
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 29, 2024





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The Progressive Left destroys everything it touches, and it’s another trick to continue destroying America. Apparently, they’re after our Fourth of July. I learned the Progressives have co-opted this Juneteenth business to push their radical agenda and reinitiate the idea that Americans of African descent are due reparations for past slavery and Whites should not be included in the celebrations, like Kwanzaa at Christmas time.

Accordingly, many Americans oppose this new federal holiday and see it as another useless scheme by the radical Left to rewrite American history and divide us further. A Texas historian opines on the subject, telling us it should be a unifying national Holiday whose origin has little to do with blacks or slavery but the Left’s attempt to retain the black voters they are losing to Donald Trump.

Apparently, Juneteenth, a nearly unobserved Texas celebration of the end of slavery in Texas, commemorates the day in 1865 when Union Gen. Gordon Granger issued General Order No. 3 in Galveston, Texas, informing Texans of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation ending slavery under the Confederacy.

In 1866, residents of Galveston, Texas, began celebrating “Jubilee Day,” which has since morphed into “Juneteenth Day.” In 1979, a Texas Democratic state representative from Houston sponsored legislation to make Juneteenth a paid Texas state holiday. Texas Republican Gov. Bill Clements signed the bill into law, and a Texas holiday was forced upon Texans.

So, how did it get nationalized? It supposedly began as a bipartisan effort, which is why we’ve never heard of it, with President Donald Trump becoming the first president to call for its adoption as a federal holiday in 2020. A year later under Joe Biden, Congress acted, the bill passing the Senate by unanimous consent and the House by a 415-14 vote. What happened to the GOP agreeing to this cheap trick? They thought nobody would notice!

So, Juneteenth now celebrates what President Abraham Lincoln termed “a new birth of freedom” for America. The Democrats intend it to eventually replace the 4th of July as the best expression of liberty for all Americans, except MAGA supporters, of course. To make it more acceptable, left politicians, seeking easy acceptance, tell us Juneteenth commemorates the numbers of young men who died in America’s many wars fighting for freedom. But we already have Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Why do we need a Juneteenth day?

Well, because the radical Left, the CPUSA (Democrat Party), in its long struggle against Americanism, needs another tool to divide Americans and replace our long-established National Holidays. They seized the opportunity when the criminal George Floyd, in a drug-induced stupor, died at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer while resisting arrest.

The radical Left, in their rabid but timely reaction, proclaimed the Texas holiday as a “Juneteenth National Independence Day” for poor George, of course, trying to convince us it should replace the fourth of July as more appropriate. Leave it to the Left to ruin everything they touch, like turning a simple Texas holiday into a pawn in their game of identity politics.

Even a newspaper, The Guardian, published a story referring to “Juneteenth” as the real Independence Day, absolutely disrespectful to our Founders, our warriors, and all Americans. Radical activists seek to add Juneteenth as a day to explore America’s racial trauma and pay reparations. It comes as no surprise that Americans aren’t keen on the Juneteenth idea because they see it for what it really is: a stupid one.

The media and the many anti-American Democrats who embrace it see Juneteenth as another vehicle to divide and destroy. Anyone who still believes in America’s original founding principles and doesn’t buy their narrative that America is “systemically racist” is excluded from the celebrations, harassed for their political incorrectness, and jailed for their opposition. Like most Progressive ideas that waste people’s time and money without producing anything significant except stupid ideas, Juneteenth is doomed to failure.

Can the Fourth of July, Memorial, and Veterans Day be saved? Of course, they can. Bombard your congressmen and senators demanding an end to such nonsense. Write letters to the editors filled with sarcasm and ridicule from which there is literally no defense. Bear the brunt of kickback and censure, but just do it. Other possibilities can be considered, but it’s imperative we keep our National holidays sacrosanct and not allow the Communists to slip in their failed ideas like it’s a good deal.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get involved.


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5 days ago

I have no problem with Juneteenth (other than the stupid name). Of course, we shouldn’t use it to minimize the importance of July 4, but they should go hand-in-hand.

On July 4, we celebrate the creation of a new nation who’s purported, but unrealized at the time, goal was a nation where “all men are created equal”. In Juneteenth, after the conclusion of a bloody civil war in which hundreds of thousands of white men fought and died to secure the freedom of black slaves, that ideal was finally put into practice (if not yet perfected).

I see no problem in setting aside a national holiday to recognize and celebrate the sacrifice and effort that so many white people made to secure the liberties of blacks in this country.

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