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Have you ever felt like you were living someone else’s life despite all your achievements? What would you do if you realized your dream job left you feeling empty inside? Are you ready to redefine healthy living and find fulfillment in ways you never imagined?

In this episode of Energetic Health Institute Radio, Jolene Goring dives deep into the topic of yearning for a healthier, more fulfilling life. She shares her transformative path from the corporate world to becoming an expert in natural healing. This compelling story of resilience and self-discovery promises to inspire and empower you to embrace your own journey to wellness.

A Humble Beginning

Raised on a cattle ranch in rural Canada, Jolene felt a deep connection to nature from an early age. Her happiest moments were spent outdoors, soaking up the sunshine and bonding with farm animals. Despite this intrinsic love for the natural world, she was drawn to the glitz and glamour of the oil and gas industry, pursuing a degree in geophysics and achieving remarkable success at a young age.

The Corporate Epiphany

By the age of 21, Jolene was living a luxurious life, complete with fancy cars, designer clothes, and high-end parties. Yet, she felt an inexplicable emptiness. Despite her outward success, her heart wasn’t in it. Her true passion lay in health and wellness, and she spent countless hours studying natural healing methods in her spare time.

One day, during a regular workday, she had a panic attack and realized that the way she was living her life was just not working. Realizing that the stressful corporate life striving for material success would never fulfill her, she made a bold decision to quit her job and travel the world in search of true happiness and purpose.

A Global Quest for Natural Healing

Her journey led her to India, where she immersed herself in the practices of yoga and Ayurvedic medicine at a traditional ashram. Here, she learned the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit and the healing power of natural remedies. In Tuscany, Italy, she discovered the joys of cooking with fresh, local ingredients and foraging for truffles, which deepened her appreciation for holistic health.

The Turning Point in Egypt

While in Egypt during the Arab Spring, Jolene faced a life-threatening situation that forced her to confront her fears and reassess her life’s purpose. This pivotal moment solidified her commitment to natural healing and wellness. Upon returning to Canada, she faced the daunting challenge of starting over. Essentially homeless and staying with family, she resolved to turn her passion for wellness into a new career.

Building a New Life in Wellness

Moving to Arizona with nothing but determination, she founded her own wellness company and pursued extensive education in various natural healing disciplines. Becoming a personal trainer, yoga instructor, and quantum healer, she devoted herself to helping others transform their lives through holistic health practices. Her holistic nutrition certification from the Energetic Health Institute was a game-changer, providing her with the confidence and knowledge to make a significant impact.

Current Pursuits and Mission

Today, Jolene partners with healthcare professionals to bridge the gap between food and mood, helping patients achieve better health through nutrition and lifestyle changes. She is currently studying to become a doctor of natural medicine with a focus on quantum healing and neuroscience.

Join the Journey

Jolene provides you with more than just a radio show; it’s an invitation to explore how natural healing can transform your life. Through practical tips, inspirational stories, and expert insights, Jolene shares her journey and offers guidance on how you, too, can redefine your health and wellness.

Tune in to discover the power of natural healing and start your own journey toward a healthier, happier life. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from a trusted expert who has walked the path and emerged stronger and more fulfilled.

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Love All The Passion On Energetic Health Institute Radio, Natural Health Knowledge, & Amazing Information?

There’s More Of Dr. H & The EHI Healers Right Here:

>  www.EnergeticHealthInstitute.orgClasses You’ll LOVE! – An Amazing School For Amazing People Who Want To Stop Being Patients & Start Being Students!  Holistic Nutrition, Cell Detoxification, Whole Body Cleansing, Fasting, Vaccine Education, Making Medical Cannabis, The Art of Cellular Healing, Events Dr. H Will Be At…Look, If You Haven’t Gotten Connected With Your Natural Healing Family At EHI…Then, What Are You Waiting For?!

> Replays NOW Available! – The Conference Everyone Keeps Talking About! Registration Is Now Open For September 12, 13, & 14 In Dallas! What Do You Have To Do To Keep You & Your Family Healthy In The Era Of Corruption & The Age of Bioweapons?…Find Out From Drs. Ardis, Group, Ealy & Schmidt…Ten’s of Thousands Are In The Know, Are You?!

> Check Out What Addie’s Up To! – Eat Well. Move Well. Be Well. Holistic Coaching For Digestive & Whole Body Wellness.

> Check Out What Dr. Meg Is Up To! – Natural Solutions For Mental Health.

> Check Out What Carmen’s Up To! – Cultivate Your Environment. Curate Your Healthcare Team. Become A Self-Health Advocate.

> Check Out What Jolene’s Up To! – Healthy Indulgent Living Using The Concepts Of Quantum Healing & Neuroscience.

Energetic Health Institute Radio can be heard on weekdays at 1 pm ET or 10 am PT. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. The day after airing on talk radio, all episodes can be found on podcast networks worldwide.


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