
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 27, 2024





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If we accept that Joe Biden isn’t really the President because he didn’t win, and Donald Trump still is because he did, and all efforts to correct the problem constitutionally have irrevocably divided the country, then what is the best solution remaining that can calm beating hearts? Impeachment or the 25th Amendment? As it now stands, the feckless Republicans will not really be impeaching Biden because the no-account NY Senate majority leader, Chucky Schumer, will doubtless vote against conviction.

Nevertheless, the Republicans should do enough political damage to the Progressive Democrats that they will be forced into the same defensive mode the Republicans have long occupied. But no, don’t count that because the never-Trump and RiNO Republicans don’t want him either. As conservatives, we face a conundrum.

The anti-Trumpers are now looking at applying the 14th amendment at state levels to keep Donald Trump off the ballot. The 14th amendment, as the Progressives read it, would equally apply to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as well.

I recommend that the GOP should publicly abandon the idea of impeaching Joe, not because he doesn’t deserve it but to pursue impeachment simply because the Democrats did it twice to Donald Trump on phony manufactured evidence, will allow the Democrats to cast us as petty, vengeful and insecure. While Republicans are trying to increase their voter base, It would implant in the petty, vengeful, and insecure Progressive Democrats’ minds the idea that weaponizing the impeachment process is another acceptable method of political warfare by eliminating the people’s choice in favor of their own candidate. That pathway is the precursor for gunfire and will inevitably lead to tyranny if only as an excuse to stop the violence.

Instead, the GOP should solidly embrace the 25th Amendment as the vehicle for Biden’s removal. Few can disagree that Biden’s failing cognitive, speaking, and motor abilities on the world stage are not inimical to America’s foreign policy. They can no longer be denied. He’s about already destroyed America economically.

Joe Biden, the dismal creature wandering about on that world stage demonstrating national weakness and embarrassing America as he does so, is a fit candidate for his quick removal by the 25th Amendment. Even Democrats would have to accept it, especially as Biden’s dismal performance in India, Vietnam, and Alaska so ably demonstrated. The trick is about how to accomplish this feat without elevating the dismal Kamala Harris to be America’s first “Jamaican” female President. The very thought of that outcome is too awful to contemplate even for many Democrats, but it must be considered. After all, Joe could drop over dead any minute simply because his body decided to quit. His brain quit years ago, so he’s just running on fumes anyway. Fortunately, Biden’s actions have provided enough evidence to bag them all!

Republicans have already unveiled a four-point strategy against Joe in a potential impeachment effort. Don’t bet on it. Speaker McCarthy doesn’t have the gonads to do anything, even if it’s for show. A successful Impeachment of Biden could potentially open up the country to violent leftist political backlash and a possible problem for the GOP for the very reasons I mentioned above, but we can handle it.

The fact is, the GOP is unfamiliar with smash face politics like the Democrats have long and skillfully been doing with their several politically-motivated criminal indictments, two impeachments, and the silly Democrat-filled Jan 6 committee they threw at Donald Trump. All those actions, while in the end were failures, nonetheless left an indelible dark mark continuously spewed by the leftist news sites who keep preaching how dangerous the re-election of Trump would be for American “democracy.”

Representative Republicans need to return to the basic principles of Constitutional republicanism as close as they can get. Embrace the rule of law, reinforce the importance of the Constitution, and keep pointing out the unAmerican criminal activities that the Democrats have cleverly escaped accountability for. The day I see the Clintons and Obama and the Biden, one or all of them headed for a trial, then and only then will I entertain restoring my faith in the federal government.

The fumbling GOP process continues with many issues impacting the Biden Crime Family narrative.

House Republicans are constructing a case through four Committees: Homeland Security, Ways & Means, Oversight & Accountability, and Judiciary.

Let’s hope they can get it right. We need relief, not more talk and promises.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!


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