
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 16, 2024





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In the past two years, I’ve journeyed many times to Alice’s Wonderland, and California governor Newsom’s recent signing of AB 2098 led me there once again. But each stay in the land where nothing makes sense is getting shorter. Assembly Bill 2098 is nothing less than treason in disguise.

My ever-self-tormenting naïveté assumes those with opposing ideas might have a modicum of logic or genuine concern that is based on evidence. Rush Limbaugh used to call it having substance. Well, there I was, reading an article from what I’d call my thought opposition, titled “AB 2098 is not ‘censorship.’” You can read it at After reading the first sentence, I realized the author had no intention of aligning with the title of the blog site, “RESPECTFUL INSOLENCE,” I was again being taken down the rabbit hole where nothing makes sense. The article opened with, “One of the oldest tropes favored by quacks of all stripes, including antivaxxers, is to portray any attempt at regulating their quackery as an assault on freedom of speech.”

Now I might not necessarily have taken that insolent comment to include me, as I’m a medical doctor who had about 23 years of a spotless medical practice under my belt before being destroyed by the shamelessly corrupt Oregon Medical Board who did to me what AB 2098 threatens to do to “misinformers.” Only, Oregon didn’t have any such law. And I wasn’t called a disinformer; I simply publicly shared my results of treating COVID patients with 100 percent success. Oh yeah, and, I and my staff never wore a mask because all the science said it was worthless. I still wouldn’t have taken it as a personal insult until I saw my photo in the article along with some other sane patriots who spoke on the steps of the Sacramento capitol building on September 30, 2022. Then I took it personally.

Nevertheless, I wanted to hear what this writer had to say. I do respect free speech, and perhaps I might agree with some of what he said. So I did my best to peruse the article. Taken at face value, I actually did agree with a few comments, even a few quotes from the assembly bill itself. For example, AB 2098 claims that “the spread of misinformation about COVID vaccines has weakened public confidence and placed lives at serious risk.” Well, has it not? I also can’t argue with this statement: “Healthcare professionals are some of the most dangerous propagators of inaccurate information when it comes to COVID vaccines.” I agree completely. Of course everything this author stated was referring to those who oppose government dogma.

I also had to agree with the writer affirming Newsom’s “first-of-a-kind law” that has made “California the first state to try to legislate an issue that has contributed to thousands of unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths during the pandemic, according to the American Medical Association.” Well done! It’s a true statement. And truth is truth. But after that, things rapidly fell apart. The author’s import strongly opposed my beliefs. He cited from what he calls shady organizations like the Brownstone Institute, and several articles offering “lots of opprobrium” from marginalized doctors like Pierre Kory and Jaya Bhattacharya who have the gall to equate AB 2098 to “draconian lockdowns in Shanghai by the authoritarian Chinese government.”

Then came the author’s more powerful citations from the reputable Twitter quotes emporium of truth and facts, even posting a challenger quote from the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons. That’s where my picture appeared, along with a few other wackos like Steve Kirsch, “who is one of the most bonkers of bonkers antivax wing nuts.” Is this the author’s idea of “respectful insolence? I’m honored.

Finally come the essayist’s dissection of the bill itself, followed by his blind circumlocution whereby he tries to justify his position. He opined, “AB 2098 is not targeting potentially legitimate scientific disagreements over the practice of medicine, but claims that are both flagrantly and demonstrably false and dangerous to the public.” I suddenly wished I’d had some anti-nausea medication on hand. You know the feeling. I found his spin so fraudulent that I asked myself, just who is this guy? (I hadn’t looked previously.) So I went to the top of the article and read the author’s name. All it said was, “By Orac.” Who is Orac? I checked. A search brought me to the same website ( and gave me just what I was looking for.

“Orac is the nom de blog of a humble surgeon/scientist who has an ego just big enough to delude himself [Okay, so far I agree] that someone, somewhere might actually give a rodent’s posterior about his copious verbal meanderings, but just barely small enough to admit to himself that few probably will. That surgeon is otherwise known as David Gorski. A further search revealed that he is “an outspoken skeptic, and a critic of alternative medicine and the anti-vaccination movement,” according to the Wikipedia wizard. Ahhh! That explains a few things, including his pharma ties and his lawsuit (United States v. Gorski, No. 16-2471; 1st Circuit, 2018).

Okay, exit the rabbit hole. Back to reality.

Reality is that governor Newsom just signed into law a bill that will lead to the demise of any physician who questions the government-touted narrative. Anyone who is so myopic as to believe that state medical boards would never destroy doctors who give informed consent to their patients is simply deaf, dumb and blind — and willfully so. The Oregon Medical Board (OMB) already did this to me — even without any law in place, without any due process, and with no regard for the scientific evidence. That’s the whole point of the opposition.

