
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

July 3, 2024





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If the last two years have shown us anything, it’s the importance of keeping our liberties even if watching the erosion of the American fabric. All across the US, violators of the US Constitution are leading states down a dark pathway. Citizens are standing up, and politicians are getting a strong message. When the federal government issues any guidance, your governor can choose or refuse compliance. Pennsylvania was one of the states that chose compliance. In 2022, 36 governors will face voters for the decisions they made and are critical to the civil liberties of all Americans. In Pennsylvania, we will be getting a new governor. This election may determine the freedoms of all Pennsylvanians for generations to come.  

Pennsylvania has been both blessed and cursed; cursed by a totalitarian governor, Tom Wolf, at a pivotal point in history, but blessed by many good, freedom-respecting legislators. In 2021, Pennsylvania made history by passing a constitutional amendment that stripped the governor of many emergency powers in a distinct effort to undo some of the damage that flowed from poor policies.

Now, Pennsylvania will be attempting another amendment change in its “Declaration of Rights.”HB (House bill) 2013 will attempt to add Section 30, which gives all Pennsylvanians the right to medical freedom. This addition will allow an individual the right to refuse any medical procedure, treatment, injection, vaccine, or prophylactic intervention without question.

The rights of the individual would be upheld throughout the commonwealth. This comes at a crucial moment when people are losing their jobs because of employers requiring the covid-19 jab and the populace losing their bodily autonomy. This is no diminutive requirement being that the vaccine cannot be undone and has the largest adverse reaction rate amongst all vaccines combined. Sponsored by Representative Russ Diamond, 43 legislators, recognizing the need for such measures, have signed on as co-sponsors. This bill will have to go through the house and senate for two consecutive sessions before it is put to the vote for the public in May of 2023 or signed into law by the new governor.  

Another issue that Pennsylvania has faced is some legislators are unwilling to take a stand on covid policy issues. There are a few, though! SB (Senate bill) 471 is also on the floor right now, guaranteeing residents the ability to say no to the covid-19 vaccine without employer repercussions. Since the beginning, Senator Doug Mastriano has been on the frontlines of protecting Pennsylvanians, staying on top of medical freedom issues. Introducing a few protective bills, this bill is comprehensive in its ability to make sure a worker is not coerced into the jab, but also gets unemployment compensation should the person lose their job.

Senate leadership, Jake Corman, has been avoiding bringing this to vote despite widespread support. As Corman makes his rounds, running for governor and declaring his passion for setting things right, he has been a lame duck for the last two years for all citizens. Now is the time to get these legislators out who have proven to be of little use in a time of crisis and put the people in who have shown that they work for Pennsylvanians. Leadership needs to hear from people in order to get it onto the floor for a vote.  

The last bill to keep an eye on is Representative Dawn Keefer’s bill, HB1741. Doctors have expressed concern for the absence of the foundational patient-doctor relationship in the standard care for covid-19 treatment, but are unable to diverge from the current standard.

Over the last two years, doctors have been reported to licensing boards for using off-label prescriptions to help people suffering from covid-19. A common practice, off-label uses account for nearly 60% of prescribed medications. Yet, for covid-19, it seems to be banned. Other countries use a multifaceted approach with a death reduction of about 85%, yet US doctors are penalized.

Her bill would protect doctors and pharmacists alike. It would allow physicians and pharmacists to prescribe and dispense already FDA-approved drugs for off-label use in the treatment of coronavirus infections without penalty from licensing boards. This bill is a turning point for many doctors facing repercussions from simply wanting to do wants best for their patients.   

How can you help? Call your legislator and let them know you support these bills. Thank your legislator ⏤ if you are lucky enough to have one already taking action.


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2 years ago

Yes, you are right. But they threatened people which makes it even more of a criminal act and people succumbed to it and now their bodies IMO, are totally uckfed.

Next time, remember YOUR rights!

Reply to  Leethal
2 years ago

Agreed! All be it, the powers not only “threatened people”, but they in fact, enacted consequences on many standing-up for their personal freedoms. It was easier for me to say “not only no, but hell no” as I did not have major outstanding debt, but this was not true for many. I also had enough awareness to know that “something stunk” about this entire vaccination process. It was new technology, with a lack of data, and constant hammering with “It’s Safe and Effective”, it’s your Patriotic Duty, smears of being a non-vaxer, so on, and so on! My early unanswered questions and failed past 1968 governmental vaccine initiative in response to a proposed Flu H3N2 epidemic that never materialized and left many vaccine injured, a history of other governmental acts of harm to the public, all boosted my suspicions, which caused growing hesitancy, and ultimately “noncompliance”. So I discovered some of the doctors commonly on this site, and took their guidance. Thank God for all of them.

Help wanted
Help wanted
2 years ago

Give me liberty or death! You won’t kill me with a vaccine.

A Call for Honesty
A Call for Honesty
2 years ago

The best caring family doctors do not force their patients to take medicines unless absolutely necessary. Often patients only need advice and reassurance that their bodies are naturally responding to infections and overcoming these.

Reply to  A Call for Honesty
2 years ago

I do not agree with any doctor forcing medication on anyone. If an impartial “due-process” legal decision deemed a specific patient to be legally dangerous to others or self, and that person refused medications known to be efficacious, why couldn’t a court determine the least restrictive legal consequences “other than medication” necessary to protect those at risk? Then the patient can choose.

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