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June 27, 2024





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Trump predicts a ‘jacked up’ Joe Biden on meds for the upcoming debates. But still, many are questioning if Joe Biden will even be the candidate? Political Analyst Trevor Loudon says to expect the unexpected between now and January 25.

Trump predicts ‘jacked up’ Biden at upcoming debates  |  “He’s going to be so jacked up for those, you watch,” Trump joked, saying that he was going to “demand a drug test” before the debate. The first debate is on June 27, hosted by CNN, and the second on Sept. 10, hosted by ABC. Left-wing channels with Left-wing moderators – why does the RNC allow such lunacy? How balanced are these scales going to be with such a significant contest of importance?

‘Political Malpractice’: The Debate Commission Chief Thinks Trump Blew It  |  Fahrenkopf told me he thought the Biden campaign rolled the Trump campaign by seeming to get everything it wanted in the debate over the terms of the debates. “It was a pretty spectacular job by the Biden people,” he said. Oh, and he also said he thinks maybe Robert F. Kennedy Jr. should sue CNN to try to get on the debate stage. (Politico)

This might be the quote of the year from Democrat Strategist James Carville. “Trump’s more ahead than he’s ever been… It’s going the wrong way. It’s not working. Everything we’re throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking, me included.”

Republicans vow a robust ‘ballot harvesting’ operation after years of protest and fraud claims  |  Following Democrats’ success encouraging their supporters to use alternative voting methods in recent elections, Republicans are seeking to change their tune on practices like mail-in voting and “ballot harvesting,” seeking to close the gap.

Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump said the party’s ballot collection plans are “well underway. The plans for that are going to be huge,” she said. “We’re firing on all cylinders.” “We don’t like drop boxes, to be clear,” the RNC official said. “We’re still going to use drop boxes if we have to, if they’re available. Same thing with harvesting: Where it’s a practice that Democrats are partaking in, we’re going to partake in it, too.” “When they changed the rules, you either adapt and change your strategy, or you lose,” said Nevada Washoe County GOP Chair Bruce Parks. “Last election cycle, we didn’t adapt to the new rules like we should have. That will not be the case this election cycle.” “If you’re not going to adapt, you’re going to die. We have to adapt. Is it distasteful? Do we consider it cheating? Absolutely,” Parks said. “But if you don’t do it, and you know for sure that the opposition is heavily involved in doing it, then you’re setting yourself up for failure.” (NBC)

Jordanian nationals attempting to breach Marine Corps base spotlight larger issues  |  An attempted security breach at the Marine Corps base in Quantico, Virginia, has placed a spotlight on how much the government doesn’t know about who is entering the U.S. illegally and what threats they may pose. According to base officials, two Jordanian nationals drove a box truck up to the main gate, posing as Amazon delivery drivers earlier this month. They had no credentials and were denied entry but attempted to push through anyway. (KOMO)

Congress Seeks Answers to ‘Unprecedented Surge’ of Chinese Nationals Arriving at Border  |  So far in fiscal year 2024—which began Oct. 1—27,700 Chinese nationals have crossed the southern border. In fiscal year 2021, CBP only encountered 450 Chinese nationals at the southern border, but that number rose to 2,176 the following year, and then soared to 24,314 in fiscal year 2023. Encounters of Chinese nationals have also risen sharply at the northern border, increasing from 897 in fiscal year 2021 to over 7,000 in the first seven months of fiscal year 2024. (The Daily Signal)

Trevor Loudon is an author, speaker, filmmaker, and political commentator. Loudon is an expert on anti-communism and anti-socialism. Authored four books, three films, and host of “Counterpunch” on the Epoch Times, Mr. Trevor focuses on Christianity, Free Markets, and limited Government. Website:

Get Trevor’s newest book: House UnAmericans – 13 Congress Members Exposed!

Dr. Steve LaTulippe says the debate is a trap, but so is the entire laundry list of attacks against the America First President.

