
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 30, 2024





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The long-standing tradition of the presidential debate has seen a significant increase in viewership since Donald Trump came onto the political scene. Unsure if last night’s audience was different, but like many Americans, we made it a family affair with popcorn and everything. We really weren’t there to hear policy, as there is also the long-standing tradition that promises don’t really mean much. We were more curious about how long Biden could be coherent and how long Trump could avoid an insult. It was about three minutes.

The debate would have been more fitting for Comedy Central than CNN, although the number of lies coming out of Biden’s mouth (if an intelligible strain of words could come out) did fit the CNN narrative. The muted microphones were also an interesting touch. It gave the audience a break from hearing the mumblings of Biden or if he accidentally started down a path of false memories. It may have been just as easy to hire Ozzy Osborne as a translator.

The most disappointing part of the entire debate was the elephant in the room: Where was Robert Kennedy, Jr.? The American people have the right to choose their candidate, yet he was visibly missing. Whoever made that call (CNN) is really an enemy of our republic. Twitter (, on the other hand, made sure that Kennedy was included and did so very well.   

The questions presented by CNN were lackluster, and the few legitimate questions were glossed over. The opening question focused on the economy. Most Americans can walk into a grocery store and understand their money is not going as far. Yet, Biden felt he was handed an economy that was “in freefall” and collapsed, that bleaching was Trump’s treatment of choice for the covid scamdemic, and the unemployment was at 15% (another time, he said 50%, but I digress).

I think most Americans can remember three years ago when prices were still reasonable, African Americans had the lowest unemployment, and the average family could afford a trip to the gas station. COVID was handled poorly by the Trump administration but not as badly as by the Biden administration. When the mandates were pushed federally, the Biden administration became responsible for millions of people’s deaths. Kennedy was refreshing in his candid and honest reflection of not only the questions but the candidates. He was also able to back up his statements with statistics. He correctly pointed out that while the United States used 68% of the COVID tests, while we only have 4% of the world’s population.

Roe v Wade, a favorite topic of the liberals, was next in line, with all three indicating different levels of pro-choice. Forgetting my very pro-life views as a female, all three had very different perspectives. First, note that the federal government never had the right to make this decision. Constitutionally, abortion is a state right. The overturning of Roe v Wade truly has nothing to do with the ability of a female (a biological one) to get an abortion. That decision was given back to the people of each state where it rightfully sits. No one addressed this very important correction that should have been made.

If words are to be believed, Trump believes in exceptions for rape, incest, or life of the mother. Biden indicated that it should be at any time (using his stand 1st point, 2nd point, 3rd point approach where he lost mental acuity by the second point in most cases). Kennedy focused more on the economics of the decision, indicating that many women do it because they cannot afford to have the child, leading up to the viability of the child as the cut-off date. I think that should have been thought of before sexual activity choices are made, but what do I know as a female?

Additionally, the economic burden is really due to the oppressive government that is attempting to make everyone poor and equal. Economics is not an excuse to kill an innocent child. Both Trump and Kennedy correctly pointed out that late-term abortions are upheld under Roe v Wade, which seemed to confuse Biden as he stated that is not true “period, period, period.” The meds seem to be wearing off very quickly at this point, as Biden seemed to believe that women were being raped by their husbands and family members at an alarming rate (including their sisters).

Immigration also confused Biden, as Kennedy and Trump were very quick to realize the people coming across the borders are not just asylum-seeking individuals but a variety of people who are not going to partake in our economy but drain it (a cartel-driven business at this point). Trump pointed out that while our veterans are struggling, the immigrants are being put up in luxury hotels. Kennedy pointed out that New York kids are having their sports fields taken away for immigrant use. 

At this point, I’m not sure what Biden said about illegal immigration, except for repeatedly insisting it was Trump’s fault and that the Border Patrol Union was backing him. The best part of the night? The Border Patrol Union almost immediately started tweeting that they never endorsed Biden and would never. You gotta love that.

This debate touched on social security, the Ukraine war, Hamas versus Israel, and the opioid crisis. Note that the question regarding opioids was completely ignored, and social security was glossed over. Biden said Trump would eliminate social security (he’s never said that), and Trump circled back that the greatest threat to the solvency of social security is the mass inflow of illegals being put on the public dole.

The bottom line of this debate is that most Americans know we are not going to really get to know policy from Trump or Biden but are showing up for the one-liners. And Trump delivered. As Trump correctly pointed out, “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either.”   

The CNN after-debate panel was a joke from every side (I wish we could have cut to a post-debate analysis from world leaders, who had to be laughing at us given the current state of our commander-in-chief). They were simply there to push propaganda, and it became evident that this debate was set up to get rid of Biden. We may see a new nominee soon.

To summarize, if the choice is between a nursing home patient and a felon, I’m going with the American tradition of a felon!


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Al Anderson
Al Anderson
1 day ago

A “medical freedom activist” is going to vote for Mr. Operation Warpspeed? A man who still believes he saved millions of lives by expediting a BIG PHARMA supposed vaccine to the public so they could have the “side effects”? I agree with you about Biden, but if you’re willing to settle for Mr. Operation Warpspeed, stay away from my medical freedom.

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