For readers unfamiliar with my case, I’m “the unmasked Oregon doctor” — first in the country to be destroyed (yes, they first suspended my license, then revoked it in retaliation after I filed a federal lawsuit against the OMB) not because I refused to mask, but because I said I had an effective COVID treatment. It was November 7, 2020, when I publicly informed the public of my great success with early COVID treatment. They suspended my license on December 3, 2020. Guest what arrived on scene in January, 2021, a month later? The COVID mRNA shots! The “vaccine” was granted by Emergency Use Authorization — which requires that no effective medical treatment be available for the disease targeted by the vaccine. Could this picture be any more clear?

They had to take me down hard and fast, and make an example of me, lest any other physicians dare commit the same atrocity of actually following the science and stating the simple truth of effective COVID treatment. Yes, doing one’s job faithfully has become “unprofessional conduct.” Offering hope and dispelling fear, and effectively treating ill patients as we always have done, is now a taboo of the Nazi milieu.

My intent was to dispel the public’s fear and confusion that was ruthlessly wrought against the weary world that didn’t know at the time what was happening. And what has the latest scientific data shown us? That the masks do not work. That early treatment works exceptionally well. That nothing can beat natural immunity. That social isolation destroys the human heart and soul. That spike protein really is a bioweapon — as proven by the stacking corpses from “sudden deaths.” Follow the money; but don’t worship it. Follow the bodies; but don’t mislabel them natural deaths.

My direct response to David Gorski is that we who oppose AB 2098 are not anti-vaxxers, but we are anti-vax mandates. I’ve had more than my share of vaccines from childhood through my military career. My medical ethic says to treat the ill patient, not close my clinic and send them home to suffer without treatment so they might get sick enough to enter the hospital.

None of my treated patients were hospitalized. They resumed normal lives a week after starting a highly effective treatment. Your arrogance, Gorski, assumes that you have been knighted by Mr. Science himself — Anthony Fauci the fraud — and you claim the exclusive right to state what is standard of care and best practice. The proof is in the pudding.

All of the unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths that the American Medical Association described were a direct result of refused treatment in the acute phase of COVID illness. Yes, they were unnecessary, and the most dangerous propagators of inaccurate information were those woke, blind, willfully stupid physicians who refused treatment to these patients. Such crimes against humanity will shout back at us from the corridors of history, telling a story of the Second Holocaust that annihilated many millions of lives from all races. The blemish on the unrepentant souls who committed this crime will be judged harshly by God.

The risks of the COVID mRNA shots are self-evident for all to see. It’s victims speak from the grave: healthy athletes and well children killed by an injection that is slaughtering millions worldwide. Gavin Newsom, along with the entire entourage of hired-hand physicians have denied the fact that science and censorship are mutually exclusive. You can’t have science without free speech. Science is fluid, ever changing. The planned pandemic has begun an era of the Dark Ages of Medicine in America.

A Communist law has been introduced into California’s state Constitution. It is a cancer that will likely spread quickly to other Nazi-like secessionist states. But it is bound to be shut down by justices who still uphold the Constitution. Lawsuits have already been filed by two California physicians, Dr. Mark McDonald (McDonald v. Lawson) and Dr. Jeff Barke. I know Dr. McDonald personally. He is a rational, logical, top-notch psychiatrist who knows what’s at stake. Many will follow his lead.

The real issue is liberty and justice for all. That’s what Newsom’s diabolical bill is all about. As the domestic Leftist coup proceeds, you can expect even more attacks against our free republic. For this very reason, now is a time to launch an offensive.

The real misinformers fully support AB 2098. They who refused to treat early, who murdered thousands in hospitals with the lethal NIH protocol using remdesivir, morphine, benzodiazepines, along with other ineffective treatments, who pushed the toxic COVID shot — they are the disinformers. These angels of death must be brought to justice.

Whether or not we will save America from the wrath to come under the demonic Biden regime remains to be seen. But know this: Whatever path America takes, whatever our fate, it will be that of our own choosing. I choose life, liberty, and justice for all. And I’m most willing to fight for it. The deluded “Orac” and all his minions will continue to deceive and to be deceived. My duty is to expose their evil. To Orac’s disrespectful insolence I say, please come to your right mind, or perish in your folly!

America is worth saving. One way or another, we’re coming after you. The light cannot be hidden, nor the truth unrevealed. Victory is to the pure in heart who have the right spirit — the Spirit of God.

If we act, we win!

Image: AP


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1 year ago

Agree 100%.

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