The debate is a trap, but so is the entire laundry list of attacks against the America First President. A CNN platform with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash hosting, no live audience, and other debate restrictions to be announced isn’t exactly a recipe for Trump’s success. Biden will be privy to every question designed to make Trump look bad. And Joe will be extensively coached on his necessarily terse answers.

Read the full article: The 2024 presidential debates will be Joe in the amber lion’s den

Dr. Steve LaTulippe is a physician board-certified in Family Medicine, a retired United States Air Force officer, an ordained minister, and author of the book, Unity Without Compromise. His show, Unity Without Compromise, airs on podcast networks worldwide.

Historian George McClellan says Americans are waiting for the shoe to drop!

What is it we are waiting for? Certainly not a shoe. Secretly, we’re waiting for the inevitable collapse of a once wonderful and powerful nation whose government, in the hands of complete nincompoops, shysters, and grifters, people with no demonstrable quality of statecraft, petit tyrants who lack the skills or intellectual acumen to govern except by diktat. Democrats have turned government into a personal weapon against their political enemies, specifically Donald Trump. Corrupt Democrats and Republicans, aka the Uniparty, have become the awful example of their own self-preservation and view the probable return of Donald Trump and his American-loving MAGA supporters as their greatest danger.

Read the full article: America in Turmoil! Here we are waiting for the shoe to drop

George McClellan is a Historian and Political Analyst with 43 years of experience in Law Enforcement and the US Naval Investigative Service.

As the deadline nears the end of this month, the WHO Treaty proposes a deadly biomedical threat to humanity – Dr. Peter Breggin puts it all in context.

The WHO treaty, coming to a vote shortly, is recommending a system of WHO Biolabs that pose an existential threat to life on Earth. May 27 through June 1, 2024, the legislative body of the World Health Organization (WHO), called the World Health Assembly, meets in Geneva, Switzerland. Although the details remain shrouded in mystery, the WHO plans on May 24, 2024, to hold a vote on two proposals that would vastly increase its power and its threatening relationships with all nations.

Read the full article: As deadline nears, the WHO Treaty proposes a deadly biomedical threat to humanity

Dr. Peter Breggin is the author of the explosive book Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We Are The Prey. Breggin has uncovered a worldwide web of global predators, including Anthony Fauci, multi-billionaires, America’s most powerful corporations, the government agencies NIH, CDC, FDA, and Communist China. Find out more at

As we head into the final half of this critical election year, it is imperative that we re-frame the debate. This is not a contest between Trump and Biden. Analyst Patricia Anthone says… It is a zero-sum contest between completely irreconcilable goals for the future of our nation.

What if a fresh-faced Marxist replaced Biden at or before the DNC convention this August? Would we recognize Marxism if it wore a pretty face? Even if both Biden and Trump were removed from the 2024 presidential race, we would still be facing a choice between Marxism and Ordered Liberty. The politics of personality tend to obscure that, don’t they? Communist ideology has had an uncontested foothold in education for a couple of generations now. Sound governance, peace, prosperity, opportunity, and progress have ceased to be universal benchmarks in the measure of good government. A great many have been indoctrinated to demand social upheaval for its own sake and believe that income inequality is an injustice.

Read the full article: It’s not about Trump vs. Biden, it’s about Marxism vs. America

Patricia Anthone is an Author, Activist, and Constitutional Conservative who analyzes political operatives and events against the backdrop of our Constitution.

On Viewpoint This Sunday, our goal is not just to report the facts and the news but to understand the core of the problem and offer resolutions that provide the path forward for lasting peace. Our distinguished panel of experts will provide the context to the current battle and the long-term consequences of this historic clash of good and evil. You will not hear this conversation anywhere in the mainstream media or otherwise political circles. Rate the program, leave a quick review, and subscribe to Viewpoint on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. Your voice for the fight forward – Malcolm.

May 19, 2024, at 10 am ET
Encore Presentation at 6 pm
Available on Podcast Networks after 3 pm


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