mayor Adams? You’re only receiving a small fraction of the millions entering our border towns in southern states.

Apparently, those small numbers were enough for Adams to declare an executive order to restrict incoming charter buses from unloading their human traffic under threat of fines, litigation, and bus impoundment for noncompliance. But isn’t such action itself illegal? Alien invaders are protected by the state’s own laws. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has no jurisdiction in sanctuary cities. And, if so, then how can Adams threaten those who transport illegals into the city? You can’t have it both ways.

Well, it just goes to show you how selfish and narrow-minded are politicians who will do anything to support an evil cause, even if it does lead to their own destruction. And that’s the crux of the matter! As Deep State actors do all they can to destroy America, they are simultaneously destroying their own homes. Eventually, they become victims of their own vice. They drink the poison from their own cauldron. They are the dogs returning to their own vomit.

And they shall not escape their wretched fate. I’ll be praying that Texas Governor Greg Abbott and other border states continue to send these criminals to Blue City mayors across the country. Let’s give them what they ask for in such abundance that they can recognize their own stupidity and again cherish law and order. But that will require a regime change, for sure. That should be our chief goal for 2024. Sanctuary cities may be our best campaign strategy yet to sway voters to the America First way of thinking. All the same, let’s pray for Major Adams. Repentance is always good for the soul.

Image: AP file


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